Red October...
I was reminded of that movie and wondered about the
Deeper and true meaning of what was happening in this movie.
Red October...
I was reminded of that movie and wondered about the
Deeper and true meaning of what was happening in this movie.
There's A Bad Moon Rising
We were just overwhelmed with the Full Moons intensity recently.
There is a sense that has had me very quiet in the last few months.
Some call it the Political Sphere;
Some call it the End Days
Some call it Fear Mongering
Some call it Evil
Some call it Persecution
Some call it...
Whatever you may think of these days we are experiencing;
The bottom line is this,
"A Bad Moon Is Rising"
This (Thing) is trying to control us.
The (Thing) wants to destroy us.
This (Thing) wants to kill us.
You must of heard somewhere on the internet or news,
That they want to get rid of 90% of the world's population.
Now, that must make you feel warm and cozy deep down! (NOT)...
I heard that Halloween is the second most celebrated season in our country!
All of this makes me want to follow even more the ancient pathways that the
Lord has given us to follow!
There is a plague of death everywhere.
From movies to songs to tattoos, to decorations and jewelry.
So I just wanted to say this, I have nothing in common with what
Is going on in our society.
I want nothing to do with the evil that is being spun on social media.
Or our news stations, or the political bashing.
What was once the agencies that were put in place to protect us?;!
Is now what is being used against anyone who tries to think or speak,
Outside the narrator that is being woven in the minds and hearts of many!
Can you be so easily deceived?
Can you not discern between evil and good?
So, I will say this dear one's, I will continue blogging for those of us
That are like minded and yet are not oblivious of the onslaught.
We will not be overcome by evil!
We will overcome evil with good!
But, Look-Up for your redemption draweth nigh.
Please forgive me for not posting or writing as often,
But I think we can all relate to the facts before us.
Time is so valuable!
And time is accelerating!
So be mindful of what you deem is valuable!
If there ever was a time to give 10% of your time to the Lord;
~The Time Is Now~
Blessings, to those that have read my Blog postings these last 10 years.
Blessings, to those who desire to know the Truth.
Blessings, to those who pray for the Fathers Will To Be Done...
Always, Roxy
Potatoes In Your Pantry
Hopefully you're all very busy stocking your pantry.
Potatoes are a staple in my pantry.
But they have become very high priced.
I have bought shredded frozen Hash browns and then dehydrated them.
My daughter told me to buy the canned ones, as they are easy to fry up,
And to use them in soups or a small batch of potato salad.
Also purchased dried flaked potatoes for mashed taters.
If you have not started your stocking up, I am afraid you will
Be paying a much higher price, so don't wait any longer!
The potatoes were almost 12.00 dollars a 5lb. bag!!
I will check our local Farmers Market today.
I have pressured canned potatoes many years ago when prices were high.
I think I may be putting some up again.
Do what you can ladies to feel the wonderful feeling of
Putting up the harvest or bounty.
Do you have a dehydrator?
This little machine is a work horse for
Putting up a long term vegetable's.
It's really easy if you buy frozen ones, then put in the dehydrator,
~I have done frozen bags of these items so far~
Peas, Shredded potato, spinach, onions. green beans,
Carrots, mixed vegetables!
Going to get some frozen Kale for soups later to dehydrate.
As you do not have to blanch them.
Then I place them in a glass jar and vacuum seal them for the long term.
But if you just want them for your daily cooking just keep
In a cool, dark pantry and use in soups and stews.
They rehydrate really well, Just place some in a boil and add some hot water.
What are you doing to combat high food prices?
Buy on sale...
Buy in bulk...
Buy at least 5 of everything when shopping of even one item...
Build up your Pantry...
Get creative...
Everyone can do something...
I have been so busy putting food for my Family
May you see and Feel the URGENCY also...
As always Living From Glory To Glory
Pray for Our Country
Prepare For Hard Times
Is Fun working on Your Pantry...
Tell me are your eyes open or are you still sleeping?
Hugs Roxy
Beans, And More Beans...
Stocking Up On Foods For Your Family
Preparing for what has been planned;
Can you even imagine having to be rationed?
We have lived in the land of plenty!
We were assured of grain, because of the breadbasket of our nation,
It thrived and was given seed and water and fertilizer.
But we are now seeing shortages
But, after reading and talking to many people;
The consensus is the shortages have not even begun!
So, I write this post pleading with the ladies that have been,
Reading about what is going on in the world.
Will start preparing or continue for hardships!
The term being a Prepper has a whole new meaning for many!
I am going to start with a few basic ideas and a few tips I have learned!
I always think of the scripture
Strength and dignity are her clothing,
She laughs at the days to come!
Proverbs 31:25
"Firstly, God is our provider, He takes care of His Own"
Start with the basic's...
What are they?
Food and Water
Let's start with what everyone can afford to do;
Use your creative cooking skills and have the directions on how to cook them!
Write down some recipes or ideas in how to use them!
Black Eye Peas
Northern Beans
Lima Beans
Black beans
Pinto Beans
Split Peas
Garbanzo Beans
Try to put back canned beans and dried beans!
The canned beans need to be stored in a cool dark place!
(They will last for 10-20 years)
Those expiration dates are for the government;
Always check the structure of each can before putting in your cart!
Any dents, or squishy top is compromised!
Must be in perfect condition.
Buy the Store Brand Name, usually cheaper!
Place your dry beans in the original package
In a glass jar or a sturdy tin or tub.
Every time you go to the store, you should
Purchase a dry or can bean until you have at least a months worth!
TIP: Find a place in your home to start your Food Storage!
Clean it it out and organize what you may already have.
Do not throw out expired foods, if you were really hungry
You would eat and be grateful!
TIP: Dispose of cans that are dented, rusty or bulging.
If you open it and smells off, dispose of it!
Remember beans are a staple and so frugal and delicious!
How many days worth of good protein and fiber do you have?
As Always; Living From Glory To Glory
Time To Stock Up And Put Back
I heard a gentleman a few years back speaking on
Investing your monies.
I have found myself thinking about what he said.
He explained how the market worked;
But when he said your purchasing power was best used by
Buying foods and items that would continue to rise in price.
Greetings to so many out there;
We took a trip and traveled to many places.
I came back with an awareness that I didn't have before.
Sometimes when you live in a small town, and don't get out much,
You may not see how much our America has changed!
Most the people we saw and chatted with were keenly
Aware of the changes in their lives and their cities.
When we arrived back home,
we both felt we needed to be more
Make a plan!!
Buy what you will cook or prepare and enjoy eating first!
Then put back food staples.
Be mindful and prayerful!!
The shifting has started and I believe rough times may be ahead!
I am not an alarmist, but a practical wise woman!
Get busy
Prices are rising weekly
Many are warning of shortages
Watch for sales at your market!
Look at bags of self-rising flour, they were very inexpensive
Compared to regular flour!
Shall I say more on this subject?
Blessings, Roxy
We are so blessed to be able to enjoy what is real...
Don't be fooled by lies promoted by so many times to dull your senses!
The sky can have many different colors;
After a rain storm, or a storm moving in.
And when the sun is rising in the early morning!
Or when the sun is setting in the west.
But ultimately we will all know the sky is Blue.
True nature will not change!
The blossoms on a fruit or flowering tree will smell sweet.
The true fragrance can not be denied.
Don't walk around in a cloud or a haze of indifference.
I always have loved being convinced in my own heart of what scripture says,
About everything...
If you study the real artifact or painting, you will be able to
spot the imposter or fake one. But even in that there are such
perfect imposters if it were possible you could be fooled.
But I choose to believe that all the lies and deceptions will be exposed!
Some have even tried to take a Rainbow and make it to represent
something other than a symbol of God's promise to never allow the Earth
To be destroyed by a flood ever again!
Stand On The Promises Of God Your Savior...
blessings, Roxy
Pretty In Blue
A pretty simple blue bowl can make me happy!
I have learned to stop allowing the weirdness of this culture and world;
To make my life miserable!
We must live with purpose and impact!
There are more plots to destroy your peace than ever before!
But just ignore most the chatter and get busy living!
Is there ever a day that goes by that you were not able to do something?
It truly will be the little things that bring comfort!
Do not give up the fight to be at peace and keeping your home a refuge!
My advice to you today will be to be mindful of being frugal!
Do those little remakes and upcycle of your goods!
Spray painting my outdoor decor and painting little wooden items!
Go through your drawers and cupboards and rearrange some of your decor.
~Do not allow yourself to become weary in doing good~
Refuse to be a part of the woke weirdness,
Be strong and courageous in your homemaking and family.
Keep your haven clean and tidy.
Turn off what brings disturbance to your mind or heart!
You can learn to be content and rich with really very simple living!
Many women are still holding their post!
Just don't survive; But overcome...
Keep your heart tender and strengthen your hands!
Always dear Ones, Kindred spirits...
Hugs, Living From Glory To Glory
I love these flowers called Blue FlaxI do hope you are enjoying the flowers blooming everywhere!
Remember to stop and smell the Roses...
I am a woman saved by grace, and washed In His blood. I am running my race He has set before me. I long to spend time in His word to study to show myself approved. Click Here to Read my Bio
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