Feeling Cozy
I have a warm and cozy kitchen, it has sunflowers and rooster decor.
It's a feel good kinda kitchen.
Teapot is always ready to have a cup of tea.
Just turn it on and tea time.
My friend Missy just introduced me to my new favorite tea.
Irish Breakfast
She gave it to me with a lovely tea cup.
My friend Ava gave me a surprise Birthday Party
And I must say I was surprised!
I truly felt honored and loved.
Have you ever heard of the orphaned spirit?
Well I can tell you I will never feel that ever again!
Loving others and showing honor really pleases the Lord.
Feeling warm and cozy and loved it what our hearts cry out for.
I thank God for all those women God has given me to share my life with.
We must keep ourselves in the position to minister.
Atmosphere is really something we can do in our homes.
Creating an inviting place to rest and relax.
The kitchen is the heart of the home.
Blessings to all!