Thursday, June 15, 2017

Youth Dew And Staying Young At Heart...

Youth is something that seems to be fleeting as I age...

How can we age gracefully?

I have a friend that we have always said that when we get old,
"We will not be old and crotchety"
Cranky and rude;

Is there truly any excuse for just plain old meanness?

If we are Christians, Christ should be-
Formed in us, daily!
Living from glory to glory!

There is nothing more beautiful than seeing an older person,
Smiling and being kind and showing grace in her words and actions.

Do you make a practice of being critical and mouthy?
Or are you using your words to build up and edify?

When I see things while out in about in the market place that disturbs me;
I try to pray and not show signs of my un-approval of them!
It is not them but their way of acting or living...
Pain and sorry and loose morals are everywhere!

Being critical and hard makes one look older
Being self righteous will make you alone
Being unkind makes you bitter!

Show Grace and Kindness...
It will make your face glow
Smile, You will look younger!

~You may not have tomorrow~

Monday, June 12, 2017

Two Is Company...

Having A Few Good Friendships, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Two Is Company...

Being all by yourself, is not something that
is good to be all the time!

Having a Husband is a gift; Ask any widower what is is like to
Have lost their mate!

Being a good friend is so important!
Having a good friend is a treasure!

If God has given you a mate, consider it a gift!
Being alone is very unhealthy...
You become very self absorbed and may feel depressed.

But, we must also be able to be alone;

Walking alone for health benefits
Your quiet time with the Lord and being in His Word!
If the Lord should call your mate home and you are widowed!
Being alone is not a disease.

But even God said it is not good for man to be alone:
So He gave him a Helpmate.

Many of you may have many sibling's
Many of you may have come from a large family
Many of you may have a ton of friends.

But; Many ladies have their children all grown and moved away!
Your Siblings may live far away!
Your Friends are moving away to be closer to their grown children!
Many are downsizing for practical reasons!

So having a network of a few friends that can be trusted is a gift!

So, you may need to jump start a few friendships in this season
Sometimes, or maybe all the time you will have to be the 
One who reaches out!

Do it!!!

Make The phone call
Write that letter
Plan a get together
Do something pro-active...

May your Husband be your dearest and closes friend!
But, Keep a few girlfriends close to your heart!

Friday, June 9, 2017

Being A Cheerleader For Your Own Husband...

Cheering For Your Own Husband, Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Being A Cheerleader For The Home Team

I wanted to share something that I believe was a teaching tool for me!

When I look at my husband and how hard he works!
At Home and at his job!

I had this thought of how I could cheer him on in his life!

( Now, for the record, I do not have a good visual picture of a cheerleader in my head)
Scantly dressed and kicking her heels up, Ra Ra and all that!

But, rather a voice behind him saying things like!
Wow, you did a great job honey
I can't believe you got that all done, you work so diligently
You're so smart to be able to figure that out!
Oh your such a good provider!
(He provides you with protection and security)
And I do not mean he makes a ton of money,
But rather someone who cares about you!

I will give you a little something to think about;

If you are not willing to be your husbands cheerleader;
I can guarantee there is a woman who will be!!

Having someone to notice what you have done is universal.

Look, I can't fix all your problems,
But I can give you some advice as how doing it yourself
in a way that brings him closer to YOU!

There are two teams:
The Home Team
The Worlds Team

You want your Husband to get all his Rah- Rah's from HOME!

Firstly, he picked you to be on his Team
(He married YOU)

So be a good Team Cheerleader!

------  ----- He's my man,

Your Man, needs You in his court!
Fight and cheer for him!

So, get your pom- pom's out and start cheering him on!!

(You can buy yourself a set of these at the Dollar Tree)

Were you ever a cheerleader?
Do you want your husband watching cheerleader at sports events?
Get my point?

Monday, June 5, 2017

A Love For Lemons...

The Fragrance Of Lemons, Living From Glory To Glory Blog

A Sweet Smelling Fragrance

I have been enjoying the scent of lemons lately!
I find it such an invigorating smell!

We all need at times someone or something to spark are living!

I want to reach out and send an exhortation to you all!

The only way you are going to have the marriage you want is to
~ Work on it, one day and situation at a time ~

Becoming a Godly woman is accomplished only
Through being teachable and humble
One day at a time!

How can I leave a sweet smelling aroma when I leave a room?
By speaking words of love and life in a tone of voice
That gives them hope and points them in the right direction!

We must all want to be as kind and joyous as we can!
No one likes a sourpuss!

But we love the fresh sweet smell of lemons!

Look, we will all go through trials.
 But when we;
Become a place of refuge and strength for those who are weary!

That is what a Godly Home offerer's!
Make God and His Word the center of your life...

When we walk with God, we leave behind a
Sweet fragrance that can inspire others to follow.

Make some fresh squeezed lemonade
Make a cold lemon pie
Make a lemon pudding cake
Buy some lemon scented lotion
Buy some lemons to add to your drinking water
But some lemons in a bowl on your counter

Be inspired and inspire others!

Monday, May 29, 2017

Is Blogging Changing?...


Well. Let's celebrate...

We have another season upon us!

It has been a very cool spring here in these parts;
And I have enjoyed it very much!

It's time to get your June and July And even August mode in gear!

Bug spray
Drinking enough water
Wear eye protection

But most importantly;
Taking time to enjoy the moment of each day!

I am not sure lately what to blog about;
I have been just so enjoying working on my Doll house!
Watering my flowers and greenhouse!

I have made a few very sweet friends through blogging all these years!
Grateful for that...

Hank wanted to say Happy Memorial Day!

I am looking at revamping my sidebar;
So many on there anymore, I do not have any feedback.
I lost my whole sidebar a while back, and not sure what I
Want to use it for anymore.
Asking your opinion on what you like or dislike
With my choice of blogs I share on my sidebar.
Are they useful for you to find other blogs?

Have you found a New Blog lately that you enjoy?
How many comments do you leave per week?
Do you wish we just had a like button?
(Just added a Like, and Interesting and Important Button)
Just BELOW each post.
Never knew you could do that!
Do you leave comments via using your cell phone?

The reason I Blog is because I enjoy the connection!
I blog because it is enjoyable to write a post!
It is nice to have a little spot that is all your own!
You can share your heart and ideas and encourage others!
You can even share a warning to help others stay safe!

I still think blogging is a classy magazine of real people;
That we get to get a glimpse of their lives and homes!

Well anyways, I do hope you all enjoy yourself this

You're always welcomed Here!!

Friday, May 26, 2017

Are You Ready?...

Are You Ready? Beautiful Blue Bowls, Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Are You Ready?

A dear friend of mine was asked the question the other evening;
It was asked by a Pastor that knew this woman.

She said NO...

Yes, she is saved!

But NO she is not ready to leave her Husband or Children...

I love this sweet, wonderful lady!

She has been battling a brain tumor for a long time!

They have been given a bad report again!
I am a bit stunned and in shock.

Are we ever really ready to say goodbye to those we love?

"I am planning on writing her a letter tonight"

She used to read my blog before she got diagnosed with the tumor!

She loved to sing to the Lord during worship!

It is like we had a connection in many ways "spiritually"
We would just call each other out of the blue and we would
Talk and then pray together...

I want to ask you;
Are You Ready?

I want to write letters to all my kids and grandchildren soon!
I want to love my Husband with my whole heart!
I want to laugh till I cry!
I want to repent for everything, I have ever done wrong!
I want to love and to plant flowers and trees!
I want to tell my faithful friends, how much I love and appreciate them!
I want to embrace the mornings!
I want to fall asleep and awake in Heaven
~When my TIME comes~

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