Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Puffs With Cream Made With LOVE...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog
Fresh Cream Puffs Right Out Of The Oven...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog
One of my most favorite desserts I remember as a child was my Mothers
Cream Puffs!

They are light and fluffy, yet filled with a cool rich custard or pudding.
You can make this real fancy or easy.
The shell is the secret and they can be made ahead as they last
Quite well, for a couple of days.

I usually make my own homemade pudding for these;
But as I said you can use a pudding mix.
Vanilla or Chocolate

But I must mention that these will taste like a dessert from a french restaurant
If you will take the time and whip up some fresh whip cream.
(Trust Me)

I went ahead and found a good link for you to be able to read and follow;
Because for the first time of making these I did not want to try to remember
All of the steps, and possibly leave one out!
As you all know we bake and cook most things without a recipe.
Don't you love the recipes that say a dash of this and a splash of that.
Or a dollop of this and best of all, do I whip it, beat it or crush it....
So Ladies click the link below and let this wonderful link
Fill in all the gaps and create the most amazing and delicious dessert ever!

Make a little LOVE!!

My Recipe For Cream Puffs

Bake at 400
For 30 minutes or until Puffed-Up and brown on top!
(Not soggy)
Makes about 10 to 12 Puffs

1 cup water-measure this accurately
1 stick butter
1/8 tsp salt
1 cup flour
4 large eggs

1. In saucepan, add water and butter and salt;
Bring to boiling, Quickly now add the flour
 All at once stir vigorously.
Reduce heat to low...
Cook and stir until mixture forms a ball of dough -about 1 minute.
Remove from heat, cool for 5-10 minutes.
Now add eggs-
You can either beat all eggs together in a bowl and add mixture all at once or
(I do it this way)
Add eggs, 1 at a time, beating each one well with a wooden spoon
This dough will be smooth, creamy and thick

Drop about 1/3 of a cup of dough onto an ungreased cookie sheet.
Bake in a hot oven that has been preheated, they take about 30 to32 minutes.
Once done baking, remove to a wire rack to cool.

Once you are ready to serve them you slice them in half or just the tops off;
Now, you can fill them with pudding or whipped cream.
Now add the top back on and garnish with powder sugar!
Only fill them before serving them as to not allow them to get soggy!

Also, you can make little ones for a party, just bake for a shorter time.

How To Make:
Homemade Vanilla Pudding

Ingredients needed:
2 cups milk
1/2 cup sugar
3 tablespoons of cornstarch
1/4 tsp salt
1-2 tsp. Vanilla extract
1 tablespoon of butter

In a medium saucepan that is slightly heavier;
Add 2 cups milk
Heat this milk until bubbles form at the edges;

Now add this mixture that you have mixed together in another bowl beforehand!
1/2 cup sugar
3 tablespoons of cornstarch
1/4 tsp salt

Pour this dry mixture into hot milk a little at a time
Stirring till all is dissolved.
Continue to cook and stir till mixture thickens enough to coat a the back of a metal spoon.
Do not boil...
Now Remove from heat and now add vanilla and butter
1-2 tsp vanilla
1 tablespoon of butter.
Stir till blended...

Place in a pretty bowl or custard cups,
Cover with a lid or plastic wrap and chill for Cream Puffs,
Or to eat as a dessert by itself.


Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Home Living and A book Written By Lydia Sherman

Little Pincushions, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...
" Sweet Strawberry Pincushions"
From a Dear Friend!
Her name is Lady Lydia; if you have been blogging for any length of time;
You may have heard of her Blog
 Called Home Living

Her Blog has one purpose;
Of Promoting the Home and Family;
She has been blogging about this subject, long before I even had a computer,
Or had ever heard of a Blog.
She has not swayed one bit on her calling and her purpose!
"Of Woman Guarding and Guiding the HOME!"
She also has written a book 

She made these sweet pincushions for me!
We both love to sew...
She is wise and has a strong commitment to what,
 God has called her to become.

I have really enjoyed these pin cushions, as they are a treasured gift from a Lovely Godly Woman.!
It is so important to be able to recognize a treasure when you receive one.
Thank You!

Why do we have to guard our homes?
(Is there a thief trying to steal from my HOME?)

Has the Feminism Agenda broken the hearts of Home keepers?
Or, Is there a revival in the land?
Calling of the Hearts of Women HOME...

May the HOME flourish in love and purpose!
May the Women of all ages come HOME.
The Younger Women need YOU!

"Keepers At Home"
Titus 2:5

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Sweeter Than Chocolate...

One thing we can count on this month is Chocolate!
I love the smell of chocolate,
I love the texture of it as it melts in your mouth.

They say that the dark chocolate is loaded with antioxidants!
The new super health food!

No doubt there are some of you out there who do not even like chocolate;
Oh well, we still can be friends...

 There are four basic food groups
Milk Chocolate
Dark Chocolate
White Chocolate
Chocolate Truffles.

As much as I love Chocolate, I have come to know that
We long for something to fill our empty voids at times.
Sometimes it is any kind of food or a sweet treat!
We have a need given to us by our creator,
And all the chocolate in the world will not fill it...

What we need is intimate.
We must be heard.
Our hearts must be safe.
Our longings must be met.

There is only one place I feel complete and full!
Sitting at my Savior's feet!

After I sit with Him awhile, I feel my strength and zeal return.
Our days and nights can drain your strength;
But He is the sweetest and living water!

I want to sit at His feet drink the cup from His hand
Lay back against Him and breath!
I want to feel His heart beat!

Give me, Jesus!

Thank You Lord for all the sweet blessings and favor;
 His words are sweeter and richer, than anything this world has to offer!

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Every Lady Can Become A Queen...


It is our children that are to rise up and call us blessed!
"Her Children arise and called her blessed"

Yet, you may just be in the early years of child training,

Or maybe you have not yet begun this amazing journey.

Or, you may be in the years of enjoying the fruit of your labors.
Anyone who has visited me before, knows that this is where I am in
My journey of being a Godly Woman, Wife, Mother and Grandmother.

Yet. I am still learning and growing, as we all should be doing!

Every Lady can and should pursue becoming;
The Queen of HER Home!

Every Home becomes a castle, when the Lady of the home knows how,
To manage her Home!

It does not matter the size of your home or if it is a rented place.
 It is where you live!
Home is where your Heart is...
Is your heart Home?
Maybe the Lord has been wooing you to come home;
The luring of the world and stuff has lost its luster.

One of the most wonderful challenges and callings of being a woman is in how,
We can help our Husbands to keep falling in love with us!

 I found this precious book many years back, and I so enjoyed it.
I believe in becoming that Queen of our Homes,

We must have the continual element of Love...

Love is not what we see in the movies, even though it can be portrayed quite well.
But rather a daily lifting and walking and a steadfastness that only,
A woman who has purposed in her heart too
 Love, honor and respect her Husband.

Firstly, my heart goes out to many women who have lost their husbands.
Or who have been divorced by their husbands.
I pray God will either restore your marriages or you will have
An extra portion of grace to still be the Queen of your Home.

But, we can and must treat our Husbands with Love and Honor!

Oh, and do not forget the meals prepared for HIM!

Friday, January 31, 2014

Charm School Needed In America...

Good Golly,
Where did all the fashion Police Go?
They are everywhere when you just one time do not get dressed for the day,
Or even think about running into town without getting ready
You tell yourself;
(But it is going to be just a quick trip into the store)
DO NOT....
I repeat, DO NOT think this is possible,
You will always run into that one person who is so put together,
You will think this is a conspiracy....

I think one of the most valuable things to do each and every morning is
Shower, and do your hair, put on something that looks clean and pretty!
Now, you will know that this is not your usual routine when
Your children see you and they ask you;
Mommy, is this Sunday?
Or, if they ask if they are going somewhere?

Making a habit of staying in your PJS for most the day is a bad idea!!
I was a Home school Mom for many years;
I even asked my children to dress and brush their teeth and wash their faces,
To teach them to be prepared for the day.
It is really all about training and making good habits. To look
Presentable and ready!

Come on Dear Ones, We must stop this downgrading of how we look
And carry ourselves, with some poise and charm!

Maybe we need some Charm Schooling to train and teach this next generation.
After all, so many women are not being a very good example;
And to you ladies out there who do try to look lovely

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

A Homemakers Buisness...

 This last Summer I had found an Etsy Shop that carried
Homemade ironing board covers.

Now, normally I would buy whatever cute design I could find
At either Target or other large chain stores.
But this time I was really looking for a very special pattern.
I could not find one single one!

You're now thinking REALLY;
There are times that just plain old plain old,
Just will not work!
Sometimes we need to find just the right one.

Well, I placed my order and was contacted promptly;
I received this very simple and cute packaged wrapped so inviting.
Here is her personnel tag attached to it!
I have never ordered anything from an Etsy Shop before.

I immediately removed my old one, and replaced it with this
Beautiful rose one!

If any of you sweet ladies have followed me very long,
You know how much I enjoy ironing.
So it might as well be a pretty ironing board!
"See everything does come up Roses"

I believe in being a homemaker and being HOME!
I also have seen how many women have used their creative talents,
That have been given to them, by the Lord for helping their households.
It is important to always support those women who have;
These cottage businesses, as they are being biblical, yet staying home.
We can help support them by purchasing their crafts they make,
 And the items they sell in their Etsy Stores,
Or when they sell them at craft fairs.

Do you buy items that you are looking for from an Etsy Shop?
Aprons, Unique Crafts and Gifts,
Cards and Candles and homemade Soaps and Lotions.
And in my case a one of a kind ironing board cover!

"She seeks wool and flax, And willingly works with her hands.
She makes linen garments and sells them, And supplies
Sashes for the merchants."
Proverbs 31: 13, 24

Visit my friend Cheryl's Blog and Etsy Shop at the link below;

Monday, January 27, 2014

A Homemakers Motto...

Remember Monday's Are Wash Day!
No, maybe it's Tuesdays!
Wait a minute, we are suppose to Wash on FREEZE Days!

Really lets all chip in and get this amazing homemaker a dryer.
She, is quite the trooper.

I did have a friend many moons ago that really did hang her clothes on the
Line in the winter time.

I am not sure if I can remember my Mother doing this.
But I do remember her hanging them on a clothes line in the basement.

This gives a whole new meaning to frozen STIFF.

We really have so many amazing modern and convenient appliances,
To help us Homemakers keep our homes clean and tidy,
Yet, I think we have had a real downturn in the training of keeping,
Our homes clean and inviting.

Remember Home Economics class in school?
Remember Mothers taught their daughters how to keep a home?
Remember when Mothers stayed home?
Remember the Donna Reed Show?
Remember when people cared what they looked like?
Remember when everything was NOT okay to do?

Some things may have changed, I will grant you that!

But believe me, I can say this with all my HEART;
There is no place like HOME...

So, Dear Ones,
Even if you have to go the extra mile and do an extra load,
Make keeping your home a priority,
A safe and cozy refuge from the worlds raging storms.

A Homemakers Motto:

Roses are Red
Violets are Blue
Your HOME is blessed because
Of You!

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Why Friendships Matter...

Why Friendships Matter!

One of the tactics of the enemy is to isolate us.
When we spend too much time alone and forsake the fellowshipping
Of our Sister's in Christ!

We are all given gifts so we can build and encourage one another.
We are even called to mentor and train the younger women.
And as we get older and have taken great care of our friends,
We will have a bond we will have into eternity.

Just having someone to take an interest in areas of our lives,
Help us to grow and mature.
I truly believe we can grow in our walks in Christ, through
Interaction of sweet friendships.

We are warned to not befriend the world;
But we are called to be our Brother's keeper!
(Sister's also)

Be wise as to the friends you choose Dear Ones!

I have always given this bit of advice to women;
When you  make a new friend, only share a wee bit of your heart.
Then you can watch and see her character, as how and what
She will do with it!

We need sweet friendships from the Lord.
I would rather have a few dear trusted sister's in Christ,
Then a room full of people who knew not my heart!

Honor the Women God has given you!
Do not take them for granted,
For they are treasures from the Father.

I believe Christ will ask us;
How well did you love others?

Friday, January 24, 2014

A Clean Fridge Will Save You Money...

Cleaning Out Your Fridge

Look, it's a tough job, but somebody has to do it!

Today I will be going to the store to do my bi-monthly shopping.
I have learned over many years that the simple act of cleaning out your
Refrigerator before shopping can and will save you money.

It is so refreshing and inspiring to come home with my groceries and
All the shelves are neat and clean and tidy.
I start with the top shelf and pull everything out from that shelf,
Then I wipe it off and reorganize it!
Every shelf is supposed to have its  own placement of each item.
Drinks on the top;
Eggs and my cheese on the second
Jams, relishes and capers and peanut butter etc.
You get the idea!

I have a shelf for just my leftovers as I know just where
To grab something for lunch or for my Hubby's lunch.
This alone saves me money, as we are not wasting them!

I have a rule in my Fridge
(After Four days, it's OUT, It goes in the chicken bowl!)
If you have ever had food poisoning??
You will understand the importance of this RULE!

After cleaning each shelf you can put a sheet of paper towel down
On the one that holds your vegetables and fruit.

Always put the meat that your defrosting in a bowl!!
(If you eat meat)
 After awhile everyone learns where certain things go,
It stops even me from standing there with the door opened looking
For the elusive item :)

A Clean Fridge Is a sign of a good homemaker!

Now, Don't get me wrong!
 My Fridge can get to be a mess pretty quickly!
So, this is why I make a point to clean it out before each time I go shopping.
I also think a clean Fridge inspires me to cook (Really!)

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

The Mommy Voice Will Hurt Your Marriage...

Using Your Mommy Voice!

One of the greatest hindrances for a good marriage is this;

Using your Mommy voice while speaking to you Husband!

It does not matter how long you have been married,
Or if you are newlyweds!
Evan if all your children are grown and gone with families of their own.
This one thing...
Can hurt your marriage deeply!

I remember my Hubby saying to me one time or TEN,
Don't talk to me like I am  a two year old!!

Okay, I was with my children all day long,
 So when Daddy would get home,
 I was still in the full Mommy mode.

Did you know they have an actual percentage of showing,
That 90% of all conflict is the TONE of your voice being used!

Could it be the MOMMY TONE??

We can emasculate our Husbands by speaking to them as if they were children.
I have been embarrassed as I have been in a crossfire of a family dispute.
A woman can sound so demeaning and haughty.

And DO NOT point your finger!
Oh, and get the hand OFF the hip!
(This is body language)
These actions speak pretty loud and clear.

So, Dear Ones, save the Mommy voice for training your children!
It is not our job to train our Husbands.

Haughty means;
 Too proud of oneself and too scornful of others.

When you hear yourself using The Mommy Voice!
While speaking with YOUR Husband (An Adult)
Apologize and tell him you are sorry,
Please do not speak to anyone as a child if they are not a child!
This is called common courtesy!
And it is wisdom!

Monday, January 20, 2014

How To Make Delicious Potato Latkes...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog, How to use leftover mashed potatoes

Potato Latkes

These are the very best tasting way to eat leftover Mashed potato's!
These are so good that when I plan on making and serving mashed potato's
I always make a few extra so I will have some leftovers!

So many of us are trying to be frugal these days, It is showing wisdom,
When we do not waste our food!
I try to ask myself, how many hours my sweet Hubby has to work?
To be able to purchase these items; 
Whether it is food or other things.

Everything costs somebody something!

So in lieu of inflation and being wise and frugal,
We can make a very simple and delicious meal from our potato leftovers.

There are so many variations to make these scrumptious cakes (Latkes)

Potato Latke's
Place your leftover mashed potato's in a bowl
Add 1 egg
1/2 onion, minced fine
Add any cooked meat you might have;
(Roast Beef, Chicken, Ham, or Bacon)
Chop it into bite size pieces and add it to the Potato's
Now add about 1/4 cup of flour into bowl
(As you need this to help hold them together)

Now get your large skillet and add some olive oil
And some butter,
Now, make as many little cakes as you can that will fit in your skillet.
Allow them to cook on medium heat so they brown well and cook up nicely!

I like to add a dollop of sour cream on top and serve!
A lovely combination is so have a crisped tossed salad along side it.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Special Valentines Preperations...

Preparing For A Special Valentine!

I was just thinking this morning that we should start giving some
The thought of doing something special for Valentines Day!

This can be something done any time before Valentines day!

It is important to take these special days and set aside
A special treat for those we love.

Firstly, for those who are married or have a sweetheart,
We can show them how much they mean to us.
Showing an expression of love is so important.
Buy or make them a card expressing how you feel;
And how much you appreciate them.

And we have so many other in our lives that it can be a
A very kind gesture of showing that you are fond of them.

Children love to get Valentines and candy also.
They really enjoy making cards for others.
Go to the Dollar store or a craft store and purchase
Some paper and stickers and create!

I also would encourage you ladies to have a special
Tea Party Planned for a few ladies or young ladies!

Once again this shows honor and favor to others.
When we have these times of social activities,
It's a safe place to learn and practice Hospitality!

Also, You can ask your Hubby if going out to dinner is an option?
And if it is not doable; plan again and make something ahead
For serving your family a fun and special dinner!

It is always about presentation:
Is Your Heart in it!

We are warned in the last days;
(That, the heart of many will grow cold.)

Dear Ones;
May we nurture and show love one to another!

Remember waiting to the last minute is not wise, put some thought into
Showing love and honor to others.

Remember the widows and the divcoreced!
Remember the broken Hearted!
Remember the lonely!
Remember those who are grieving!

Happy Valentines Day
Will You be mine?

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