Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Summer Heat


Heat index in triple digits!
Global warming?
Drought in the breadbasket!

No rain
Fires burning!
High winds!

OK enough of the bad news.
Now there telling us about the increase in food prices.
Corn crops fail.
(Were gonna wish corn syrup was good for ya)
The price of meat will skyrocket by the new year 2013

OK enough of the bad news.
Have you seen the price increase at your local Wally world?
Shucks makes ya wanna take up your grass and plant
ya a garden.
Hey were not stupid we can read the signs of the times.
Buckle up people!

It could be way worst this time next year, plan ahead for the practical
things you can do now!

The women described in Proverbs says's she laughs at the days to come for she has made herself ready (prepared)

The Good News
God has everything under control.
Ask Him to show you what to do for hard times coming.
For they will come.

Blessings Roxy


  1. Oh I feel your pain. It has been so hot in Missouri. I am so ready for Fall.
    I will be heading out your way next month. I have a ladies retreat in Denver. I am so looking forward to it. Hope you cool down before I get there~te he!
    I get altitude sickness each time I come but I am praying I won't this time.
    Happy Labor Day~

  2. For they are a coming but God is in control! Just take it day by day. Blessings!


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