Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Hearing God's Voice...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Hello Lovelies,

I want to start with the fact God is not finished with me yet! It has been a month of getting things in order and WORK. Painting our home outside, it looks so nice.
We chose Pony Tail as the color and a real nice hunter green for the trim. With all our red accent pieces of furniture it looks real country and has a sense of coziness. The guys have made one trip down to the river bottom to cut firewood. I started teaching a women's Bible study on Tuesday. We have a women's conference this week-end.

I have spent much time just praying and asking of the Lord and waiting on Him. Here are some special words, words that I thought of, but I would love to share them with my sisters in Christ. I am yours, you are mine
My beautiful bride of Christ
Flow as you wear my robe of righteousness
Laughter makes you lovely
Let My gems adorn you, His Word
I asked the Lord the other day, Lord what time is it? I continued my reading and just being in His presence, I asked again Lord what time is it? Pray and rest in the quiet.
Once again, I ask the Lord what time is it? He said (Be Ready)

Dress yourself with what He provides, His Glory looks rather lovely upon His Bride. My life is not just what I see and do, but rather what I hear my Father speaking in His Word. It is not just where I go, but rather where the Holy Spirit leads me. I have sensed a flow and its becoming easier to just step into it. But also the battle has intensified!
Gird up girls and prepare yourselves, for He has trained us for such a time as this. We will be overcomers, but we must be steadfast and resist the enemy!

I believe it is now time to learn to hear God's voice as we read the Word Obey His Words. He has said my sheep hear My voice!

Blessings, Living From Glory To Glory


  1. Oh Roxy, I have missed you and your posts!

    This was so refreshing....

    Thank you for sharing with us. I check your blog almost every day! :P So happy to find you were on today, much love.


  2. Oh, thanks so much Roxy, I just love reading what's on your heart. I have missed you too. That was such a awesome post. It was so refreshing and renewing. I feel what the Lord is saying also. I feel like he wants us to know his voice more and more. The days are getting faster.

    Thanks again Roxy.
    Love Marie


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!

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