Monday, June 1, 2015

Why We Must Guide Our Homes And Being Mothers Who Fight The Good Fight...


Why My Mother's Love Inspired Me...

A force so strong, yet the world tells us it's just a glob;
Abort this ball and chain you will never be free to do as you please.

I can't afford this now...
Pain and sorry surrounds so many pregnancies.

My Mother was placed in an orphanage as a young child,
She was adopted and I am sure it was not easy for her!

But one thing I can be assured of she was going to keep
Every baby that she had...

When we lay down our lives and work and stay strong to keep
our children close and safe it what real love looks like!

Don't be fooled by the words of someone that might tell you
~ I Love You~

Love is a verb and requires action...
Staying the course when all run away or strays from the narrow path.

Being a protective shelter from the elements of this world is so needed!

Laying down your life for your marriage
Laying down your life for children
Laying down your life for truth

Don't lay down like a doormat and allow others to walk all over you;
Rather, take up your mat and walk through the door of your home;
And begin to put things that may be out of order in its rightful place.

We are building a kingdom that will resemble a holy city
~A Holy City Set On A Hill~

Those women that have it really tough;
No husbands, no working skills,
Only a deep down abiding faith that she is worth something
~Not believing the lie that she would never amount to a hill of beans~

Do we as parents do everything right?
(Well, you know the answer to that--- NO)
But if you are doing the best you can do, God will honor that...

Dear Ones, if you are working and struggling to just get by too,
Take care of your children, I applaud you!
From the bottom of my heart...

Don't ever give up...
All the work and sacrifice is worth it!
I know this to be true---

I am here because she kept me and all my siblings
She even mourned those who were never allowed to come to full term.

Here is for June Brides
June Birthdays
June Love
June Flowers
And lastly June Bugs...

We are all just trying to work out all the Bugs in this journey called life.

Thanks For being a good Mother!

~Your Inheritance~

Where we give praise, others are honored!
Mothers And Fathers and Sisters and Brothers...

Are you willing to lay down your life and agenda for those given to you?


  1. I never had the privilege of being a mother. I have thanked God for the stepchildren He has allowed me to be a part of their lives though, and love their children as though they were my own. I applaud the single mom - her job is tough.
    My mom was a June bride and wore a dress very similar to the one your mom is wearing in that photo. I was blessed with a very godly mother who is with Jesus now.

  2. I have a friend who recently recorded a new song, Thank God for Praying Women. It spoke of a mother with her Bible open and prayers being prayed. God honors the children of the mothers who honor Him. Thanks always for the inspirational thoughts.


  3. Dearest Roxy, what a precious heartfelt post written with genuine love and sweet kindness! Your mom is so beautiful {I now see where your beauty comes from :)}.

    You have written such true and inspiring words, my friend. Words that will stay with me this evening as I ponder and think upon them. Thank you so much for sharing with Roses of Inspiration. Have a blessed evening! Hugs!

  4. What a beautiful post and tribute to your dear mother, Roxy! So thankful you stopped by my blog and left sweet encouragement behind today, so we could reconnect! It has been a while, but I do remember "meeting" you, at some point in the past. :) I cannot thank you enough for teaching me how to fix that hideous problem on my blog!!! It worked perfectly!! The only thing is I ended up deleting the videos, so I went ahead and left this particular post alone, but I will tuck this info. away for future reference. Thank you from the bottom of my heart! God bless you, sweet friend. :)

  5. Beautiful Roxy. What a sweet Mother God blessed you with. She is a beauty, just like her daughter.
    Hugs from Shirley

  6. It is an important job we have... what a blessing that God equips us to do it... and leads us through it. Such a huge and precious responsibility.

  7. What a sweet and encouraging post Roxy! Thank you for sharing this on the Art of Home-Making Monday! :)

  8. What a beautiful post. I jus found your blog an enjoy reading it again and again. Thanks for being an inspiration.

  9. What a mom, what an example, what an inspiration. Thank you for complimenting and inspiring all good mothers today, Roxy dear.

    Hugs and highways,

  10. Oh Roxy,
    Your mother is a beauty, and you certainly take after her. What a lovely, heartwarming post you wrote as a tribute to honor your mother. I especially loved seeing her sweet. You have such a way with words and I so appreciate your posts. Hugs and blessings!

  11. A beautiful post. Mothers are wonderful! Thank you so much for sharing. ~Sarah (visiting from Radical Femininity)

  12. You must take after your mom, Roxy. A woman after God's own heart. You've written a lovely tribute to your mom.
    Love to you, dear friend.

  13. I just love this, Roxy. Mothers are so important. We must not believe the lies of Satan that we aren't. So glad you had a good mother who believed in life & kept her sweet babies.

  14. Aww Rox, this one made me cry too.. and miss my Mom. Your Mama was pretty. I love her very much, because she gave me you. Have a great week.

  15. I love that photo of your mama! :) I love how you labeled all of the children her inheritance! Soo true and sweet! :)

  16. This is a wonderful post! Your mother is beautiful.


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