Sunday, December 8, 2013

Christmas Romance

There is just something so precious and romantic
About the Christmas season!
God designed us with the need for love!
It is His idea for Marriage
Of love and commitment.
To hold and adore the one whom you made a covenant with!
God, has given us the  most romantic time of the year.
To enjoy a cozy and comfy evening.
Take advantage of the sweet glow of Christmas lights.
Sitting all warm and cozy inside together.
Playing Christmas music.
Make time together to do a few of these things like;
Watching a few sweet Christmas classic together.
Taking a walk together in the new fresh fallen snow!
Holding hands while out doing some shopping!
Bake your Hubbies favorite Christmas cookies!
Take a walk down memory lane of some
Of  your first Christmas's together!
Start a new tradition!
 Get a new Christmas ornament that celebrates,
How many years you have been married.
It is important to spice things up,
And keep the home fires burning.
Smile for him!
Rub his back!
Kiss the top of his head!
Tell him, he is the best Christmas gift that
God ever gave you!
Pray together and ask God's direction for this
New year coming up!

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Cast Iron Cooking Makes A Very Tender Roast...

Cooking in cast iron is a very easy way to have
A moist and tender roast!
It heats up so evenly!
You can use this on top of the stove or,
Pop it in the oven!
You can even use it on top of your wood stove!
And I have done this when we have had power outages!

I have cooked many Beef roasts in this 
Cast Iron Dutch Oven!
Deer Meat and Elk also come out very tender!

 Cooking roasted Potato's or carrots will
Make them scrumptious.

Also, using cast iron is a better and safer cooking material!
Do not use the old aluminum ones.
 It leaches the aluminum from the pan into your food.

They say the iron that comes from the Cast iron
Will help with your iron that is needed in your body!
I am not sure how true all this is but that's what
Google is for, right?

I think every woman would enjoy having a
Cast Iron Dutch Oven!

Tell me if you ever use Cast Iron cookware?


Friday, December 6, 2013

How Not To Become Dehydrated In The Winter Time...

Healing and Refreshing!
This time of year when it is -3 degrees (THE HIGH)
We can become dehydrated!
We may not be drinking enough water to keep
Ourselves healthy!
Water alone cleanses our system and lubricates
Our organs and joints.
It can even help clear your thinking!
When we are cold and it is freezing out, we tend to drink
Less water, and lean to the teas and coffees and don't
Forget the hot chocolate :)
Also, when the furnace runs all the time,
Or your wood stove burns 24/7
You are being dried out kinda like JERKY meat!
We must make an effort to drink more water
H20 !!
Also, this is a beauty secret for your skin to appear
Fresh and moist!
Also, I just want to put a thought out to you Mommas out there,
Your little ones should only be drinking water
 As their main beverage!
Their livers and kidneys need it!
If your mouth is dry and your lips chapped,
You are already dehydrated!
Serve a glass of water with every meal,
And fill a glass of water for each family member of the
Beginning of each day!

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Go Go Grandma

Go Grandma Go!
Okay here is the story behind this post!
A little ways back I was feeling tired and just worn out.
So, as I did some research on a few things,
I decided I might need some more Raw Foods.
I was trying to find a way to incorporate this with 
Maybe a drink option.

So these are the two products I started to use!

My oldest Grandson comes over and he is watching me
run around the house getting my morning housework
done, and getting things in order.

And he says to me
Where did you get all that energy?
I told Clayton what I was doing to give me energy.

And he suggested that we do a post on this Grandma!
As he thought it would be funny:)
So Clayton took the camera and started clicking the camera!
Taking pictures of me doing all my chores, 
with my super duper
Energy drink in my hand!

 Making our bed!

Cleaning up the kitchen!

Dusting the living-room!

Ironing my skirts!

I think maybe I might  just need to mix up a large glass 
Of my energy drink today!
Go Go Grandma!
All Photo's done by Clayton :)


Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Real Or Fake

Here is a picture of a wonderful real living Pine Tree!

 Here is another picture of a wonderful Fake Tree!

I wanted to share a couple of thoughts
 I have been thinking about lately.
I have purposed in my heart that
This Christmas season was just going to be different!

I could feel it deep in my spirit...

Every new portion and part of the puzzle becomes,
Clearer as we grow and resolve to worship HIM !

This Christmas season I told my Hubby, I think
I would like to get a real tree this year.
He said to me okay if that's what you would like
To do, it is fine with me.

So we went back to a home where many,
 Years ago we bought a real tree.
 Our children were both very young at the time.

It was a wee bit shocking to see the gentleman
after so many years
That owned and sold real Christmas trees!
Jim's Christmas Tree's
He was very old, and he  seemed quite feeble
 and he used a cane to walk.
He was very unstable.
But his smile and kindness was just as I remembered it!
His love for what he did every Christmas was real!
He was a stable man in his purpose.

No Faking it with him;

Can others see through us?
Do we really show the love of Christ?

I must stop myself, and tell God this everyday;
Not my will, but your will be done!

I do not just want to go through the motions!
Put up the tree
(Fake or Real)
Bake Christmas Goodies, till I can't eat a bite!
Wrap gifts till my back hurts!

I want to sit at His feet!!
Lay back against Him and breath.
And feel His heartbeat!

May I  not do another thing,
Till I am quiet and full of His Love,
And may my heart sing loud and clear,
Christmas songs that lift the worlds Fake burdens,
Of what Christ really came to bring!


Sunday, December 1, 2013

God Watches Over His Word...

The Power of the Word

The Word of God is powerful.
 God watches over it to perform His will in our lives.
 He waters it and increases His reality in amazing ways.
 It is so powerful it sustains us in times of need,
 and carries us through times of drought,
trials and sorrows.
As we minister to others,
the Lord uses us to plant or water the Word of God.
We can trust God with the results.
Even when we are not there to see it,
we can depend on the faithfulness of God.
 and victory of the Word.
We must look and be watchful;
Let not this month not go by in a flash!
Stop and enjoy His peace!
Let Him comfort you!
Share His Joy!
This is the time the world is open
to hear the Gospel!
Live with the twinkle in your eye;
Those who do not know Him will
wonder if Christ is real! 
We are His living epistles.
Christ is real!
All His promises are yes and Amen!

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