It really is the small things that make all things beautiful.
A smile and the nod of the head.
A gesture that speaks;
I see..
Seeing is so powerful
The intricate work done in earnest;
Who have they all done it for?
We are called to notice;
Small is really big
Small holds the details,
which is the key to all things beautiful.
There is a door that no man can shut!
It is the place where the details and truth live.
What is really important are the details that have taken residence
in your heart and memories.
Not one single tear drop has escaped the Fathers notice.
They glisten like crystal in the Fathers bottle.
He has carved my name in His hand...
We are all an artist weaving and creating,
Take time to notice the details
Take one single rain drop;
Focus on the rose petal and not the whole flower.
I spend much more time seeing the whole panoramic picture,
When I stop and take in the details,
I can see the little things that
I can see the little things that
Make up the whole!
Take notice when others make something really special;
When they put some effort into the details of a project or a celebration!
I think we can get so overwhelmed with the very large portion,
we miss the little things!
The word tells us everything will pass away except;
His word...
Not even one jot or tittle!
Take notice when others make something really special;
When they put some effort into the details of a project or a celebration!
I think we can get so overwhelmed with the very large portion,
we miss the little things!
The word tells us everything will pass away except;
His word...
Not even one jot or tittle!