Friday, July 5, 2013

Blogs I Love

Writing comes from the heart,
 And the heart beats life.
I have had a desire to do a post where I feature a new blog
 in each segment of a time frame.
 I will choose a new one from those blogs I love to read.
It is such a joy to read and to respond to those blogs
 that have nourished me.
   Some of them have made me laugh and a few times
 even shed a tear.
Some have inspired me to create,
 And called me to overcome in my hard times.
I have been challenged and convicted.
I desire to live and grow and to share my heart.
My heart is to speak life and to share the goodness;
So I humbly  respond to the Lord;
For He says promotion comes not
from the east or the west,
But from the Lord.
Now featuring the blogs I love.
Tomorrow is only a day away!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

A Little Advice

I am going to give you a little advice.
If you will just be kind it can change everything!
Women have been given the power of influence.
This is the bullet that hits its mark.
Kindness will change the atmosphere in any situation.

Showing kindness is one thing that anyone can understand!
Lord, Help us to be Your kindness in this day to all we encounter!
For this is real power that we can see instant fruit.
I believe we must learn to defuse situations that can arise.
Learning to be a peacemaker.
We can speak in a tone that can stop a firing squad of words.
May we be wise and yet show kindness in these days.
For so many people are feeling the stress of very
 hard and trying times.
We should be putting out fires with our words;
Not starting them!


Let us serve others and bring about His justice, by showing kindness.


Monday, July 1, 2013

Will Freedom Continue To Reign

Majestic and Powerful
 Pray that FREEDOM will continue to reign!
I just love America!!
I am so blessed...
Count Your Blessings,
Name them one by one
I have learned this one thing;
When I give thanks and not take for granted God's blessings.
This is what I have experienced.
Joy and a deep peace. We all know stuff can never make us
happy or content in our hearts.
Contentment comes when we give.
Giving, is what so many of you women do each and everyday.
This is what will fill your hearts with real fulfillment.
So many things anymore do not last, we buy many things
made in other countries, that has no real worth or value.
When we have become comfortable with so so.
That is what we become!
A life lesson I learned when I was first married was this;
Take care of whatever God has given you!!
Keep it maintained and use it properly.
God is a God of increase.
But if we do not thank Him and show honor for His provision,
We are disrespecting His hand.
We have all seen the decaying of America!
Keep watch dear ones...
Keep your Heart and your Home
Honor what He has given you...
My favorite saying;

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Sensible Shoes

  I am outside first thing in the morning, doing my daily chores!
Dressed in my purple PJ'S
And my old Birkenstocks...
Not a pretty sight
(What the Heck, I live in the boonies)
We have been having terrible dirt storms, with high winds.
The wind has blown all the patio furniture over and tree limbs are everywhere.
So, I am out there bending over to pick up all the down limbs of the trees and all
Of a sudden I am falling head over onto the sidewalk.
I crash like a Big Redwood Tree;  Smash , Bang, Boom.
I am laying there thinking!!!
Oh My God Old people really do just fall down!!
Ok Jesus;  Did I break anything?
I move my hand, ouchy.
My hip is banged up!
Ankle is tweaked...
Thank you Jesus, nothing is broken !!
Now, Everyone around here is still sound asleep.
Good, No one saw that silly purple looking heap laying down on the ground
Between our homes.
First thing in the morning,
 Like I needed a nap already!
I hauled myself up and I proceeded to drag myself into my house
I threw my Birckonstock's in the trash !!
I vow to only wear sensible shoes from this day forward.

But wait!!
I really love cute shoes.
I promise to be more careful.
What is this a lady in a red high heel shoe with an ace bandage on??
Oh My!!

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Taking What You Have For Granted

We Are Selling Our Camper
Now this is the top of the line!
It's one of it's kind...
Home Away From Home
(Or Not)
Maybe this is there home!! ??
I have always had an interest of the times of the
Great Depression.
There were so many people that endured such hardships.
We, that live in such prosperous times;
may be void of knowing hard times,
And as a result of that they
  never gained a real appreciation
for what they have!

It is pictures like these that help me to not take what we have for granted!

How can we appreciate what we have when we have
been inundated with consumerism?

Yet many still need help to feed themselves even today!

The last time we used our camper was a year ago so we are selling it!
My sweet hubby just had to get some hearing aids.
He is so amazed with how well he can hear!
But the cost was really expensive .
So, being the kind of wife my hubby needs,
was for me to say!!
Lets sell the camper so we do not have to have that huge debt over us!
We as women must be the help mates our hubbies need.
And being frugal and wise is one of the biggest we can be
when it is needed.
We should not take what we have for granted;
Our lives
Our hearing
Our food
Our provisions
So, may we start to appreciate what we do have!
Tell your hubby;
How much you appreciate how well he has provides for you,
He needs to HEAR that.
As that is how God created a man to function.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Balancing Our Time...

Balancing Our Time...

We are all given 24 hours a day.
We all have 52 Sundays in a year.

God has given us season's a time to plant and a time to harvest.

I have found that time can slip away;
So, As a manager of this home, I must manage my time!
By making priorities for each day and season's.
I can have some control!
God will one day ask me to give an account of my time.

It is very important to have wisdom in what is important,
For yourself and family.

Your time with the Lord!!
Without this you will not have direction or peace.
A woman of God should have the demeanor of a gentle and quiet spirit.
We can only attain this by being in His presence.

Making a list of homemaking needs for the day:

For making a choice early in the morning for what you plan to serve for dinner.
(Very Important)

Get a load of laundry going as it helps to not have that
Feeling of laundry overload!!

I always like to tackle a room of my home and get it in order.

I even like to ask my hubby if he needs me to do anything or him today.
I have found over the years, it is usually only a phone call or to go to the bank for him.
And he always is so blessed that I have tried to take a small
burden off of him.

Take some time to enjoy this season of warm weather.
Find a good book to read!
Eat ice cream!!
Love Your Family
It is the only one you have!
God has intrusted this treasure to you.
Living From Glory To Glory Blog
Remember to make time for the most important things!
Living From Glory To Glory 

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