Thursday, December 6, 2012

Hubbies Day

I Told You There Would Be Days Like This!
I just wanted to give a glimpse of my hubbies day yesterday.
Honey, I am gonna take your car in for an oil change.
I am gonna get new wiper blades put on also,
just in case we ever get any moisture.
Ok, I say to him.
He leaves early morning with no breakfast,
I say honey aren't you gonna eat?
No I will just grab a cinnamon roll.
An hour later the phone rings...
Well Rox, your two front tires are shot,
"What! we put two new ones on just last year
they were suppose to last a long time"
Well, the alignment was out on your car and now there ruined.
Ok, I say to him.
An hour later the phone rings...
Well Rox , your brakes are shot on your car!
"What you gotta be kidding me"
Well your brake pads are shot also on all four wheels.
and the rotors are ruined on the back.
I am gonna have to go to the bank!
An hour later the phone rings...
Can you come get me?
 It's gonna take a few hours to get the brakes done.
I drive into town and pick him up at the garage.
 We go eat as he is starved.
We had a nice lunch and we talked.
We had to laugh,
as you have all had one of those days.
I did get my oil changed :)
My hubby takes such good care of me!
Blessings, Roxy

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Christmas Elf

Christmas Elf

All I want for Christmas is
this little elf!
He is a perfect size.
Gives hugs and kisses
Brings joy
Smiles a lot!
This is the perfect gift!!
Merry Christmas
Make your holidays filled with
This is my sweet grandson first Christmas.
Blessings, Roxy

Friday, November 30, 2012

Divine Weapons

Choose Your Weapon!

The Word tell us we have weapons not of  this world.

Praise God!

We are in need of back-up, to know someone has your back,
is very reassuring!

For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does.
The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world.
On the contrary, they have divine power to
demolish strongholds.
2Corinthians 10:3-4

And your back-up is:
The Glory of the Lord!
For the Lord is your rear guard.

As we come out of the season of Thanksgiving,
and counting your blessings.
May we move into this Season
of Comfort and JOY.
Choose JOY!

Blessings, Roxy

Monday, November 26, 2012

Funny Girl...

Now This is Funny

I Really needed a good laugh!

Sometimes a girl just needs a good belly laugh :)

It is a proven fact, laughter is good medicine...
They're our some people that look like they may need a spoonful
Of good medicine.

I really do enjoy a good cup of coffee!

You can find so many facts supporting the benefits of 
Drinking it for health support now days.
But I think just the ritual of making a pot of coffee,
is soothing and comforting.

The world has so many things that want to bring,
worry and stress upon our hearts and home.
So if we can find some comfort and peace
And maybe a good laugh over a cup of coffee;
This my friend is a good thing...

A  cheerful heart is good medicine,
but a crushed spirit dries up
the bones.
Proverbs 17:22

Blessings, Roxy

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Taking Pleasure

"You Say It's Your Birthday"

Happy Birthday!

This is the day the Lord has made I will rejoice and be glad in it.

I must admit I have had more pumpkin pies for my
birthday  with candles in it then I can count.
Because my birthday has either fallen on Thanksgiving day, 
or has been in the same week,
my whole life.

I have always had to pray my way through the
holidays.  I believe there are just some
things attached to birthdays, and holidays.

But praise God he has given us freedom,
and the ability to overcome.

It is not like something bad happened to me.
It is more like a false expectation, I put on it!

So, I rejoice knowing that I can walk in freedom
And enjoy this Birthday,
because of His grace.

Also, I have been learning to take pleasure
in the holidays.

Every year has been more of a release,
to be in Him.
And not allow my hold to a false
expectations to take control.

Being transparent has helped.
Let us not hold ourselves in high esteem,
but rather humble ourselves.
That He may exalt us in do time.

Blessings, Roxy

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