Saturday, October 27, 2012

Everyone Says Glory...

The voice of the Lord...
Strips the forest bare;
And in His temple everyone says,
A fresh glimpse of His Glory!
Be still and know
He is God.
I awoke to our first dusting of snow this morning.
It is time to be ready for shorter days,
And longer nights.
A cozy fire burning, and a longer time to spend
With the Lord and study.
I also got to check out all my favorite blogs,
and leave a comment on most of them.
I have found a sweet kinship with these
gals, seeing a part of their lives and homes.
How it must please the Father,
that we desire to be the home-keepers
 He spoke about in His Word!
I am thankful for each woman who has
inspired and encouraged me!
Blessings, Roxy

Thursday, October 25, 2012

The Great Pumpkin

Harvest Pumpkins
I just love pumpkins!
And I  relish Autumn's harvest
When you see the amazing array of God's colors,
you can know, He loves beauty.
Who doesn't love a pumpkin sitting proudly on a table.
adorned with autumns leaves and pine cones.
I think decorating with the bounties that come from nature
are the sweetest.
Pumpkins are so good for you,
filled with rich (Beta Carotene)
One of my most favorite things made with pumpkin
puree is Pumpkin Bread!
Pumpkin soup is amazing, light and so delicious.
But let us not forget the pumpkin pie,
my hubbies very favorite.
I also make fresh whipped cream just for him!
Also, don't forget to roast your pumpkin seeds!
Next year let's all grow a larger pumpkin patch:)
Taste and see that the Lord is good;
blessed is the man who takes refuge in him.
Psalms 34:8
Blessings, Roxy

Monday, October 22, 2012

Midlife Make-Over

A Cup Of Tea
I have now entered into the midlife kitchen make-over...
(Twilight music playing)
Now during this make-over no one has offered us a mini vacation,
while a whole crew comes in to do everything!
No,  just ourselves and our son and daughter in law,
also our oldest grandson.
We have the ceiling painted flat white,
 and most the walls done in bright yellow.
Sanding and painting my cupboards, a very pretty color
 called Chinking. But my island is done in a fresh
green color called Laurel.
All the side of the cabinets are done in a wains coat.
The top rail is in a satin Red color.
The style is really a French Country look.
This is a huge project,
 but it will be warm ,and have a cozy feeling when done!!
Ok, the moral of this story is this:
When in the thick of things on the first day of
this make-over. I was so exhausted and overwhelmed...
My sweet Amy brought me a cup of hot steaming
delicious Earl Gray tea, with cream and sugar.
It just about brought tears to my eyes.
I needed to be refreshed.
Let me encourage all of us,
We are our brothers keepers!
A cup of tea and and a encouraging word goes a long way.
We are blessed to have a son who can do all the precise cutting
and fixing almost everything:)
Blessings, Roxy

Friday, October 19, 2012

Needing Fellowship

Life would be lonely,
If only you had no one to share it with.
Needing fellowship,
as much as I need air.
Christ is the head,
We are His body.
We come together,
He is in our midst.
Take time to love and share.
Show that you care,by actions and words.
Moments of understanding
are worth a thousand words.
Precious indeed,
is the understanding
of a friend.
Friends: a blessing to cherish for life.
Blessings, Roxy

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Beauty in Our Homes

Autumn Flowers
Beauty comes from the Lord
He makes ALL things beautiful
Scripture tells us He makes all things new!
I have been praying for creative wisdom,
there are so many amazing and
beautiful things, just waiting
to be created.
We as woman have been given a nesting instinct.
We want to surround ourselves with beauty.
It can be simple and cozy,
or crisp and sleek.
But it must...
Have warmth, and be welcoming!!
Let authentic kindness be its main focus.
Let charity grace its rooms
Let beauty fill its halls.
Beauty and charm ,
comes  from a heart filled with HIM!
Blessings, Roxy

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