Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Living The Dream...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Living The Dream...

My dream was to marry and have children and to live in the country!

I know that this dream was given to me by the hand of the Lord;
I am so thankful the Lord gave me a husband that wanted to be
Married and have a family. I think in this world we have so many,
Younger couples that never even plan to marry or to have children.

I heard a friend of mine say recently that she was lonely
 as she also lives in the country, but she said a very interesting come back;
I guess we would be just as lonely in the city...

It is really very true, as so many people do not even know they're
Own neighbors!

I really enjoy the quiet and solitude that the space provides.

Sometimes it does feel lonely;
But I think after we have been in town every day for a week;
We both say in unison, it is so good to be back home.

Where are the young ladies that want marriage;
And to love and honor their husbands?

Where are the ladies who desire to have children and not wait
Till they are finished with law school?
Does anyone want to live in the country?

Well, it really does not matter where you live!
~It is how you live~ 

I will never regret staying married and having children!
But I think we have a generation of people that have made choices;
That will feel empty and self absorbed one day!

I heard a professional today tell me this;
We now look like a city that could be called a ghetto!
I thought "what" She said it is the way people dress and
They do not even brush their teeth!
She said it is a disgrace!

I just nodded my head and said yes, it is true!

If the Lord will put a young woman in your life that you
Might be able to steer in the right direction;
To cause her to have a heart for home and hearth!

Monday, January 4, 2016

Can You Rate Yourself...

Sometimes we can rate our levels of good old fashion common sense.

If we never take the time to look at why we do what we do, we become
Stunted in growing of areas that need to shift and change.

Let's face it, are dynamics change and we need to reevaluate how we live
And what we do in our day.

I find myself not trying new things, like when I was much younger;
But I still think it is important to think about something that you would like to do!

I always like to go or do something new every year!
It always does not have to be something huge or expensive!!

Common sense can usually give you a heads up for what might be a new direction!

If you have not even tried a new food in a decade, then you might be in a rut!

If you think your happiness depends on others, you may be stuck emotionally!
(I have experienced this when my children grew up and left home)

Having a healthy state of mind for me depends on my heart's ability
To move on and to learn new things!
And to take pleasure in simple things!

That feeling of being able to clean out and to make a break of old habits,
Can allow us to revamp and overcome.

I have learned the hard way to rate myself...
I do not want to be naive of what and where I am in this place called life!

When we are learning to change things up, realize that it can take over 30 days to
Reprogram our thinking and our actions!

1-10    Rate Your flexibility

Always, Roxy

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Better Choices for eating More Fruits And Vegetables...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog

One thing that always can be seen this time of year;
So many of us try to make a decision to eat better and to make better choices!

I for one think this is a good idea as it resets your internal clock for food choices.
Thinking along the lines of more fresh fruits or vegetables.

I did see a young woman in the grocery store in her yoga pants
She looked totally inspired, maybe she ran to the store!
Just with a cart filled with fresh veggies it looked like a work of art!

But I did want to encourage her, but I also wanted to say;
Just remember those fresh fruits and veggies go limp pretty quick!
Who out there has not had rotten bananas before a few days had passed!
Oh, and the limp celery, but you can usually get that to crisp up.

And those tomatoes that sprout seeds inside (yuck)

These bodies need so many good things...
I for one need protein every morning
Also, if I eat too many fruits with a lot of seeds it hurts my tummy!

Juicing to much to quick can raise the sugar levels and that feels yucky!

So for me the best approach is all things in moderation!

Buy a few vegetables at a time and use them up!
Eat the ones that are in season, as they are cheaper and fresher!

Eat right and light...
Yet, a little sweet for a treat makes a girl happy deep down inside!

I always love seeing pretty bright veggies in a bowl...

Saturday, January 2, 2016

What Else Can I Possible, Say...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog
Play It Again Sam...

Have you ever just felt like what else can I possibly say?

Well, I can assure you of this, my Hubby would say
You my dear have many more words left to say...

So I guess I will just say what comes to mind!

I love and hate winter
I love it because it is the time of year you can sit by the fire,
And no one thinks you're lazy. And I can put my PJ's on earlier
and no one thinks anything about it.
I hate it because;
1. It is cold
2 It gets dark so early
3 It's cold, oh wait I said that already!

I have been painting my nails some very bright colors, 
Many lovely shades of reds!
It looks so bright and cheery, so now I have gone back to wearing
My rubber gloves while doing dishes! It really does save my hands
from becoming chapped and the nails drying out.

I have walked so far every day this year!!
(2 whole days)

I now have to take my blood pressure twice a day;
Just thinking about doing it makes my blood pressure go up!
( Well, that is just makes no sense to me)

I also had to stop drinking coffee because it made my blood pressure
Go much higher, so I now am a decaf drinker...
So now life has taken a whole new turn...

I know you all have so many great ideas about lower blood pressure;
But mine is caused from genetics...

I seem to be praying for so many people who have had some very
difficult times, right now in their lives.

Have you ever had nights you just can't fall asleep?
Well the sure cure is to get out the phone book---
And start praying for everyone in alphabetical order!
(Really, I tried that once)

Remember that commercial with the little old lady eating a hamburger?
She opens it up and says;
"Where's the BEEF"

So you all get my point!
Sometimes it is better to not say anything!

Oh wait !!
"Laughter is good medicine"

Friday, January 1, 2016

Morning By Morning... Spurgeon

Keeping yourself and your loved ones free from either self imposed
Legalistic ideas and things that rob us of just good old fashion enjoyment!

Learning to take pleasure in things that God does not forbid in His Word...

I think many have had enough trial and testing in their lives!
But just thinking that does not stop them from coming.

That is why I am always doing the one thing that helps;
With life's overload and the physical stuff of oneself
or a loved one's struggle.

I am so thankful for the encouragement that I receive from a morning
Devotional and prayer time.
I really do not know how some people make it through a day without
His strength and support from His word!

I am hoping to thrive this new year and not just survive!
I do not want to live in fear, but faith!

I always enjoy when others share with me a word they feel applies
to their lives for the new year.

I have so far heard the word community
Another said Jubilee
Another said to simplify

Well, I do hope we all can be moving in a direction that brings
peace to our lives, but most importantly is to bring God glory!

Some years just seem to bring so many changes;
That was for us last year, so maybe my word may have been

But for this year it just may be 

Only God see's the end from the beginning, so that is why
~We walk by faith~

Have you sensed a word from scripture that is a word that
will bring your encouragement this new year?

Blessings, Roxy

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Out With The Old And In With The New...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

We can all start this New Year with a clean slate...
We can start each day with a clean slate...

Out with the old and in with the new!

I have always loved a new journal or a new pen,
Crisp and clean.

I have always liked new beginnings...

We have the ability to do and be and give and respond;
Like never before.

Are you a man pleaser?
Or do you want to please God?

This world has turned into a me program;
Beware and keep your heart pointed to true North
The star that has kept many that have gone adrift;

Say no to the distractions that keep you busy with no real direction!

If you know the Lord there will be a leading to what He has for you!

Restored relationships!
Closer walk with the Lord!
Getting your house in order!
Learning a new skill to better your home life!
Being available to your husband!
Learn to take pleasure and enjoy the moment!

Shake the dust off your feet...
Have ears to hear and eyes to see, 

Awake and smell the coffee!
Do not embrace another year to become more like the world;
But rather desire and strive to be the women, wife and mother that will hear;
One day, well done good and faithful servant,
Work while it is yet day!

Blessings to each and every one of you that desire the encouragement
To each other, to be a Godly woman!
For it is truly a worthy calling!

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