Sunday, June 19, 2016

The Continental Divide Of Theology

The Continental Divide Of Theology

By Steven Lawson, Ligonier

Through the western regions of North America, there runs an imaginary geographic line that determines the flow of streams into oceans. It is known as the Continental Divide. Ultimately, precipitation falling on the east side of this great divide will flow into the Atlantic Ocean. Likewise, water falling on the western slopes of this line will surge in the opposite direction until it finally empties into the Pacific Ocean. Needless to say, a vast continent separates these immense bodies of water. It is seemingly far-fetched to ponder that a raindrop falling atop a mountain in Colorado will flow to the Pacific, while another drop, falling but a short distance away, will flow into the Atlantic. Nevertheless, once the water pours down on a particular side of this great divide, its path is determined and its direction is unchangeable.

Geography is not the only place we find a great divide. There is a high ground that runs through church history as well—a Continental Divide of theology. This great divide of doctrine separates two distinctly different streams of thought that flow in opposite directions. To be specific, this determinative high ground is one’s theology of God, man, and salvation. This is the highest of all thought, and it divides all doctrine into two schools. Historically, these two ways of thinking about God and His saving grace have been called by various names. Some have identified them as Augustinianism and Pelagianism. Others have named them Calvinism and Arminianism. Still others have defined them as Reformed and Catholic, while others have used the terms predestination and free will. But by whatever name, these streams are determined by the Continental Divide of theology.

This metaphorical divide differs from the geographical Continental Divide in one key respect. Whereas streams flowing west and east of the Rocky Mountains descend gradually to the plains and lowlands where they meet the oceans, the terrain on the two sides of the doctrinal divide is quite different. On one side we find solid highlands of truth. On the other side there are precipitous slopes of half-truths and full error.

Over the centuries, seasons of reformation and revival in the church have come when the sovereign grace of God has been openly proclaimed and clearly taught. When a high view of God has been infused into the hearts and minds of God’s people, the church has sat on the elevated plateaus of transcendent truth. This lofty ground is Calvinism—the high ground for the church. The lofty truths of divine sovereignty provide the greatest and grandest view of God. The doctrines of grace serve to elevate the entire life of the church. The great Princeton theologian Benjamin Breckenridge Warfield, writing more than a century ago, perceptively noted, “The world should realize with increased clearness that Evangelicalism stands or falls with Calvinism.” At first glance, this stunning statement may appear to be an exaggeration, even hyperbole. But the more it is weighed, the more one discerns that evangelicalism—that part of the body of Christ that rightly adheres to the inerrancy of Scripture, the total depravity of man, and the sovereignty of God in all aspects of life—always needs the doctrines of sovereign grace to anchor it to the high ground. For without the theological teachings of Reformed truth concerning God’s sovereignty in man’s salvation, the church is weakened and made vulnerable, soon to begin an inevitable decline into baser beliefs, whether she realizes it or not.

Whenever the church becomes increasingly man-centered, she begins the downhill slide, often without recovery, and always to her detriment. Once yielding the high ground of Calvinism, a self-absorbed church puts its full weight onto the slippery slope of Arminianism, resulting in a loss of its foundational stability. Tragically, however, the descent rarely stops there. Historically, man-centered doctrine has served only as a catalyst for an even greater fall.

Rappelling down the slippery slopes of Arminianism, one is soon to find the church sinking deeper and deeper into a murky quagmire of heretical ideas. Such a descent inevitably gives way to liberalism, the utter rejection of the absolute authority of Scripture. From liberalism—given enough time— the church always plunges yet lower into ecumenism, that deadly philosophy that embraces all religions as having some part of the truth. Continuing this downward spiral, the church plummets into universalism, the damning belief that all men eventually will be saved. Yet worse, universalism gives way to agnosticism, a degenerate view that one cannot even know whether there is a God. Finally, the church falls into the deepest abyss—the hellish flames of atheism, the belief that there is no God.

Never has the need been greater for the truths of sovereign grace to be firmly established in the church. Her thinking about God desperately needs to be flowing in the right direction. As the church thinks, so she worships; and, as the church worships, so she lives, serves, and evangelizes. The church’s right view of God and the outworking of His grace gives shape to everything that is vital and important. The church must recapture her lofty vision of God and, thereby, be anchored to the solid rock of His absolute supremacy in all things. Only then will the church have a God-centered orientation in all matters of ministry. This, I believe, is the desperate need of the hour.

This excerpt is adapted from Foundations Of Graceby Steven J. Lawson.

Resource The Continental Divide of Theology (, Copyright 2016 by Steven J. Lawson, Ligonier Ministries (

I remember when I was a young Christian I always felt the tension of these
two opposites of theology!

But it has taken much thought and reading of the scriptures,
And a good scriptural Bible teacher;
I have learned that expository preaching is the only way to
understand sound doctrine.

I enjoyed this article on this subject and thought I would share it!
I have realized many people do not even realize that there are these
two different camps!

Here is another link explaining the difference of the two theologies
Click The Link Below

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

God Speaks Through His Word Only...


Ordinary Days

Some days just seem ordinary...

But I can assure you every day is far from ordinary!

I have been hearing so many people speak this phrase;
I am waiting to hear God speak!
I am listening to, hear God's voice!

Be very careful in this matter of communing with God!

He has spoken through HIS Word...

There are a lot of voices out there and many of these voices are not God!
The self is always talking and having a dialog in one's head.
Many false prophets are speaking heresies!
They say they are the voice of God!

I know the Holy Spirit can prompt us and lead us in our lives!
But waiting to hear God's voice can and will lead you away!
The Word says;
The Lord orders the steps of a good man!
He directs us,

But the WORD is the way God communicates with us!

Even when there was only the Old testament God did not speak in an audible
voice  to His hand picked prophets often!
Abraham went between 12 to 14 years between hearing from God!

Why are we always looking to hear a new word or message?

This is where you can really get off from the truth!

And another thing when God did speak it was always about,
Correction and Warnings!

If you would read the Word and then examine your own heart
You will see how God speaks...
The Holy Spirit will illuminate the truths of His Word!

Please do a study and be watchful of this abuse of expecting God
To speak in ways He has stopped doing!

We all hear about others hearing God and then we begin to think
why are we not hearing God speak? 

Then we start to look at these others thinking they are more spiritual than me!

We are diverting from the very source that was given us to know
what God wants us to know about every matter!

Believe me anyone can hear voices;
But there is a great danger there!

It is the Holy Spirit that will guide and comfort and correct us!
But even the Holy Spirit is here to convict us of our sin!
There is even another disturbing thing going on saying that,
We no longer have to repent of our sin!
Because Jesus died for all our sins.
But if we do not repent, we lose fellowship.
(See what I mean)

Too many are reading way too many bad books on,
what God has said, or is doing!
What has happened to expository preaching?
These people are going around telling us about what they think or hear!
And these guys make a ton of money and it is for their own profit!

The Word Is Perfect...
The Word is Complete...

Why do so many want more and are willing to believe all these crazy
stories and to think they want the same experiences.

Monday, June 13, 2016

How To Be A Good Cook...

Home Cooking

How to be a good cook...
Enjoy preparing your meals,
Enjoy eating them,
Enjoy the company...

I am not obsessed with purity and strictness in my cooking or eating.

I enjoy flavor and texture and simple!
I enjoy the spices and fragrance!

Everything is not organic!
Everything is not sugar free!

I love my kitchen!
I love feeding my Husband and family!

I did learn to cook from my Mother as a young girl;
She was a good cook and took joy in preparing food for us.

So many times we can get stuck in the same foods and dinners,
But for myself that is where I find the comfort for me.

I will try a new dish every once in a while!
I will watch a cooking show and get inspired.
Or a may get a cookbook from the library.

Usually when I am shopping I will see what just looks appetizing,
or what might be on sale!

Preparing meals with food that are in season is always the best!

We eat a lot of asparagus in the spring months when it is fresh and cheap.
And sweet corn in the few weeks it is at its peak.
When you find that when fruits or vegetables are in season they are the best!

Enjoy what you prepare and experiment when the mood hits you!

I just cleaned out my cookbook shelf and I did get rid of many of them.
I always keep a few out and when I am sitting in the kitchen I can look at one
and get inspired, and see the notes I have written next to some of the recipes.

Summer we tend to eat lighter and simpler!
In the fall and winter we need more to feel full.

I try to bake something special once a week.
We try to eat some fish weekly.
I do try to watch the intake of carbohydrates!

Hummus is a good snack food!
Eating crackers and cheese is better than a cookie!
A homemade cookie is healthier than store bought ones!

Everything in moderation...

Friday, June 10, 2016

Mountains Demand Respect...

These mountains demand respect...

Yes, they are majestic!

But they rule and they do not consider your needs.
They can be brutal and yet have a way to bring you to your knees!

The weather and climate can change in just a few short minutes.
Sunshine to snow in 30 seconds.

Dressing in layers and having survival backpacks is a must!
No hiking away from camp without all possible necessary gear!

A camera is a luxury.
Good hiking boots are a must!

High Altitude can make you really sick,
You have to drink plenty of water and often.

You can get lost very easily,
And walking in a dense forest can be a challenge.
Trees down and underbrush that is super thick.
Roots that live on top of the terrain.
Wild animals live in the forest...
You're in their territory!

I always like to camp in an open meadow and just close to the trees!

We do enjoy getting away from the prairie lands,
Which are very flat and wide.

But God has given us all kinds of beautiful places to enjoy!

Get out there and enjoy some nature!

Blessings, Living From Glory To Glory

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Do Whatever It Takes To Protect Your Children...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

~What Would You Do If Someone Grabbed Your Child~

Would you react any different if it was a newborn to your teenager?

Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Look, we have a built in system to love and protect;
Well, at least those women do that are not in the category
That have lost the natural maternal instinct God gave them.
Where they love drugs and alcohol or men more than their own offspring.

When I heard about that man that tries to drag away a 13 year old girl away
 while the mother and daughter were standing right next to each other.

Now, that is just brazen and unreal in my mind!
She was grabbed and was being pulled out of the store;
But with her Mother right there she was able to throw herself
over her daughter and hold on to her with all her strength!

This happened in Florida at a Dollar General Store.

Yes, that Mother put up a fight and the man ran out of the store!
Yes the perpetrator was caught in the store's parking lot.

But really, is that what we can now encounter when out and about??

Parenting has reached a whole new dimension, when our children
can be grabbed right out from right next to us!

We had all better be a bit more cautious when out an about with
our children or grandchildren!

Remember when it was safe to allow your children to play outside
or to walk the mall while you were close by?
Well, not anymore dear ones...

I am so thankful that news story had a good ending!
But, once again when a news story gets attention, I think
others try to copycat it and to be noticed.

Be vigilant Ladies
Keep the eyes in the back of your head watching!
Keep your children educated to this danger in the day we live in!

That Mother kicked into the FIGHT mode to save her child!

Beware of public places
Shopping Centers
Walking and Riding Bikes

Seriously, this is what we are hearing and seeing way too often!

Protect what God has entrusted you with!
Keep your kids pictures off the internet
Keep your children close

The weirdos are following you they are looking to whom they may harm!

Always, Living From Glory To Glory

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