Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Transparency and Tempered Glass...


Being transparent...
We are in the times of every line being  blurred.
As a Christian Lady I want to be able to speak life and truth,
Yet hold to a standard of biblical womanhood!
You may as well  know for yourself how hard this might be!
God has called us to speak truth in love...

I want to be able to distinguish between being offended and when my heart is grieved.
This is not always easy!
One way for me to respond to a hurt or sorrow is to not respond immediately.
Words are powerful and we need to use them wisely!
We all have faults and areas where we struggle !
I have tried to practice and hold my words for at least a day
When I am dealing with matters of the heart.
The amount of time of waiting is not as important as practicing the holding!

I say this to address wounds and matters of the heart
Because we live in such a way that we are just reacting to our hurts and wounds
And not to the truth that must be revealed...

We are called to be the light which gives me a picture of a flame behind glass.
And this glass must be tempered glass so it will not break easily.
Yet we should  not be people of a plastic nature which can and will melt
When up close to the flame.
The truth that God reveals to me usually exposes a wound or a lie!
We must apply grace to ourselves and to others.
Do not be quick to lambaste someone!

A true Lady in Christ does all things well and she waits and trusts the one
Who is in control and making all things new!

Love will cover a multitude of sins!

And let us not be weary in well doing:
 for in due season we shall reap, (reward and fruits) if we faint not!
 Gal 6:9

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Hello Birdie...

Doves are a symbol of love and peace, and unity!

There are many seasons in a woman's life, 
and each one of these seasons are very special 
and unique.

 Even the seasons of springtime, harvest and winter all hold a
Very powerful purpose.
We really must have each one of these seasons to fulfill the process,
Which is being worked out in each of us!

I have stood in amazement of the power and impact I sense and feel
 In the newness of life.

 A new child born!
New green buds forming on the trees.
Spindly green shoots popping out of the hard dark ground!
The sweet little birds feverishly working to build a nest to lay their eggs.

If we really stopped to think about these things we take for granted,
They would really be called miracles...

May your cup always be full of His love and grace!
Embrace each new season of your life...

Monday, March 17, 2014

Irish Soda Bread, Quick and so Easy...


Irish Soda Bread

Serves 8


  • 3 1/2 cups all purpose flour
  • 2 tablespoons caraway seeds (optional)
  • 1 teaspoon baking-soda
  • 3/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1 1/2 cups (about) buttermilk


Preheat oven to 425°F. Lightly flour a baking sheet. Mix flour, caraway seeds, if using, baking soda and salt in large bowl. Mix in enough buttermilk to form moist clumps. Gather dough into ball. Turn out onto a lightly flour surfaced and knead just until dough holds together, about 1 minute. Shape dough into 6-inch-diameter by 2-inch-high round. Place on prepared baking sheet. Cut 1-inch-deep X across top of bread, extending almost to edges. Bake until bread is golden brown and sounds hollow when tapped on bottom, about 35 minutes. Transfer bread to rack and cool completely.

Update: I did preheat my oven, but turned it down to 350 degrees to bake it and it only took about 20 minutes.

I will be making this Irish Soda Bread Recipe tonight;
I have never liked raisins or caraway seeds in my bread.
I have finally found a link explaining that raisins were not in the original 
Soda Bread. 
Just Saying...

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Green Rolling Hills...

The Luck of the Irish...
I don't believe in luck, but rather God's favor and blessings!

Powerful and vast open land!
Windswept and green.
We all have roots in another land as we here in America, have
Our generations of past immigrants of a larger and wider world.
They came wanting more for themselves and their loved ones!
We all have a part of the bigger picture...

May our roots go deep!
Remember the brave men and women who traveled far to make a new life.
Home really is where your heart is!

Wonderful rich wool and a livelihood of many generations.

"A lovely Irish tea"

Tea and good fellowship bring us all together, no matter where we live.
(Irish Breakfast tea for me please)

We all have roots from another place!
As America has been the melting pot of the world.
I am just a bit concerned about what we might be melting into!

They have very pretty wildflowers in this green and lush land.
I long for to see these as I live in the dry land and as I type these
words we are still in a drought.
Please pray for rain!

We can celebrate the goodness of Ireland and all its rich traditions,
 An Irish Lady I am...
Happy St. Paddy's Day to all!

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Feeding The Sparrows and Building a Bird Feeder Stand...

Feeding the birds for my Hubby and myself is something we enjoy very much!

We have always fed the birds in the winter time.
 It was such a nice treat to have a much larger
 Bird feeder made by my Hubby and put right where we could
See the little birds eating every morning!

He used a railroad tie and put it down deep in the ground.
Then of course painted it red, as most my outdoor decor,
And the chairs are all a bright cherry red.

I think this color red is very cheerful and fun!

We did buy a new bird feeder and painted it red also.
I was so excited to come home  and to see this bird feeder stand
Already in the ground!

Living From Glory To Glory Blog
He then secured the new bird feeder on top of the stand.
He also found a vintage ice chest and placed it on the ground below,
Then he filled it with birdseed and added a metal cup to scoop out the seed.
It is nice because we have the feeder and food right there together.

 We live in the desert and the prairie where there is little or no water!
So we always have water available for the birds all year long.
Of course, my bird bath is painted red also.

 This is such a nice and meaningful gift that he made for me!
We both felt like we may be doing a small part, in helping the sparrows.
Jesus speaks about the wee little sparrows;
Maybe as we age, it is part of being used in the feeding and care of these
Birdies that the Lord speaks about!

Look at the birds of the air;
They do not sow or reap or store away in barns.
And yet your heavenly Father feeds them.
Matthew 6:26

Here is a really cute link for making little birdseed ornaments you can hang in a tree.

I remember how my Mother would tell us to throw the bits of string outside
In the spring time, as she told me the little birds would use it for their nest.

So I tell my grandchildren the same thing;
Even when I cut their hair, I tell them the birds will use it,
To line their nest to lay their eggs in the Spring time!

New Life and Blessings to each of you!


Thursday, March 13, 2014

Time For Company...

Make Time For Company Dear Ones!

Why is it important to have company in your home?
Firstly, it is biblical...
We want to please the Lord, so He has asked us to open your hearts,
And your HOME to bless and encourage others!

When you realize how refreshment comes you will understand why
 We should make it a priority to have company;
The scripture tells us this:
"Those that refresh others will themselves be refreshed"

Making a casserole and a salad is very easy!
Bread and butter are a staple!
Making it easy and simple or as elegant as you want as it is up to you.

Learn a couple of yummy, and filling casserole recipes.
This is a must for a homemaker...
Ask some of your Lady friends for a copy,
 Of their tried and true casserole recipes!

Pull out the table and decorate is for any season we might be in;
Find some pretty dishes and tableware that is pleasing to the eye;
Or when you see pretty paper plates and napkins,
 Buy them for a future get together. 

I have always enjoyed the motivation that comes with opening my home.
I enjoy inviting friends and our Church family to come for dinner.

So once you have set a date;
You start planning what you will serve;
And I always get to cleaning the home and getting things tidy and in order.
I get inspired and it is a blessing to make an atmosphere filled with love.
 And find it helps knowing
That I am serving others as Jesus served us!
Jesus was the greatest servant of all!

Take pleasure in it!
Do not stress over it, learn to be a good hostess;
As if you are relaxed it will show by you enjoying the company and the meal!

And if dinner really is to much for you or not in your budget,
Have them over for snacks and dessert

I would think trying to invite company at least every other month,
 Find a good time span that works for your family.
 The more you do this the more you will enjoy it!

And I have always seen the company leave refreshed and blessed!
And if they ask can I bring something tell them yes!

A generous person will prosper;
Whoever refreshes others will be refreshed
Proverbs 11:25

The NKJ version say's watered instead of refreshed;
I love the word picture so much,
 Because we all need to be watered and refreshed...

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Why We Should Support Early Marriage! You Can't Handle This...

I think we have a problem in this country;
We have parented our grown child's  life way past adulthood.
Now, I realize we have a culture where we have grown children who act and
Respond like a mere child;
See the problem?

Now, may I ask a question;
What is it that helps us mature and grow in wisdom?
Why having responsibility you say;
Maybe just having someone other than ourselves to take care of,
Might bring about growth.

I have seen many young couples who have married young,
Have a better rate of staying together.
Because it allows them to bond together and to grow.
They have a tenacity in a way that may look like this;
Everyone and everything is against us, so we will show them!
(Yes, this sounds like rebellion)
Maybe NOT...
I think scripture tells us to
Leave and CLEAVE!
What not to Mommy and Daddy?

We act like entering marriage is some sort of plague.
We always respond when our children reach 18 or 19 like,
They are way too young to marry.

I have heard stories of how Men act like boys, well past the time,
That they should be taking a wife.
They would much rather stay carefree doing what THEY want;
Video Games
Not wanting to work HARD
Using getting an education as a way of NOT growing up!
(I call this Educational Careerism!)

Read the quote below and check out their link...
Why We Should Support Early Marriage
Marriage is good. Marriage is a gift. Marriage makes us grow up, gives us a companion to weather the stuff of life. Announce you’re getting married before the “acceptable” age, and you’ll mostly be met with pleads of “live some life first.” And while the single state has its unique opportunities, marriage certainly doesn’t detract from the joys of life, but rather doubles them


I want to add I very much think we must ask them to get Pre- marriage counselling.
And I think this should help equip them, not scare the daylights out of them.
Marriage was God's idea, and I think we think we know what is best!

I once asked a few people who had gotten divorced one time if they,
Regretted this in hindsight!
I was shocked to hear all of them say they wish they had stayed in their fist marriage.
And that they still think about the younger years and the memories of their
First love!
They said they just gave up to easy; and they had waited too long to marry
And that they were both pretty selfish and had no idea on how to grow together!
Interesting, at least to me!

What are your thoughts about this?

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Afternoon Tea... Featuring Charm of Home and Rose Chintz Cottage...


Tea and Roses

There has been so many lovely blogs that I have visited that share my love and interest
Of tea and all the beautiful china cups and teapots!

I love to visit them and get inspired of the days gone by;
But I feel that there is a special part of us that long for the
Tranquility and Peace...

Here are a couple of my most favorites:
The Charm Of Home

Rose Chintz Cottage

Please stop in and visit these wonderful Blogs;

The Charm of Home is a lovely lady named Sherry!
She will inspire you; and she has some gluten free recipes to share!

Rose Chintz Cottage is also a very kind lady named Sandi!
She loves her tea parties, also!
And she also shares yummy treats!

A typical afternoon tea began after the lunch dishes were cleared by the servants and the lady of the house summoned her maid to join her upstairs to change into her tea gown. Meanwhile, downstairs in the kitchen, the cooks prepare scones, biscuits, small sandwiches and tea cakes. The family and their guests took tea in the drawing room at 5:00 p.m. In Britain, the drink of choice is black tea taken with milk and sugar. To keep up with social status, the food served was designed to impress the guests. The presence of an overly accessorized table with fancy French patisseries, delectable cakes, puddings and fine chocolates.

For aristocrats in the Edwardian era, women attended estate dinners wearing extravagant gowns, silk gloves and hats, while the gentlemen were fashionably attired in tuxedos. Each meal carried its own dress code, and in some instances, women would change several times a day depending on the occasion. In those days, a woman often had a maid to help her dress. To assist in the beauty of the female figure, women relied on tight-laced corsets to create an hourglass shape. Ladies of high society dressed for an afternoon tea in fanciful tea gowns and floral bonnets embellished with pastel ribbons and roses that emulated the shades of a summer bouquet. All across Europe, roses were a constant theme in tearoom decorating, accoutrements and fabrics; trellises of roses even helped transport an English garden indoors.

Romantic Homes Magazine wrote these above pharagraphs! Fun Facts About Tea..

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