Thursday, October 4, 2012

Boots In The Lord's Army

The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord.
and he delights in his way.
Psalms 37:23
I love this scripture, it fills me with great peace,
and comfort.
Our Father has an amazing journey,
planned for each one of us.
We must keep our hearts focused and diligent.
Be careful to stay on His path.
For He is faithful
Our part is to keep our lives free from the distractions,
so we will be able to run our race.
As the Holy Spirit directs our steps.
Keep your boots strapped on dear ones,
possible rocky trails ahead.
Watch for large rocks,and pot holes.
Keep your eyes opened for bandits.
Just never ever give up!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Granchildren Our Inheritance

Our precious one!
Here is a sweet picture of our 7th grandchild.
His name is David 
He is 4 months old now.
I have yet to hold him in my arms,
For he lives far away from his Grandma and Papa.
He looks so much like his Momma when she was but a baby.
I know that there are many Grandma's who know the heartache
of having their precious grandchildren so far away.
But we as parents all know it it part of our job,
to raise our children to have roots.
Bur also to have wings to go wherever the Lord
leads them.
Blessings, Roxy

Monday, October 1, 2012

Unique Days

Live this Day Abundantly
All of our days kinda line up just like this row,
of pumpkins.
They all look alike, but they are all very different.
Look more closely!
May you see all there is to see.
From the rising of the sun, to it's setting in the west.
May the light of Gods word, be illuminated
for you.
Make sure you have enough oil in your lamps,
for today's journey.
May you go about doing,all there is to do.
And in this doing may it all be for
God's glory.
So as the sun sets in the west you will hear,
Well done good and faithful servant.
The wise virgin took oil in their vessels with their lamps.
Matthew 25:4
Blessings, Roxy

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Aprons And More

Why I love My Aprons
Have you ever just made a wee bite to eat, and
looked down to discover food splattered all
over your nice clean clothes.
I can remember the first time this happened when it just crushed me.
It was Thanksgiving Day,
and I was mixing the gravy and it splattered all over
my brand new top.
Now, my hubby sweetly said why didn't you put  an
apron on??
LIKE ,I don't have ONE!!
Days after a ruined shirt never to be worn again.
I did find an old apron made by my hubbies sister in home economics class
many moons ago.  So I used it as my pattern...
Now, I have many lovely different fabrics, a few different patters,
but the principle is still the principle.
Why I love my aprons.
More on aprons to come.
Blessings, Roxy

Thursday, September 27, 2012

The Invisible Man...

A Little Boy In A Tree, Living From Glory To Glory Blog
Seeing dimly?
Sometimes we only see what we want to see.
Other times we only see the shadow of what is there.
I have been praying for my eyes to be opened,
I want to see what God is doing!
One of the things I have noticed all around me is the way people just feel invisible,
they look sad.  And look stressed out, worried, agitated.
Like this world has not been kind to them.
So I have asked myself if I would take the time and smile or nod my head,
to those I pass in my journey this day.
People are feeling lonely and lost!
Let us who know the truth, be the light that can expose the shadow.
The shadow is the fear and loneliness, it seeks ti kill steal and destroy.
So shine on, Be the light!
Try this experiment:
The next time you're out and you see the downcast or hurt,
smile and say hello or just smile...
Do not give people the impression that they are invisible, by not seeing them!
Blessings, Roxy
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