Monday, April 15, 2013

Looking Like A Dust Bowl

Warning Warning !!
We live in the immediate area !!

 Dust and Drought!
What's next?

This is what it looks like almost every day for the
last couple of weeks.

Breathing has become a serious matter around these parts.

 This woman is really stressed!

This is just the way it was during the many years of the Dust Bowl!
God have mercy on us!
We need your prayers!
(Please pray for rain for us)

Saturday, April 13, 2013

A Virtuous Woman...

Living From Glory to Glory Blog
A rare treasure is found in a woman of
Godly character.
"Who can find a virtuous woman?"
Proverbs 31:10
I desire to tap into all the grace of God's
Power and the spirits leading
and a resolve to be all that
God wants me to be.
As we look into the heights of His standards,
we can become overwhelmed.
Yet He tells us in His word.
precept upon precept,
line upon line.
We can do this because it's all in
His strength anyway!
Each day we are given, we have
His New Life flowing in us.
Let's not down play these virtues.
These are not old fashioned,
or impossible.
But rather attainable.
Always progressing
Always becoming stronger.
His character being formed in you.

Living from Glory to Glory

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Why We Need To Be Pantry Prepared...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Fresh Eggs

 Fresh Spices

This could be the time we had better stop relying on fast food and
pre-packaged food items to feed our families.

I have been very concerned about the state of affairs on every front.
But as a woman of God, I do not fear.
But, after saying this I also must say many families
could have much more hardship.
Just because Momma doesn't know how to really cook
and prepare meals from scratch.

Many people have had it so easy to just eat what they buy each night.
 In most homes we are no longer
preparing nutritious soups, or serve home cooked meals.

Most baked goods are bought from the store.
No freshly baked cookies made from scratch, even
the dough comes in a roll now.

This is my concern!
If we were to have a real crisis in this country,
would you be able to feed your family with
only uncooked and raw items?
Like dried beans not cooked for you?
What if you had no soups all made up in a can?
No jelly in a jar!
No bread all baked up and sliced.
Could you feed your family?
I will say this; we must get in a better prepared state,
for our families.
I believe if you will put forth the effort God will help you
accomplish this task.

For it is the woman's mandate to be the keeper of her home.
But I am all for the help of all who live in our homes.
Take stock of what you know about cooking;
Make time to learn what you do not know!
Start putting staples back now, before the prices get much higher.
A List Of Staples:
Flour, Sugar, Powder and canned milk,
Shortening and lard,
(Don't freak out, I do not normally use these
ingredients, but these foods will be a must if things collapse)!
Vegetable oil
Beef and Chicken bouillon
Salt, vinegar,
Baking soda, and baking powder, yeast.
All kinds of pasta
Dried beans!!
Tuna, canned vegetables and fruit.
Be wise and really pray about this,
As I believe that our families are counting on us!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Keeping Homemade Cookies Fresh In Your Freezer...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Yummy homemade cookies!!
I remember years ago when I made cookies for my family,
We would eat them up so fast. I never worried about them
getting hard or old.
Because our kids are grown and gone.
We do not eat them up as fast as we did years ago.
These cookies here are made with organic butter,
 (It was on sale!)
used this wonderful flour you can see in the picture above.

Here they are, all baked golden brown.
Fresh from the oven!
Here is how I keep them fresh for a long time.

I first put a layer of wax paper on the bottom of these round tins.
Then I place the cooled off cookies in each one.
Cover them again on top with wax paper.
Place these tins in the freezer.
They will stay fresh for weeks!

I just take a few out and put them on a plate 
and in just a few minutes we have a very soft
and fresh tasting cookie.

I have used this secret with every kind of cookie,
and I have had great results.

Sometimes when I am in a baking mood,
I will bake up an extra tin or two, of cookies.
So I always have a fresh cookie to serve! 
It is nice to be able to serve a homemade cookie
with  pot of tea or coffee.

So come on over and let's eat cookies!

Living From Glory To Glory

Monday, April 8, 2013

Riding The Fence...

Living From Glory to Glory Blog

Riding the fence can be a very dangerous and uncomfortable place to be!

We are called to walk circumspectly.
What does that mean?
It means  with caution and discreetly

There are so many different agendas being implemented in
every arena in our lives.
I read a statement lately that said should not get our
Theology from blogs. Or in my opinion from television
Or all the many different books that have a false belief system.
A wise statement!
We must go deeper and seek out the truth, of these different agendas
 Ask yourself what are the,
  foundational core beliefs that are promoting so
many of these new and old agendas?
The word tells us to be convinced in your own mind!
But truth must line up with the scriptures.
Being diligent in our studies and inquiring about
programs and movements.
I believe riding the fence for a long time will leave you
Vulnerable to many lies and deceptions.
We are called to live in open spaces!
We must be discreet , but we are not ashamed of
Living, whole and set apart from these agendas.
Do not do it just because everyone else is!
Remember your Mother always saying;
If your friends would jump off a cliff,
would you follow?)
We do not want to walk in the wilderness.
Aim for the promise land.


Living From Glory To Glory

Friday, April 5, 2013

Beauty Treatments

Beauty Secret, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Each of us will look at ourselves in a mirror today!
Even if it's just a reflection of yourself in your computer screen.
I know the saying goes beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
But I can say I have asked the Lord for a good hair day, or please let this zit disappear!
Lord, show me what to wear!
One or two or three places in the Bible talks about beauty,
(Hey its big business).
But is it really all just vanity and beauty is fleeting?
I want to say a word to all those beautiful women out there,
God has made everything beautiful in His time.
My number one beauty trick,
Smile More!!

The Lord loves a kind hearted women, and when your words sound sweet and gentle you become more beautiful.

Now about wrinkles!! They really our just proof that we are alive and have lived and laughed!
So Smile Jesus loves You!

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