Friday, March 1, 2013

The Domestic Diva...

The Domestic Diva
Whip It, Whip It Good!
All I need is to whip me up an apron,
 Just like the one this diva is wearing.
No, I am not Betty Homemaker...
But I am the keeper of this HOME!
May we not grow weary in doing good.
Some days and seasons may
bring difficult challenges.
But we must draw strength from our Father!
Learn to take pleasure in your daily chores,
and allow yourself the grace to
Take a day off when you're really over burdened.
Sometimes, you just have to keep it simple.
Pamper yourself a wee bit,
Learn ways to refresh yourself.
Do things that bring you life!
Remember YOUR the lady of the house.
Don't be mistaken for the maid.
 Take time to keep yourself looking like a lady
And not the chambermaid.
Blessings To All, Roxy

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Golden Farm Fresh Eggs...

Living From Glory To glory Blog
Here are a few of my girls

Our Chicken Scratch mixed with corn

Fresh eggs daily

Meet Mr. Rooster

I have been really delighted to be able to have chickens for over
Fifteen years.
 I find it most pleasant to go each day and bring in the bounty
of fresh eggs.

When you have fresh eggs everyday you can  make many wonderful
and  very delicious meals.
We love omelets so we have them often,
I serve them with fresh salsa and cheese.

There are so many delicious
 Variations to add to them, so we never grow tired of them!

The other day I made a custard with the fresh eggs and it was
really yummy!

I also make a lot of quiche, as it is light and very tasty.
I will usually make a cracker crust, so no pie crust to make.

And the eggs for baking, make your recipes very nutritious, and moist.
The yolks are a golden color and very large.
Store bought eggs are very pale in color and have
very little flavor.

Another really good point for me is not having to throw out
Any scraps or leftovers. As the chickens love the treats.
I believe I have the fattest and happiest chickens around!

We are learning each day to be wise and to put back,
Be a (wise woman) and stock your pantry well!

Blessings, Roxy

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Cozy And True

A painting made for me!

An amazing dessert!

Tea  Settings to behold!

Can you count your friends as true?

I believe our heavenly Father will ask us one day,
"How did you treat one another?"

I can say from my heart;
it is better to invest now in those who God has
given you!

One day your wee little ones will grow and leave home,
and you will say where did the time go?

A good and dear friend,
as many as your heart can be true too!

I want to honor YOU dear friend:
For you have been true!

A true friend sticks closer then a brother.

Blessings, Roxy

Sunday, February 24, 2013


Happy Days
My, things sure have changed around these parts,
or any parts for that matter.
Death and destruction on every front.
We will still see the goodness and sweetness of life:
Because we look for it!
We will look to the things that are good.
Whatsoever things are lovely,
And of good report!
With a heart to please Him, and using the talents and gifts we have been given.
We can make our homes and our communities
more lovely and pleasant. 
You dear one can change the atmosphere, with just a kind word,
or  by being a helping hand to someone in need.
May we be about our Father's business.
Stop and take pleasure in this day,
for it is a gift;
Use it wisely!
Blessings To All, Roxy

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Award Free Blog

"Why I Blog"
I really laughed over this silly picture.  I actually found it on someones blog.
To be a blogger or not is the question.
  We must have this deep sense and longing of being a  part of a bigger picture.
It always seems to be a pulling and a fulfilling feeling, as you push the publish
button.  We really all do have a story.  I like to read the tidbits of a life that is being
lived far away or maybe very close to ones heart.
We are a rare and beautiful breed.
We love ,we write, we cry, we sing, we dance,we create,
we live and we die.
This life is but a vapor.
May I leave a legacy, not with just written words, but memories,
filled with hope and kindness.
I long to be noticed, yet shy away from to much attention.
I desire to laugh long and hard, but not to hurt any ones feelings.
I long to be a gourmet cook, but a grilled cheese is my dinner plan.
I desire to be the perfect wife, yet I was short with him on the phone.
I long to write a book, yet I journal every morning of my private thoughts.
May my days be filled with words of highest praise,
to the one, I long to hear Him say:
Well done good and faithful servant!
Blessings To You All, Roxy


Sunday, February 17, 2013

A Time To Fight...

Living from Glory to Glory Blog
Stand Your Ground
I really do just want to be a sweet and gentle lady.
But let's face it ladies sometimes you just have to fight.
There are some things that if we do not fight for them
They will disappear!
We must be on our guard!

I believe that this world has been fighting us, we are told
that the God of this world, has come to make us
 feel discouragement and discontentment.
He keeps us so busy that,
we do not even have time to do the most important things.

And the days are just flying by so fast.
  and we say where did this day go?
Stand your ground dear ones!
Do not allow the enemy to take what does not belong to him!
For all that we have and own,
belongs to God.
We are only the stewards.
 So, learn what the Word says about His peace,
 For it is His promise to you.
Take back what the enemy has stolen...
Fight the Good Fight!
What is worth fighting for?
Your marriage
Your children
Your health
Your peace
Your Bible Study time
Your finances
Your friends
Remember Jesus never gave  GROUND to the devil!
In Ephesians 4:27
Leave no (such) room or foothold for the devil-
give no opportunity to him.
"Fight till God rings the bell..."
Blessings, Roxy

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