Monday, March 24, 2025

The Afterwards...


The Hourglass of time, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Not until afterwards, will you see it.

We all know hindsight is 20/20

But really it is God working in your life

Every single moment, hour and day in your life span.

In the divine providence of Gods plan;

(I love that word Providence)

In your life, nothing happens in a moment too soon or late.

What comfort and peace we can have if we will just

rest in His timing and know the hourglass is flowing.

Everything comes in it's own time...

God's clock is like the Grandfather clock that stands

in the hallway of time.

On the hour and the half-hour it lets you know;

Time is going around and around,

Every tick-tock fits into the space of God's providence!

~We do not see the providence until afterwards~

Not until afterward, will see that all the disappointments,

the hardships the loses and the infirmities and struggles.

Are all part of God's plan or providence for your life.

Especially those that have hurt you,

 sorrows that about crushed you.

These are actually blessings from God.

Because he knows the end from the beginning.

Keep watching for the afterwards;

It can take years to see the afterwards,

And maybe not even until we reach the other side of heaven.

There really is no End...

Much love to all of you that watch and wait for the


Hugs Roxy


  1. 🙂Perfect, and thank you. I always need a reminder. Linda T

  2. Thank you.. I needed to read that today. ❤️

  3. Yes. Absolutely. Oh Roxy, these words speak to my heart.

    And thank you for visiting, and your comment is so appreciated.

  4. I found this quite encouraging, Roxy! Also shared it to my FB page. Everyone needs your wisdom :-)

  5. This is a comment from an unknown: I didn't want to not publish it, because I think we can all relate to her sentiment. I will revise it a bit!

    Unknown commented on "The Afterwards..."
    4 hours ago
    Great insights, however I still categorize the afterwards under "sh-t happens"

  6. A perfect post that is so encouraging. Blessings to you Roxy dear.

  7. Such an encouraging post. Life has been hectic here with Mom and I haven't even opened my laptop in weeks until today.
    Take care my friend.


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!

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