Monday, March 7, 2016

Hormones In All Their Glory...


Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

When I feel the weight of a long day, I tend to seek quiet and comfort.

Our days are a bit like the weather;
Or shall I say a bit like hormones...
I am glad that I am not programed with set responses.

Yet, I do not want to live my days controlled by hormones.
I guess you could say we can't live with our hormones
Without them!

As a woman we have been given the gift of hormones!
But as anything if we have to much or to little it can be a problem.

But in our modern day our foods are ladened with hormones,
But these hormones can cause other problems.

We need hormones...
When we are in our teens those hormones can rage.
But as we age, we can become low in certain ones.
I personally have chosen to take a very low dose of Estrogen to help me!
I really did not want to take it, but the quality of life;
Is maybe the better choice right now!

Do you find yourself feeling a bit weepy?

I have found myself feeling weepy in the long evenings.
I find myself crying as I watch Hallmark movies.
I can sit down and look at old photos and feel a sadness that all those
 Sweet memories, have come and gone...
 Yet, it seems like they happened just last week.

I am so thankful to have these photos of my memories as I can see visually 
they have played a big part in who I have become today.
And I can also see the changes of our growth.

A wife that has been loved well!
A Mother that had the joy of raising them into amazing adults.
A Grandmother that has a blessed inheritance!

Sometimes I just need a good cry...


Saturday, March 5, 2016

Sing As Onto The Lord...

Living From Glory to Glory Blog

A New Song

God loves to hear his people sing.
He created us to sing;
Children so easily sing and hum, it is very precious!
Women who have trained themselves to have a song in their hearts!
Will have a resource that will bring peace and calming in many storms.

After all, we are called to bring a joyful noise unto the Lord!
I  feel bad that I do not have any natural or trained musical ability;
But, it has not stopped me from singing and giving praise!

A heart that is filled with a hymn or a song of praise;
Will always have a chance to turn complaining around;
A song that is in your heart is like a bird that cannot contain its song!

When you are alone, it is so sweet to sing a song to the Lord!
Sing while you're doing your dishes.
Sing as onto the Lord!

I always remember the scripture where He is singing over us!
God serenades us everyday...
Hear the birds singing
Hear the wind blowing
Hear and feel your own heartbeat!

God is the great conductor!
May your life have harmony as a symphony that moves us!

We all have heard the statement;
~She moves to the beat of her own drum~
As it should be when we are in rhythm of the Lords timing...

May a New Song of gratitude spring up and be sung...

Nothing on earth is so well suited to make the sad merry,
The merry, sad, to give courage to the despairing,
to make the proud humble, to lessen envy and hate,
as music.

~Martin Luther~

Living From Glory to Glory

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Hind Sight Can Become 20/20 Vision In Our Lives...

Hind Sight Is 20/20

We can learn to become wise women by learning from our past!

I am not saying always ponder your past, because that is not wise in itself.
Some things just need to stay in the past;
What I am referring to, is the things that we can now see that we may have
Had a different outcome if we had done a few things differently.

A wise woman learns from her mistakes.
A wise woman grows when she is teachable.
A wise woman does not keep track of wrongs done to her!
A wise woman becomes wiser because she makes time to reflect!

~There is a difference in reflecting and mourning the past~

We can become stuck in what we thought it was all going to look like.
Sometimes I enjoy putting on those Rose colored glasses!
Sometimes the cold hard bare facts are just too much for me!

The Pollyanna syndrome can be a lovely thing...

Be free to express your true feelings;
(But not at the expense of creating a chasm that has no bridge)

As we can all attest to the very sad or difficult separations that have
Appeared for just wanting to be right!
But my point is this;
There are times we have missed an opportunity to speak from the heart;
Just maybe when we had a opprounity and the timing was right!
We may have missed it;

So I do want to speak to those I love or those who need correction.
With a word of wisdom...
Sometimes it can be just from your years of wisdom or
A scripture or a biblical truth...

We need to be brave!
We need to ask them, please can I share with you from my heart?
I need to say this or I may have regrets that I stayed silent!

But we also know this fact, sometimes it is better to say nothing at all!

But we now can have 20/20 vision in some areas of our life.
If we will read and study the word, to gain a heart of wisdom!
So next time we cannot go down the same wrong road expecting a different result!

See, we now can see clearly...

If not put your Rose colored glasses back on for a bit!

Monday, February 29, 2016

Saying I Love You...

Friends, Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Saying I love YOU...

~Some words carry weight and life~
Why we must be asking these questions,

Why do you love me?
Why do I love you?

Because without love, we would die a slow and painful death!

We are warned in scripture that the love of most will grow cold...

If I wrote a bestseller book and had not love
If I lived in a mansion and had not love
If I knew hundreds of people, but had no friends;
Love is a commodity worth millions...

Love is a terrible thing to waste,
But we all know we can not love everything that some people are doing!
Love the sinner, hate the sin!

If you have been given the chance to extend true friendship;
Honor it
Grow it
Keep it

I Love You...
Because He first loved me!

Friday, February 26, 2016

Trying To Find Time...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Trying To Find Time...

What are some of the lovely and satisfying things that you just long to do?

I really do enjoy sewing and making aprons and cloth dish towels.
And my new fun favorite thing to do is make little tea bag fabric holders.

Any more I need smaller projects so I can get them done quicker.
It would help if the darn thread stayed threaded in my machine;
(I think the hole in the needle is shrinking)

When I do get into town and I always find myself in the fabric store!
(Might need to join Fabric Hoarders Anonymous)

I have a drawer full of fabric, but I just can't help myself at times...

Are you ladies finding it harder to get to those projects that you
really enjoy doing?

Sometimes I just have to tell myself today is the day I will sew!

I think that when we just always do the normal housework;
And we do not just do something that makes us sing deep down inside.
We can become tired and a bit stale in our imagination.

Once Spring gets here and I do believe it is peeking its head out,
We will once again have yard work to do and planting!

I think we have the change of seasons so we can have a
Long winter's rest inside so we can really enjoy the fresh outdoors,
Come spring and summer.

I do hope to finish a few things this next week!
(Well, that is if;
The Lord willing and the creek don't rise)

I think we just need to have something to look forward to.
Hope you have some plans to do something special!

Work and pray and enjoy...

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Tornado Drops From The Sky...


Our daughter and son in law and their children were in that tornado that
Struck in the night in Pensacola, FL.

God truly protected them all...

When they saw all the damage that had hit the other homes;
They praised God for His hand of protection!

And we thanked God for answering our prayers!
As you all know we ask for God to protect our loved ones!
Even in the  path of a fierce storm He delivered them.

All the stuff is replaceable...
Life is the most valuable thing we are given;
Firstly, physical life, but it is the converted, regeneration state of
Our very souls that we must truly understand
The gift of God that really matters!

Trees that have graced the neighborhood for 30+ years,
Were tossed around as if they were but a blade of grass.

Storms will come!!

~We will find peace in the eye of the storm~

Living From Glory To Glory
Even when fear strikes our hearts!
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