Monday, October 12, 2009

Kingdom Keys, Using His Authority...

Feeling Like Someone Is Up To No Good!
It  does not matter what our size is big or small, 
we have been given a position and authority
to not feel like we are bait for the enemy.

We have been given keys to help in times of being in danger or over powered. 
There are times I ask myself what is the key to unlock this door of problems.
 He is willing to help us!
We just forget to ask Him.
Yet, here is what we will do when we lose something;

 How many times have you lost your keys, and then asked the Lord,
 please show me where I left my keys? 
And then you look in the same place that you looked before and there they are!

The Lord wants us to ask Him about even the little things!

Instead of always thinking the enemy is harassing me:
I now say, Lord help me!
 and look at these little trials as building endurance and patience.

A key is something that allows us entrance into somewhere;
So use the truths in God's word to help you get through those
little annoyance that makes us so frustrated.

Blessings, Roxy

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