Fresh Steamed Broccoli...
The Power of Greens
Green is a powerful color, it stimulates life and energy.
We were born to enjoy the colors!
Green is vibrate and helps us feel alive.
After a long season of browns and browns, we desire color and life.
So many are feeling tired and worn out, and yes, we are busy but maybe we just
Need the change of added colors to our senses.
We can bring about these changes through the foods we are eating.
I have been enjoying a Raw Power Food called:
Perfect Food
RAW Organic Green Super Food
Bringing in even a new plant this time of year can help!
Adding a touch of bright colors such as buying a small bouquet of flowers,
Can cheer you quite a bit!
Surroundings can help us with how we are handling our emotions!
I try to do something every day that brings me pleasure and brings cheer
To my HOME and my HEART!
Putting even a pretty bowl filled with apples or oranges, on the table,
Can inspire you!.
I love to buy broccoli and to steam it till tender as shown above
Then I add a bit of Parmesan cheese on top and serve it.
Eat your Greens Dear Ones, because we need it so very much....