Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The Battle Cry, What Does It Sound Like...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog

We must redeem the time for the days are evil. Oh Lord, hear our battle cry, for you have won the battle for us. But we must maintain our land, the borders He has placed us in. A sweet and pleasant place (OUR HOMES). Scripture tells us how to redeem the time. Be careful then how you live- not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity!! Ephesians5:15-16

What does the battle cry sound like? It is the sound of your own voice saying what God's word says about you and who you are in the battle. A royal daughter of the most high King.

Time, it can slip away and at the day's end you may ask where did it go?
  I say no more, for my days are numbered and in His hand. I have made a decision to take back what the enemy has stolen. 
"My time" First of all give the Lord the tithe of your day and He will expand the rest of it.
  Be wise in what choices you make on how to spend your hours, and the moments even the seconds.

The Lord has shown me to live in the moment at the time I am in the "NOW."
  Don't stress over tomorrow or what I want to do next. Rather, take pleasure in each moment take captive of your senses see what the Lord has given you. 
We miss so much by not seeing with our spiritual eyes, there is also so much beauty that our natural eyes can even behold, if we will only take the moments we are given.
  Tell the little ones around you how much you love them and then really watch in awesome wonder what the Lord has done. Then take stock of all the gifts of people God has placed in your lives.

Your TIME will multiply when YOU become content!! 
With Godly contentment is great gain!


  1. Oh thank you so much Roxy, I love your post today. You wrote what I have been feeling and needing to hear. I want to read this several times just to digest it.

  2. I love it "with Godly contentment there is great gain". Just what my spirit was needing to hear. Thank you Roxy :)


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