Saturday, December 6, 2014

Cozy Evenings...

Oh When The Winter Evenings Set In...

What to do in those early evenings, when it is so cold out and gets dark so early!

Learning to have contentment, even when the nights are long.
I think it feels rather cozy most nights;
But, winter can be very long as we all well know.

But I think it is important to find a few interesting and fun things,
that we can do in the evenings.

Reading is always very mindful;
But most evenings I may find myself a bit too tired to read!

I always liked the idea of having a card table set up, to have a puzzle on it!
(So you can sit for a little while and work on the puzzle)

Having a basket filled with skeins of yarn next to your chair;
Allows you a bit of creativity for a few quiet times.
( I am working on Granny Squares and scarfs)
Also dishcloths are a quick project.

A bit of television is okay,
 Watching more than one movie a night is too much!

I like to stay active, but I need something that is easy and relaxing!

Reading from the word before bed is very soothing...
Immersing ourselves in the word helps us get a peaceful nights sleep!

Maybe in the early evening you might need to check to see what is on,
 For the next day's activities.

Sometimes I will even get my clothes out and ironed and ready if
I will be leaving out very early the next morning.
(Thank God that is not very often)

Take some time and write in your Blessing Book;
(That is a special book where you write down your blessing from that day)

Realize that it is very important to rest and relax;
So we can start fresh again in the morning!

Have you ever heard the saying?
Burning the candle at both ends...

God wants us to stop and enjoy peaceful moments throughout the day.
But He also wants us to enjoy quiet and peaceful evenings and
 At Home with our loved ones!

Friday, December 5, 2014

Making Deposits Or Withdrawals...

Living from Glory to Glory Blog

Life can be very taxing on our finances and our emotions!
On our health and our general well being.
That is why we have need of having a stash of saved up resources.
This is not just money; as we all know how fast that goes.
Scripture even says money has wings;

We need to have a heart filled with scripture and quotes and memories
That will help us get through the lean times.
Abundance of the heart is what we need!

Issues and trials are always just waiting to be introduced to us.
Every situation is either where we are making a deposit into our resources
We are making a withdrawal from it.

We have a spiritual bank, just like we a natural bank
Monetary and spiritual...

We know how we get more funds in the natural bank;
We save and be frugal and we plan, We learn to make wise financial decisions.
We gather little by little!

Our spiritual bank is very much increased in the same way;
We inquire of the Lord for each day at hand,
To make time to deposit a word in season into our heart;
As our minds will roam to find a wise word from the living word!
We can only make a withdrawal from a deposit, we have previously made!
Or it may come from a deposit made years ago.

God's word will not return void!
His word will bring the greatest dividends, then all other resources.

Seeing so many trying to make withdrawals from empty accounts is very sad indeed.
But our God is so gracious and moves with grace He covers all of our
Overdrafts in our meager accounts!

But being a wise steward requires some action on our part!
Be not like the sluggard;
Gather while it is yet day!
Precept upon precept...

I just wanted to make a comment that even though I used this picture;
Of this, 1 Minute devotion from Charles Spurgeon
It will require more time than 1 minute a day...

Please take time every day to eat from the full Banquet that
Is just waiting for us to feast upon...
Taste and see that the Lord is good!

Remember to use what God has given you wisely;
Being frugal so you can bless someone or a ministry that God has
Put upon your heart!!

Making gifts and sometimes just taking a picture and framing it,
Is a wonderful way to give someone a treasure.

We all must give account as to how we used HIS resources...
The money and time is not yours
~You my dear are just the steward of it~

I just feel I need to add this last thought here
Are you still making an active investment in your marriage?
Sometimes we can forget that this relationship needs a deposit daily also!

We can get so busy and self absorbed that we often can forget that,
The marriage relationship is used in this world as a picture of
Christ and His Church!!

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Being A Home Keeper IN My Own Little World...

Being a Home Keeper, Living from Glory to Glory Blog

In My Own Little World...

The world can seem really big or very small at times.
It really all depends on where you are at in a season of your life!

We have all run into someone we knew when we were far from our homes.
And we may say to them wow, imagine running into you way out here!

Other times someone can be away on a trip and we think gosh;
they are so far away!

I am learning to really take care of the sphere of influence
 the Lord has given me! 

I may be able to send some money to a far away place to help with,
Feeding or taking care of someone in a third world country.
I can also help with a local community soup kitchen!

I realize the Lord has given me my lot;
My boarders to live and grow and to take care of!

I will be held accountable for my part of this world!

Making a home and keeping it up is a High Calling...
Really, please look at it from this perspective.
God wants are Homes to be filled with light and love and protection!

And if you are never HOME how can you establish this order?

The enemy has been given so much territory, because the
Of The Home are gone....

If you feel tired and worn out because you have been gone all day;
I suggest you look at your calendar and take a few things off the
~Places to be this month~
 and maybe forever...

Living from Glory to Glory Blog
Helping to clear the path for others to stay home!

My job feels like it might not be very important sometimes:
But after I look at what God has given me to do and say to another
Home Keeper;
He must think this calling is pretty important...
May I help this next generation find the path to staying HOME
Clearing our hearts and minds from worldly thinking
 that has become off kilter!

I realize some single Mothers have to work;
Some Women are asked to work from their Husbands;
I get it;
But when you are given a choice or when you're not working
You are still never home.

Help us make being a home maker a glorious calling.
Not one of drudgery.

Get your heart back in sync with the Father's heart!

May this be the sweetest month, of all;
Put on the spirit of meekness
(Controlled strength)
Create and bake love into everything!
May your home be welcoming to others!

Take every thought captive and do not allow the
Sorrows or ghost of Christmas past, rob you of this one!


Friday, November 28, 2014

Hunting Trip Or Guilt Trip...

Living from Glory to Glory Blog

Hunting Trip Or Guilt Trip

Anyone that has been reading my blog for these last few months know of our
Family's life changing hunting trip.

We now have had to work through some of the trauma from
that hunting trip.
 We didn't even realize how deeply it had affected us.
We felt tired and a bit stressed all the time.

Some of us had a few nightmares...

I think we also were overwhelmed with the love
 and concern shown to us from so many people.
Total strangers came to that mountain to help search for our
lost grandson.
And we had hunters that were up in the mountains that were on a hunt;
Stopped their hunting and started searching for our grandson.

Our men were taxed in every one of their senses and physical strength.

We all can go through very tough times in our families and marriages!
But do we have to be victims of guilt and trauma?

We have had to pray together as a family and as couples;
We are to overcome, because He has overcome this world for our sake.

We have heard and understood so many facets of this trip;
We have seen the hand of God that protected our Grandson.

We saw the Body of Christ rise up and fulfill its call to love;
And to care for its own...

We can never look out and see the mountains again without
Counting our blessings!

The enemy wants us to feel sorrow and guilt over that 28 hours,
But God has proved His out stretched hand of protection and provisions!

When our men leave for these trips it takes so much preparation!
Food and clothing and survival bags packed for day trips.
(That survival bag our grandson carried, proved its worth)

We all can be so prepared for just about anything;
But we all have seen where we are confronted with something
" Not on the agenda!"

We are a family that hunts;
So do we now not hunt?
Do we let fear of the unknown or the possibilities stop us?

Guilt can be a strong deterrent in life;
A great motivator

Guilt is a wicked task master, we cannot allow it to control us!
We are to do all things in faith;
Use wisdom
Learn from your mistakes
Being as well prepared as possible is being wise.

So thankful for the growth we have all experienced!

Just a last little ditty
True Story;
Yesterday I was preparing our turkey for our meal, and I had it all
washed and prepped for the cooking bag I was placing it in;
I had to do it all by myself as everyone was gone.
So I was able to get it into the cooking bag,
But, when I went to pick it up it came flying out of the bottom of
 the cooking bag and just rolled across the kitchen floor.
I looked up and asked REALLY...
No Guilt; things just have to roll
---I just had to laugh---
No worries, wash it up, place it in a roaster and bake till done!
I did tell our guest that I only dropped the turkey just once.

If you wanted to see the clip of it, here it is!
Family Reunion

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

What Really Makes Up A True Family...

Living from Glory to Glory Blog

Gathering together...
Some of those in our families have seen so many Thanksgivings,
Some newbies are just about to experience their first one.
(They have those little bibs that say Baby's First Christmas)
Where are the ones that say
"First Thanksgiving"

We have such a different array of family members;
Young and Old
Strong and Feeble
Beauty and Bronze
Male and Female
Funny and Serious
Goofy and Refined
Saved and Not Saved

Some are very colorful;
We struggle with these ones as let's just say they don't look
The way we look...
They are always trying to give us all a little bit of that thing called
~Shock Therapy~
Very colorful hair, tattoos that we have a hard time reading
A comic book of sorts, it is rather hard to read an arm!
Really, you all know who we are talking about!
Remember under it all they are part of your family.
Sometimes we just need to get over it.
Don't react to their form of look at me syndrome.

Let's face it, we all have those that are just turkeys;
A bit goofy...
They say things that make your head just lean to one side!
A little bit not with it of sorts, but nice in a way.
~Maybe they are just lonely and do not have many friends~
I think I heard them called; What is referred to as a goober...
They may have been talking about me, not sure though!

Well any way you slice it, you share something in common!
Friends so long they have grown up together!
Grafted In The Family!
The Family Of God!

God has said He sets the lonely in the families...

Families depend on one another for their identity and joy.
Both young and old should cherish their inter-generational relationships.

Someone to HUG
Someone to TALK TO and someone to LOVE...

Proverbs 17:6

"God Bless Everyone"

---Even a lovely rose has thorns----

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