Friday, March 15, 2013

Building Bridges

Sisters In Christ
I am so blessed to be a part of a Body Of Christ!
There is much value in being connected.
Having Godly sisters who live Biblical lives,
and serve Him.
"Humility and Wisdom"
We are living in days that require us to have, wise council, and Godly examples.
Make the time to invest in Godly relationships!
I have sensed a pulling away in hospitality in these last few years.
The body is tired and way to busy.

But we all can say that once we have gotten together with others,
we go away feeling refreshed and inspired.
Ask God to choose your friendships!
Building friendship's are like building a bridge,
it takes time.
But when you do this Gods way, you can know that when
troubles or stress come.
Then the bridge in this relationship, will be able to hold the weight.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Blooming In Our Lives

Roses Living from Glory To Glory Blog

Pretty In Pink
I awoke before the sun came up this morning, feeling the effects of a few things.
First, the switch in the time for daylight savings now that really sets your internal clock off.
We also, just finished a week of sleeping in our living room, as we were in the long
process of painting our bedroom.
So we had our King size bed set up in our living room.
Now that was weird...
But once again, all work brings profit.
 And we also were blessed to get new carpet.
It looks amazing!
God is so good, we were in need of a refreshing touch.
I have been working hard to develop skills that are not natural
to me. Such as a (Techy) as needed for blogging.
But I can see the lure of it because it is challenging.
I do not want to say oh well and never try!
So once again, I am being home schooled in the art of
May Spring come soon!
I appreciate all of you wonderful ladies who comment,
and desire to connect.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Hand Written Recipe Cards...

I was just thinking the other day how sweet and wonderful it is to go through your recipe folder or box, and find all the different hand written cards you have collected. They may be tucked away but they are very much alive with memories. They hold  very sweet and special memories of all the wonderful people who have given you hand written cards, and have given them to you. 
You now have an amazing collection of history and memories!

I have some that were written by my own Mother and given to me as a new bride and wife. And I have some from my Mother in law, who was so good to me. And it brings tears to my eyes when I see all of them at times.

Memories of love,  handed  down to those we share our treasured recipe's with!
May we never stop with the hand written recipe cards. When we are asked for a copy
of a special dish we have made ,take the time to hand write some of them.
 I also like to add  who it  originally came from on it.
Lets keep the memories alive with a lovely hand writted recipe card.
Blessings, Roxy

Write The Word...

Writing The Word, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...
Writing The Scriptures
I love to write and to journal!
 I have been keeping a journal most of my life.
 There is just a very comforting and fulfilling peace that I get when I journal.
It is like I pour out and record all the things that I felt,
or accomplished through a given day.
I am amazed on how it allows me to release and to meditate,
on what God is showing me.
One day, maybe it will be words to comfort and challenge my
Children or grandchildren.
It is my life story;
But it is HIS life living in me!
When God shows you something in His word or in a life lesson,
it is wise to write it down.
I have always written the scriptures that spoke to me in any
given day, as I read and studied them.
When I found this tool called;
The 17:18 Series
I was very interested in it, so I checked it out!
It is so very amazing because it allows you to write out the
Word in a lovely keepsake journal.
I recommend it to anyone who loves to write out the Scriptures!
Be a scribe of the Word!

You can order these books called Journibles on Google

Blessings, Roxy

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Special Message

Urgent !!
A special message just for you!
We are in need of a special word,
tailored and written to fit perfectly from His Written Word
Just for me
One Size fits all...
Wait and be still
quiet your beating heart,
Close your eyes,
bow your head.
Listen for He speaks within His Word!
For your ears only will hear His message,
for He knows your needs.
And  He is acquainted with your sorrows.
Be still and listen!
Blessings, Roxy

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Blurred Lines Or Distinction

A Lady In The Making
Dear Ones,
   I would like to share with you a sweet word the Lord spoke to me awhile back. It was in the very early morning, when I was going out to do some morning chores. It was freezing out and I was fully bundled up in old work clothes.  A old work jacket, hat and gloves.  To say the least I looked rather rough and very manly in style.  As I walked across our land to feed the chickens and such, I heard Him say to me (daughter I want you to dress feminine.)
   Now, I know my Fathers voice and I know He was not talking about how I was dressed doing my chores. He was referring to dressing for Him each day! Not your normal daily garb!
So, it has been a sweet journey to ask Him each day to dress me. As I prayed and asked Him about this word, I realized that I wore pants almost everyday. Now there was no balance in my wardrobe at all.  For almost ten years I wore nothing but jumpers and skirts. And when I felt a release to wear pants again, I stopped wearing skirts and jumpers all together. See the extreme!
   As I prayed I had this picture in my head of men wearing dresses, Wow ,I had it!
Men have pierced ears and wear tight jeans etc. But you usually do not see them wearing a dress.
He has said I am a God of distinction! The lines have been blurred for a very long time.
When you cannot tell whether someone is a man or a woman then the lines have been blurred.
   Grace, He extends to us, and we all know it says God looks upon the heart, not the outer appearance.  But, should we all look the same?
 If your heart is not in a ready state, the outer matters not one whip.
 But, please inquire of the Lord if you please Him in your wardrobe!
   No, condemnation to any sister, as I have been in both places! 
 Yet, I can say He is wooing me to a closer and deeper walk.
 To dress with a distinction that I am a woman and will be a representative of
 His creation. And yes, I will still wear pants when it's appropriate and timely.
   This world is becoming darker and cold, may we dear women be the soft and sweet in vision.
For God desired and created women to buffet the cold and changing landscape.
   Even this picture of this sweet little girl knew she was to be a little lady!
Blessings, Roxy
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