Friday, January 20, 2017

Dish Towels Made From A Drop Cloth...

Making these dish towels from a drop cloth was very easy!
It also made a lot of them...
Firstly, I washed the drop cloth in my washer and dried it.
I used a drop cloth that was 100% cotton.

I used a dish towel that was a size that I preferred for my pattern!
Some towels are just too short or long and even to wide.

I cut them to size and then I ironed a hem, then I did a quick
Run on my sewing machine.

I embellished them with bits of scrap material and some I added a bit of lace ribbon.

It was so easy peasy and I made a ton of them and gave them away as gifts.
I kept a few for myself and have found them to be a superb towel!

I wished I had taken a few more pictures of all the ones I made.
But really you can use the colors that match your kitchen!
Make a few for friends and family!

They would make a nice gift for a Bridal shower,
 because these babies hold up in the kitchen!

This was the label that was one the one I purchased for this project!
I found mine at a store called Harbor Freight.

I do love a good dish towel and these are really a very nice quality;

In these long winter months you could make some for gifts or for yourself!

Have you ever tried making anything from Drop Cloths?

If you like this idea feel free to put it on your Pinterest Board

Monday, January 16, 2017

How To Pamper Yourself...

Lovely Blue and White Teapot and teacup, Living from Glory To Glory Blog

How To Pamper Yourself...

~ We all have so many demands on us as we take care of our families~

But life has a way to make one a bit weary;
Especially this time of year...
Winter is in full swing, everything is cold and it gets dark so early.
This affects many of us even if you live on the other side of the world.

For some it is full blown winter and for others it is a milder 
Temperature change...

There are some that are so privileged and rich, they can take oneself to a spa!

And I think this is wonderful if it's in your budget!

But realistically, my spa moments are a quiet time sipping tea,
or sitting with a small crochet project or a good book!

Learning to be content with what you have is a lost art;
In a world that craves more...

I enjoy looking at a magazine that shows me many amazing
Ideas and recipes and forms of home decor.
I have to watch myself that I do not become saddened that
I do not live in a perfect cottage in a place that is magical.

No, I live in a rural area that has fierce winds and blustery cold!
My home is where we live and enjoy life...

You do realize life is to be enjoyed!
Every season and every portion...

A day without joy is so wasted, dear ones!
You can take joy even in the midst of sorrow or a loss of a season of life.

Every sunrise and sunset has the handprint of God upon it!

Every smile and tear is significant to God!

Take tea
  And learn to make your home your hobby...
Let everything you do bring glory to God!

Wipe your tears and sadness away
Gird yourself up!!

Enjoy the peace and solitude and lean into God...
Do not allow the cold and wind and darkness suck the life out of you!
I have learned to be content in my heart and life..
I have learned to enjoy the small things!

I write this because I see women that feel a deep alone feeling;
I say we must encourage each other while it is yet day!

What are some things you feel that you do for yourself that is considered
Pampering yourself?

Monday, January 9, 2017

A Lady, Appreciate The Feminine Side Of Womanhood...

This was a lovely charcoal sketch I found on one of my travels!

It seemed to be saying how lovely a woman really is.
We live in a world where we no longer appreciate the feminine side of womanhood!

I believe this picture was of a lady thinking and pondering on
many ideas and thoughts. 
She was getting ready to dress for the day!
Did she just throw on a pair of sweats and call it good?

For some reason I doubt that would be the situation.

Years ago ladies wore a full slip under their dresses or there skirt and tops.
And while getting their hair and make-up on they would sit at their vanities.
Sometimes they would wear a housecoat over their full slip!

The curves and the outline of this sketch is so lady like.

I still can't help but feel that it is the way a lady may dress that
can appear to make the world a tough place.

Soft and lady like, not built to last like a tank!

Pretty tops and skirts or flowing pants!
Warm and cozy yet a touch of femininity

Even wearing a necklace or a pretty bracelet is very pretty!

I live in the country and I can wear a flannel shirt and
A pair of blue jeans with a clip in my hair and still look soft and feminine.

The way you dress each day is for YOU!!

Looking neat and having your top and bottoms match.
Having a nice pair of black sweat pants, can be very pretty.
Finding longer shirts to cover the derriere, is very appropriate.
A comfy sweater with a scarf is nice.

Look, I do not have rules of what to wear...
I just see that the world is leaning to the far side of no distinction.

When I shop anymore, I always give thought to how this will look on me!

Find a few colors that look good on you!
Ask a friend what colors are your colors.
I am sure you have heard from others say something like;
"That color is your color"

A lady can look good in flannel shirts or flowers;
It's really just giving thought to what you're wearing!

( I just wanted to share this memory, when we were just married,
we did not have a lot of money, but I shopped at a second hand store.
I looked like I spent a lot on my clothes; I did NOT.
I looked at the dollar rack first!"

I also learned to hem and iron my clothes to look fitted;
I replaced buttons and got stains out!

I worked all day on cutting off some old skirts and putting in a new hem.
They were a longer style and they were too long and bulky.
So now they look way better and just cost me my time.

Take care of yourselves dear ones!
Your health is your wealth!
Take care of how you appear!
Clean and fresh and like a girl...

Blessings to you all!!

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Keeping My Spirits Up In The Winter Cold...

Snow, Living from Glory To Glory Blog

Winter Wonderland

Remember when we were children and when it snowed?

There is just something about the wonder of it all!

As I have gotten older I think I can better understand why so many
go south for the winter, they call themselves snowbirds.

I do hope you are all getting settled after the Holidays!

Yesterday I went to the store and bought myself some turtleneck
shirts to go under my sweaters. I think the layering helps
to keep the body heat in. They only had a few in my size left
 at the store. So when I got home, I ordered a few more online.
I got enough to have to keep warm this winter.

I love the change of the seasons, but driving in snow is
not my idea of a thrill!

Years ago I remember driving down a hill and doing a complete 360
When the car finally came to a stop I was so relieved I was alive.

I bought a few charms to make myself a new necklace.
I enjoy making them for myself, as I can find the right colors,
I want for a few outfits I have.And I enjoy wearing a necklace.
Do you wear a necklace when going out?

Yesterday I also bought a few items of food that will be nice
to have in case we get a lot of snow!

Do you ever buy a whole chicken and cook the whole thing
so you can get the broth for soup?
This is my plan for today!

I have also started my read the Bible through in a year plan!

Last Sunday we played Dominos, and we played a game called Train;
It was so much fun!

My plan for today is this
Reading my Bible
Dressing in layers as its freezing outside!
Putting my chicken on to roast in the oven!
Practicing my Piano...
Crocheting some of those little Oreo cookie magnets!

I will be staying in where it is warm and keeping myself busy!

I added a few new ladies to my sidebar;
As you all may remember I lost all of those I had on there!

Do you have a list of other bloggers on your sidebar?
Have you found a New Blog that you have found interesting?
Is blogging something you still enjoy doing?

What do we as a blogging community enjoy the most about blogging?

Looking for a bit of feedback;
May you all have a blessed rest of your week!!

Always, Roxy

Sunday, January 1, 2017

New Year Bible Reading Plans...


Bible Reading Plans for 2017

Check out this wonderful link for a few different ways to read through the Bible!

Reading the Bible in a systematic way is a great way to
see it in the full context and not just one verse!

A nice set of Commentaries is really nice to have!
A Bible Dictionary is beneficial!
Having a notebook to take some notes!

The Word will never return to us void!
There is a great value and profit for diligence in studying and reading scripture!

Blessings to each and every one of you!!

May this New Year be one that can be looked back upon and know
that you have given your heart and your best to the Lord...

" We have a new start that is fresh every morning to do better"
"And each New Year we can purpose in our hearts to grow and to learn!"

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Looking Back...

Looking back on this last year...

Ever heard the saying sometimes we are not able to see what is
right in front of our eyes...

I prefer my small little world, I do not have to be up front and in 
center stage and have the notion that the world revolves around me.
Simple and quiet...

Learning to be content and happy is a fine art!
But the more you practice it, the easier it comes.

We have all had a few trials and we can see that our faith was tested.
 But we take joy in the opportunity to have a fresh start in a new year!

As we all know:
It truly is hard to keep all the balls in the air that life throws at you!
But we can give it are all, and do the best we can!

But when I looked back over this last year I smile and bow my head;
I give thanks for another year of grace and prosperity in love.
The ability to encourage and give support.

"Sometimes it is just a smile or a kind word that has helped me to keep going"

I am not sure if we will ever fully get over the feeling that we just
don't fit into the peg hole. But being unique and sincere goes a long way!

Sometimes it is a bit of a transition to start a new year!
But it is a great time to clean out and organize
It all really takes hard work!

Gimmicks don't work.
Money has wings
Politics is like playing with fire
Health truly is your wealth!

Stay in the Word!
Let not your heart be troubled!
Everything in moderation...

If you have extra; share
If you feel sad; have a good cry
If you have read a good book; pass it on.

If you're afraid to die, then start living well; so you can die well...
May this New Year not leave you with regrets,
But live to give God Glory...

Happy New Year

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