Tuesday, June 3, 2014

These Shoes Do Not Fit...

This blog post is for any of you ladies that were coming to Link Up!

There is a very important factor in life I have learned, it is this!
You need to be doing what you were created for...
If I want to go hiking or hunting or go on a safari excursion.
I would wear a pair of boots very similar to these.

Cute wee little shoes!
They look so comfortable, I want to wear them;
But they are way too small for me.
No matter how hard I try I cannot comfortably wear them.

These are way more my style!
Cute, classy...
But wait, I am leery of heights!
These are perfect for someone,
Just not for me...

Just can not find a pair of shoes that will fit my style and purpose here!

Okay the point of this Blog post is I am trying to explain that,
I have decided to not continue my Link Up Party!
(I hope you all did not think I was going to quit my Blog...)

I am a bit of sentimental at times;
But I have sought wise counsel concerning this matter,
I believe because of the style and nature of the Blog God has given me.
I must be open to be able to post and write as I feel the leading.

I desire to grow a heart of wisdom and to use my energy and gifting,
In a forum that better suits me and my Hubby!

I enjoy joining other parties and linking to them!
But I feel the thing I desired most is not happening for me
Having my own party.
So with this all said, I am free to write and bless as
The Holy Spirit leads me!

I want to thank Jan,
 who created an amazing cute Link Party button for me!
 (I did save it just in case)  :o)

We have a couple vacation trips planned this summer!
But I will be taking my computer...

Here is where my little toes feel the best fit right now!

Right next to my sweet Grand Child's...

Please know I need to be able to comment and to visit my
Girlfriends and enjoy reading their blogs!
I have missed being able to do that!

So thanks for all you amazing ladies who linked up with me!
And supported this little adventure.
But I can't take the heat, so I better turn the air conditioning on.

PS... I just may have a surprise Link Up's with a special theme!!
Only those that visit regularly will know about them.

A Guest Blogger What An Honor...


Hello, I just wanted to invite you to come visit my friends Blog today!
Most of you will probably know her!
We have become good friends.
Please have a visit on her blog and wish her well!
Click HERE

Monday, June 2, 2014

God Uses The Lives Of Individuals...

God works those that stay close to God

God works through persons,
Through individual souls.

We might feel a sense of awe when we see the large committees.
The great organizations; Huge armies and big corporations.
Huge Churches and large families...

As we see these huge big majorities,
we can be made to become small. Insignificant.

I want to share a dynamic that has always humbled my heart;
God always works through the individual soul.
When men or women drift away from the Lord,
Then the individual man counts, but little
 and confidence
Is placed in big majorities and large majorities.

Remember the tower of Babel;
It was built by a huge national committee.
Who Said
"Let US build US a city and a tower"

Men are always depending on large!
But our history shows that God always uses the lives
of individuals!

We are in a good place as we seek strength and refuge under
His everlasting arms!

We can awake with His fresh dew upon our faces!
Take this time and season to restore what was lost.
Mobility that is confined, physical activity.
 And creativity that needs a jump start! 

God has and will continue to use you!
God secretly inspires some soul who will outwit the wise.

God will bring to pass and carry out all He has purposed.
In your life and the lives of those around you.
We are all living the dreams of the seed beds of those
Generations who have gone before us!
But each seed must grow and produce its own fruit!
Dear ones you are all a part of a divine plan...

God works through individual persons...

The body is made up of many different parts.

So we, being many, are one body in Christ,
and individually members of one another.
Romans 12:5

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Oreo And Milk Time...

The best day ever Oreos and milk

This is the best day ever...

I am so happy; I am celebrating!!
I feel like a heavy burden has been taken off my shoulders.
You know that feeling (Right)

When you made a decision to do something, and you realize;
You have made a bad choice,
Then by God's grace you turn and say I need to make a change.
Because this is not working for me!
I made a decision like that today;
I have decided to not do a Link Party on my blog any more!

I did learn a lot about the whole process, but I also became
Aware of the time frame it took, and saw myself becoming
Over burdened, and tired.
I have had a rough month!
You know the feeling (Right)

So now that the decision has been made;
The burden lifted...

It's Oreo And Milk Time...
It's the best day ever!

Friday, May 30, 2014

What Do You Have In Your Hand...

What do you have in your hand?

Do you ask this question?
What do I have in my hand...

I think it is a very important one,
We are given a portion each day as we awake,
Sometimes it is so small it feels like a single grain of salt.
Insignificant, tiny, no value.

The Lord has told us not to despise small beginnings;
"For who has despised the day of small beginnings (things)"
Zechariah 4:10

What do you have in your HAND?

I may have but a seed;
So plant it

I may have but a simple grain of salt;
Flavor your next bite of food

I may have a child's hand in mine;
Hold it tight and place a nugget in its palm

I may have a wadded up Kleenex filled with tears;
Lay it next to your night stand, as joy comes in the morning

I may have material and a button;
Sew a creation to bless someone

I may have a cup of flour and sugar;
Bake a cookie or cake and share it

Take what you have and ask God to bless it;
Multiplication comes from the Lord.

How can I have a ready hand?
How can I know what is in my hand?
Put your hand in His and just start opening and closing what is
Placed there, as long as it is a gift from above;
Use it...

Tell me, What is in your hand?

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Life and Our Memories & The Headwaters Of Missions...

Moments, And Minutes, then Days
Alas, the years have flown by...

I have watched my life as through a camera lens in my mind's eye!
As summer rolls in, we are entering another opportunity to create,
Something that holds a heart...
Life will leave imprints;
some will impart destiny and form paths for a life time.
Our Homes are the headwaters of missions;
Our children and grandchildren will be our missionaries.
To carry the gospel;

Use these everyday practical things to train them for missions;
Vacation Bible school
Love for the outdoors
Swimming, fishing, camping
Growing your own food (Future Farmers of America)
Make this summer count...

Ask your children these questions;
Does Mother pay more attention to her computer than you?
What do you remember that we did last summer?
What is the silliest and fun thing we have done together as a family?

There you have it ladies;
Out of the mouth of babes...

Mary Cassatt - The Child's Bath
This picture just melts my heart!

Rachel Jankovic says:
“It is easy to become discouraged, thinking that the work you are doing does not matter much.
 If you were really doing something for Christ you would be out there, somewhere else, doing it.
 Even if you have a great perspective on your role in the kingdom,
 it is easy to lose sight of it in the mismatched socks in the morning 
sickness, in the dirty dishes. It is easy to confuse intrigue with value,
 and begin viewing yourself as the least valuable part of the Church.
There are a number of ways in which mothers need to study their own roles,
 and begin to see them, not as boring and inconsequential,
 but as a home, the headwaters of missions.
At the very heart of the gospel is sacrifice,
 and there is perhaps no occupation in the world so intrinsically sacrificial as motherhood.
 Motherhood is a wonderful opportunity to live the gospel.
 They are your children, they are eternal souls, they are your
 mission field.”

Want to Read the rest of this click HERE
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