Being A Good Steward
Being a good steward really applies to almost every area;
Of our lives...
Lets face it, some days are just more productive than others.
And being a good steward is not always about work or being busy.
But rather being able to discipline one's own impulses and thoughts!
Sometimes I will say to myself
"Don't go there"
"Or I will say just do it"
Your mind is where our discipline starts.
I always try to stop and think before my mind goes rouge.
It's a rough trail we travel on most days.
A friend said to me the other day. I think God tests my patience
to see just how far it will stretch before I snap.
I laughed, but I get it!
I think one of the reasons we can get into sin or just a bad attitude;
Is possibly not taking time to adjust to a new situation.
But here again we must be able to act quickly!
There is always a balance needed.
Are we allowing our minds to roam?
Just thinking it is just not good enough;
Good intentions will get you no where!
As I have aged I can say I am learning to quickly take,
Everything to God in inquiry of help me!
I can't do all of this on my own!
He will refresh your thoughts and motives.
He wants to help you control your mind and thoughts.
~Because He tells us to gird up the loins of your mind~
Don't let your mind control you;
Control your mind!
You are the only one who can be a good steward
"Of Your Mind"
Don't let your mind be a toxic field...
Blessings, Roxy