Everything seems large and unmovable...
But, On the bright side some things are meant to be unmovable!
Have you or a loved one been tried in your body or emotions this last season?
When we are tried from every side;
We can only go up!
We all feel like giving up once in awhile;
But it is a fleeting thought because we are able to change,
Our thoughts go in the direction we tell them to go in a way that lifts us up.
~This is called self-control~
I have learned so much in these last few months!
May I share a few of them with you?
Keep your private cares to yourself and spouse and a very few trusted friends!
Never give in to the lies of the enemy!
~The only way you know if it is a lie is by knowing what the Word says~
Be your own advocate in health matters, social matters
~Remember, you know yourself better than anyone~
Do not allow a problem or issue define who you are!
~Thanks for those wise words, dear friend~
Beware of all the health craze diets;
Trust me it can cause much harm, eat sensibly;
~All things in moderation~
You do not have to be friends with everyone you know!
Be kind to yourself...
When things get stormy make up a Battle plan;
~This will help you so much~
I want to add one more thought here on a completely different subject;
I had a very dear older lady friend that told me that it
Is becoming very apparent that the woman no longer desire or care to learn
How to be a Titus 2 women.
~Now that does grieve my heart~
Blessings, Roxy