Friday, January 27, 2023

Cooking and Baking And Cleaning For Jesus...

Organic Strawberry Jam, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

~Strawberry Jam~

Little Things Can Change The Home...

Discouragement is a tool of the devil...

Keeping your kitchen, cozy, clean and smelling delicious;

Is a ministry to yourself and others!

Cooking Is A Blessing To All, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Keep the stove HOT!

I see many women who are not growing in their journey.

Our homes and relationships are not functioning very well!

There has been such emotional stress in these last few years.

Many have become weary and tired and a bit bored.

May I say this to you today as I have just experienced this myself.

We must take stock of where we are and why!

We must find our happy place that is filled with purpose and joy.

Self reflection can be very healthy as long as we don't look

at just the negative stuff.

We are always having to push and revamp our hearts and homes.

We can even get discouraged just being on all the social media.


Because we are all different and in different seasons of life.

You must take each day and do something inspiring or creative.

We must show kindness and affection!

I am getting up a little earlier to do my Bible Study and prayer.

And making a plan to do something within my home!

I plan to change out my tablecloth in the kitchen!

I have been in the process of making up a sourdough starter this last week.

It has been interesting watching videos and talking to others about it.

It smells wonderful, I plan on making some pancakes for breakfast today.

Also want to try my hand at some English muffins.

Make an easy meal for dinner tonight!

Make your meals with simple ingredients.

I hope to share a few things I am doing around the Estate.

This is the home God gave me!

May I glorify God in what I set my hand to!

I am tired of allowing the ungodly to dictate my life or joy I feel.

Everything we do has value when we do it with the right attitude and heart!

Lord Of All Pots And Pans

Lord of all pots and pans and things,Since I have no time to be

A Saint by doing lovely things

Or watch late with Thee,

Or dreaming in the dawnlight

Or storming heavens gates,

Make me a saint by getting meals

And washing up the plates.

Thou who didst love to give men food

In room or by the sea,

Accept this service that I do--

I do it unto Thee.

Author Unknown

Cooking and cleaning unto the Lord...

Blessings To Each Of You Sweet Sisters!!

I do hope you feel encouraged and ready to do 

Something that brings you peace and contentment!

Hugs, Roxy

~God is our refuge and strength~


  1. I truly loved your post today. I am so with you!! I love my home and especially my kitchen. It where I pitch my tent every day. I've been doing some gournet cooking lately after watching a lot of Jene Piere videos. It is fun to watch and makes it some simple and looks so professional. He always says a child could do this. Yesterday I made "Clarified Butter". I had no idea what that was before watching the show. You can cook anything in it an it won't burn.
    I love my quiet time at the start of my day. I light my candels, read and pray and work on my memory verses. Later in the day I work on my Tuesday Morning Bible Study lessons. And my honor and joy is being the caregiver to my frail dearest!
    Life is good God is to be glorified in all we do, and especially in our homes.
    Thank your insight and inspiration.
    I'll take one of those pancakes with that strawberry jam!!

  2. What a refreshing post. Thanks, Roxy. ❤️

  3. It's always encouraging to stop by ! You have a gift in the words you write. I'm sure your house smells wonderful after making that Jam! Blessings to you ~ Linda

  4. Yes, when the seeming drudgery of housekeeping tries to take us down we need to remember why we are doing what we do. Just little changes to our environment help to dispel any boredom. For me I'm changing up my book shelves to look a bit more interesting. I have turtle beans just out of the canner and their happy pings cheer the room. I love that you are making sourdough things. I find it so useful and interesting to create with. I do love sourdough english muffins! Keeping the stove hot is something I love to do...but then need to remember to let it cool enough to give it a proper cleaning. :) I hope you have a wonderful day!


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!

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