Thursday, November 10, 2016

My Franciscan Rose Pattern Dinnerware...

Living from Glory To Glory Blog ,Franciscan Rose Pattern Dinnerware

My Beautiful Rose Franciscan Pattern Dinnerare
And My Story...

My Rose Pattern dish's now have some very pretty green glasses to go with them!
When my Mother passed, I asked for her dish set because she and I had a love for
this lovely rose pattern for many years.

I remember as a child she only had the sugar bowl and creamer
And just two teacups with saucers.
She would use these two cups when a neighbor would stop in for a cup of coffee.
I do not think we do that anymore...

Years before my Mother died, she gave me the sugar bowl and creamer
For my 30th birthday!
I do not use them any longer as they are a bit cracked and very fragile.
So I leave them in my china hutch!

Let me tell you the story of how I happened to acquire a complete set
of this lovely Franciscan tableware!

Well, my older brother knew how much mother loved this pattern!
As I mentioned when my Mother did pass I did get 6 dinner plates and 6 bowls
 and that was what I had gotten from our Mother.

But I got a phone call from my brother and he asked all the other sisters if they
wanted some of those same rose pattern dinnerware.
They said no as it was not their style,
But they did say ask Roxy, she loves that stuff!!

Living From Glory To Glory Blog

So when my brother went to an estate sale back east he saw these dishes!!
The man that had lived at this estate was a client of my brothers;
So when he asked about these dishes they told him he could have the entire set!
(Not sure of what he may have paid as I never asked)

But I will tell you this it was a huge amount of every size and everything imaginable.

The boxes just started coming to the house and they were huge!
The Fed Ex guy was like who sent you this??
I told him the story and he said boy you have one nice brother!
~And Yes, Yes I do~

It took my Daughter in love many hours to unpack the boxes!
We had so many the entire floor and table were covered in Roses...

I have so many dishes that I had to pack away many of them!
I kept out a table setting for twelve!

I use them as my daily dishware so I always think of my Mother!

I received serving bowls and serving platters, and casserole dishes.

I have two different styles of teapots...

But just recently we found some nice green glassware at Tuesday Mornings
(Love that place)

So I bought a stemware green glass and then a regular tall glass for tea and milk.

My cupboards are bursting with Roses!!
And it makes me smile and I count my blessings that my dear brother
gave me such a lavish gift!

You know I just had a thought or maybe it was a memory about how and
where my dear mother would have gotten the money to buy her
Cream and sugar set and her two coffee cups?

I believe it was probably with her little books filled with
S&H Green Stamps

~Thank You, Dear Big Brother~
Thank You Mom for giving me the love of Roses...

Do You Ladies remember a dish pattern your family used while growing up?

Blessings, From Glory To Glory

Monday, November 7, 2016

One Bad Apple Can Spoil The Whole Bushel...

Living from glory to glory blog

One Bad Apple Spoils The Whole Basket

Have you ever felt like a total stranger in your own skin?

Sometimes when I travel I feel so out of my element;
This not a totally bad thing as we all most learn to be more flexible.

Our routines can become such a comfort to us!
Yet we can become stiff with them also.

Well, my title today, says so much about us now days!
We live in a world where there are NO Absolutes
Everything is open to ones own interpretation...

So here is the problem;
One bad apple does spoil the whole basket of fruit if not removed quickly!

I think many of us have looked at the ways that our society has been moving.
We know something is wrong!
We may feel helpless as what we might be able to do about it!

But this is where I usually go back to my secured refuge of home!
By staying home and keeping my own home running smoothly.

We all have a chance to make a difference!

Make some changes within your home!
Encourage a friend with a timely word!
Get rid of the negative media and so called opinionated people,
That causes your blood pressure to rise.

We all have that one person or situation that seems like it
has become the thorn in our sides.

Allow it to be used to refine yourself as the Lord leads.
But say enough when it gets out of control and start stinking!

I have seen many people shipped wrecked over a bad apple.
Use wisdom dear ones!!

Do not allow someone else dictate your joy or position in life!

Take control and give it to God!

We are all living from glory to glory...

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

How I Make Fresh Pico De Gallo...

Making Pico De Gallo From Scratch. Living From Glory To Glory Blog

This is an all time favorite for my family. But for myself also!
I love this fresh form of a salsa on my scrambled eggs and of course
Corn Tortilla chips are a must to eat with this fresh salsa.

I think making your homemade fresh salsa can be very frugal;
Look for the tomatoes when on sale.
Onions are super cheap
A couple of jalapenos cost next to nothing!

Here are the hot jalapenos!!
They are such a wonderful addition to make a dish pop!
I usually cut extra each time and freeze some for another side dish or for more salsa!

Ladies you must wear a rubber glove when you dice these little hot babies!

When cutting the jalapenos and the onions you need to dice them very fine!
I have had them in all sizes, but I think the smaller size makes a better blend!

Living From Glory to Glory Blog...

I like to use a sweet onion!

Fresh garlic cloves are the key in my opinion!
Living From Glory To Glory Blog, Fresh Garlic

You can use as many tomatoes that you want as this is the
Portion to give it body and quantity!
If you're a large family use enough tomatoes to make a quart jar!
If it is just two of you make a pint size jar filled.

You can use Roma tomatoes or vine ripened ones
(I have even used canned diced ones in a pinch)
~Do Not Tell Anyone~

Pico De Gallo

Fresh diced tomatoes
1 medium onion
3 to 4 Jalapenos, diced tiny
(Use rubber gloves)
3 to 4 cloves of fresh garlic
A dash of sea salt
A splash of lime juice or lemon.
Mix well

Put into a glass jar and refrigerate.
This will last for at least a week,
If it last that long!

Serve with love...

Saturday, October 29, 2016

How To Make A Delicious Mini Tea Biscuit And A Tea Party...


How To Make Mini Biscuits, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Why having a tea party is so good for one's outlook on being a wife and mother and a lady!
Even little girls love tea parties.

Do you have a teapot?
If you do not have a teapot you must be on the lookout for one!
You can find them in antique stores, or a yard sale, even TJ Max sells them.
I have a few of them myself; and I even have a few single serve ones.
These little ones are nice for just yourself!

Here is a lovely two tiered plate filled with some tea party mini biscuits!
Tea Biscuit, Living From Glory To Glory Blog

These little tea biscuits or scones are so delicious!
I got this recipe from Lydia when I was out there visiting her,
She was gracious enough to share it with me!

I will share it with you also at the end of this post!

Tea Party Sandwiches... Living From Glory To Glory Blog

These little sandwiches were so good, they were filled with cream cheese spread
And chicken filling that was super yummy.
As we all know we can use just about anything inside our little bite size
tea sandwiches. I was told you could leave the crust on the bread because her
In America our breads are so soft and the crust is quite tasty.

We also had a riny glass cupped filled with cooked apples with a crumb topping 
on top of them, but of course we had a dollop of fresh whip cream to top them off!

Serving tea is not just enjoying the tea itself, but we can also really
Enjoy the preparations for it!

I am learning to take pleasure in the process of all that I do for myself
and my family and loved ones.
You can truly make a burden out of everything if you are not aware of
how wonderful everything smells and taste if you add love!

Mini Biscuits For Tea

2 cups Flour
1 Tablespoon Baking Powder
1/8 tsp. Salt

In a bowl now add separately
1/2 cup oil
(I used a light olive oil)
1 Egg
1/2 Cup of milk

Mix the wet ingredients up well and now add to the dry ingredients;
You can add a bit of sugar if you want a sweet biscuit!

Mix the dough till all is moist and now pat it out to cut out your biscuits.
I used a small glass to make a tiny biscuit, you can use anything round.

Bake in a 350 degree preheated oven for only 10 to 12 minutes;
Just check the bottoms to see if they are slightly browned.

Serve these mini biscuits with some jelly of your choice;
Top them with a bit of whip cream!!

I have been looking for a small biscuit cutter, but so far I have only
A middle size one and so I am using a shot glass cup LOL

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Expect Changes...

Changing Seasons Of Life, Living From Glory to Glory Blog

Everything Changes

Just when you thought everything had settled into a pattern...
This post is a gentle reminder to all of us that seasons come and they go!

I think when we can learn this and remind ourselves,
 That this is the way things work, we can fend off
Some stress and sorrow...

When you are married you go through many ups and downs.
But through it all you can accumulate some many wonderful
Lessons of wisdom!

I know if you stopped to think about all the things,
You all have been through and experienced in your lifetime.
You would say now I never saw or expected that to happen.

When we become so stiff necked and are not pliable to changes,
We can become fragile in many ways!

Be quick, dear ones to submit to what comes your way!

Now, we know that the evil one is always prowling around seeking 
To whom he may devour...
But we are told to submit to God and resist the devil!
So we must always stand in the place of not just sitting
Back and allowing the enemy of our souls devour us!!

~Even in the Lords prayer, we ask Him (God) to deliver us from evil~

But some things are just His perfect will for us;
The trouble is that I see in a glass darkly dimmed.
What I mean by this is we cannot tell the future.
And you should never allow anyone to tell you your future!
That is for God to know!!

But we are not left without direction as we have been given the 
Holy Spirit to guide us in all truths!

But there again is where we must learn to submit to God!

Arise, and let your enemies be scattered!

Expect changes
Expect to be corrected
Expect to go through trials
Except, that in His perfect time, you will overcome;
And if you do this you will endure to the end!

On The Home Front
I have now discovered I am lactose intolerant
My gut now needs healing, so I will go gluten free for a while.
Going to meet out new grandson
(Darn I have to go to Florida) LOL
I will be having my 60th birthday soon!
My nails have finally healed from some gel nail polish I had on!
(It took over a year)
I hope you are all well and are growing through your changes...
I appreciate each and everyone that stops here
@living from glory to glory

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Christians And Halloween...

Why I do not do witches and black cats and evil scary things!

Firstly, let me tell you a story,
Witches are real and they love to do what witch's do...

When I was but a very small child I went trick or treating with my older
Siblings and we went house to house all dressed up in our costumes.
 And we carried a pail to put our candy in.
Well, I always seemed to be the last one to get my treat
And was the last one off the porch usually.
 This one particular year I was dressed as a Gypsy.
I was shocked and surprised when this lady started saying some
very weird and scary things to me!
I can remember being very afraid, and I realized even as a child.
This was not a game, but something strange had happened.
I tripped over my long skirt and dropped my bucket of candy.
I fell off the porch and hurt my leg.
My siblings were half way down the block!

I realized even as a child I just knew;
I had had an encounter with a witch!

I must tell you once again when you participate in this activity,
You will be exposing yourself and your children to evil things.
I also believe we can instill fear in our children that can last
for a very long time!

I doubt the discernment of those that think it is just healthy fun!

It is not glorifying to God or in your children's best interest!

May you realize if you do do this Halloween pagan tradition
Beware, as I can attest to things that are not particularly wholesome.
I also realize evil is always lurking;
But on this particular time we have helped him by setting the stage.
And willingly have open the door to evil and scary stuff.

In our culture we seem to not be shocked by much of anything anymore!

We now have a program called The Good Witch.
Years ago we watched the program Bewitched.

Some Christians use it for a time to evangelize others.

Personally, I think it is wiser to NOT participate in anything
to do with Halloween.

I am thankful that my children when they were little did not
participate in any Halloween activities.

But as our children married and had their own children
they both felt that they wanted their children to experience what
they had missed. I was sad over their decision and I prayed for them.
But only after a few times of doing it with their children,
They saw and felt the dangers their children were exposed to.

"One time they all went together and a man chased them down the
street with a chain saw that was so loud and he was screaming at them!"

I have many other stories about this pagan activity
But I will save them for another year!
Remember this is a blog that tries to train and teach!

Living From Glory To Glory

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