Sunday, June 29, 2014

What About Bob...

What About Bob...

I am going to ask you today a very unasked question?
When you find yourself in a room of relatives you have not seen,
In over 10 years, do you feel like maybe you're all alone or way different?
Do you feel like you're on the outside looking in?

Well, I am going to make a statement on this very feeling!
"They may be the ones on the outside looking in!"
There is a depth and worth of every life.

But I know that we have a Father in Heaven that looks down upon us all!
He sees you!

But what about Bob?
We all have a Bob in our families and our lives!
Did you ever see that movie;
"What About Bob"

Life is tough, and so many have overwhelming hurts and troubles.
We can find ourselves feeling like this is our last chance;
As long as we have breath and life we can  have a fulfilling life.
There are truths in God's Word that will give us the next step!

In the movie the shrink wrote a book called;
"Baby Steps"

Firstly, we need to move in the right direction.
And start taking Baby Steps toward our destiny and future!

Take the step in faith!

Remember, we may at times have felt like Bob,
On the outside looking in!
So maybe the next time we are with a group of people
Look around and think;
And ask yourself
What about Bob...


  1. I've felt like Bob, on the outside looking in for some time in my church. I don't know what to do about it except give it to the Lord. I've always been one of the ones in leadership and I just don't know how to jump in again. All this happened while I was out so much with my mom and dad's illness and death. It's been three years and I'm still there. So need to serve, but don't know how. Went forward today to give that and so much to the Lord. I hope I really did. It's hard. Thank you for this timely message.

  2. Good reminder. I often have to remember this. Especially at church. Don't wait for someone to come sit by me or say 'hi'. They may be waiting for someone to do the same. Take some initiative and think of others, not just ourselves!

  3. I did like that movie! He seemed much wiser about life than the psychiatrist, didn't he?

  4. Indeed, Bob and Crazy Aunt Sally and Awful Uncle Harry (and EVERY family has at least one of each.)

    Could even be that we could be grateful to be on the outside looking in... just saying :)

  5. I think everyone has a bit of Bob in them :) the key is to realize that and be that love and light, gently revealing the True Light at the same time...

  6. I feel very blessed to have a large family who all love the Lord and have all been brought the same way as myself so even if we have seen each in years, we meet as old friends.

    Have a lovely week.

  7. Mom, that's so funny we just watched that movie last week with the kids. LOL I am glad to hear that you guys are seeing family but I do understand that feeling. Miss you guys!! See you in 2 months

  8. I love it Rox… yes, we have asked that question to each other on many occasion and have meant it literally and hypothetically haven't we? I understand the feeling of being on the outside looking in… I have felt it more that I would like… still feel it at times. I feel a great compassion for people who feel on the outside, longing to draw them in.
    Love ya Rox,
    See you soon,


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