Sunday, October 21, 2018

Taking The Road Less Traveled And Enjoying The Journey...

A Country Road, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

It is more blessed to give...

This road is a road less traveled...

Life is filled with many back roads, some have had the most
amazing things to see and discover!

We just had the privilege to have our dear friends Lydia And Stanley;
Lydia@ Home Living Blog
Came for a few days to visit our home and stomping grounds.

I tried to get a picture of us girls together,
But the camera was not going to do us any favors.

Living From Glory To Glory Blog, Friends

My plan is to get into my Fall mode of shorter days.

Getting outside for a walk even if the weather is not perfect.

Spending more time in the early mornings, praying and reading the Word!

Using the crockpot for those easy, delicious dinners!

Watching more sweet movies that make me happy and cry!

Writing more emails and letters to those I miss!

Being kind to myself

Being more aware of what is the better choice in foods and company!

And to remind myself to create something beautiful every day!

And giving myself the freedom to rest and relax!

Remember so many are stressed and are living with the
consequences of making bad choices;
But I truly believe we all just want to be loved...

Life can be so very hard!
Just think, If we did not have all these trials we would be bored!
Hold Steady
Remember when you have done all you can do;

Hope some of you tried making that creamy Pumpkin Soup,
Because it is super delicious!

May each of you be strong and courageous!
Much Love, Because the love of Christ compels me.

Hugs, Roxy

Sunday, October 14, 2018

How To Make A Creamy Pumpkin Soup...

How To Make A Delicious Creamy Pumpkin Soup, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Delicious Cream of Pumpkin Soup

2 teaspoons olive oil
1/2 cup minced onion
1 teaspoon minced garlic
1 can unsweetened pumpkin puree
1 can evaporated milk
3/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon white black pepper
2 teaspoon chicken boullion

Garnish; Parmesan cheese
Sour cream

Heat oil in a heavy stock pan over medium heat, so it does not burn.
Add onion and garlic, and cook, stirring occasionally,
 until onion is tender, about 7 minutes.

Add pumpkin puree, evaporated milk, salt, and pepper.
Bring to a boil, Reduce heat to low, cover and cook 5 minutes
to blend flavors.

Place in a lovely soup bowl;
Garnish with parmesan cheese and croutons.
I prefer my own homemade croutons made from French bread.
Drizzle with some sour cream.

Eat and Enjoy

I make this soup almost every Fall Season!
It is rich and very elegant...

This is one of those all time keepers for a homemade soup!

Blessings, Roxy

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star...

The Heavens Declare The Glory Of The Lord, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

I have been really thinking a lot about how we as Christians are silenced!
We do not speak up because we do not want to offend others;

But truly if we are called to be the light of the world;
It is not something we have to do, or make a conscious effort to do so.

It is like the stars, they do not have to be told to twinkle or shine;
They do it because it is what they do!

It is not my desire to try to go around offending others that believe a lie!
But, I am tired of walking around being silenced in the little things.

It should be natural to say:
 Praise The Lord
Thank You Jesus
Jesus is Lord
Saying grace
Bowing My head
Quoting Scripture In Day to Day Conversation

This Little Light Of Mine, I am going to let it shine!

A very tiny light can be seen in the darkest night!

I have lived long enough to see so many supposed Christians;
Turn their backs and Hearts against and away from the truth!
The Great Apostasy!
They never truly believed...
Sad. but true!

They are always learning, but never knowing the truth...
Deception is something that looks right or important!
It's once again the syndrome of look at me!
I am religious
I know the deep things...
I studied this for a long time!

I will no longer be silenced!
I will be like the stars that shine every night without being told to!

Twinkle Little Star, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Blessings, Roxy

Have you experienced this also?

Sunday, September 30, 2018

Your Home Will Reflect Your Style And Heart...

Country decor, Living from Glory To Glory Blog...

Country Charm

I think it is the little things we have in our homes that give it charm.

I know that when I go to a home that has its own unique style,
I like to take notice of what they used and how they have arranged it!

Everything does not have to be magazine beautiful!
But, rather inviting and welcoming!

Many ladies will go through different phases in decorating.
I like changing colors for my curtains and throw pillows.
I also like to change out my rugs!
But mostly, I enjoy changing and rearranging my little things.

I have so many little country and farm looking decor.
The look may be a bit vintage with a bit of country!
I adore classic lace and roses galore.

But a bit of this and that and balancing the colors make it homey.

I am also drawn to birds that just fit in small areas.
A little blue bird and cardinals, and even a few brass ones.

I like to change out table toppings and doilies to freshen up a room!

Your home can reflect your mood and style.
Being aware of keeping things clean and washed like your curtains.
Cleaning and washing the nick knacks can make a room shine!

I enjoy washing the throws and having them clean smelling.
It always feels so nice to climb into a bed with fresh clean sheets!
I will even, in the middle of winter hang our sleeping pillows on the line.
They smell so fresh!

Little home; how I love that you keep me safe and warm.
Cool in the summer and warm in the winter.
I have a place to call my own!
May I always keep you clean and tidy;
And keep you filled with prayers and treasures!
For Home is where the heart is...

Blessings, Roxy

Country Cow Given to me from a dear friend... Living From Glory To Glory...

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Divine Interruptions...

A Lovely hand Crafted Sage Green Pitcher, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

The unexpected moments and situations...

We must consider divine appointments, we encounter often.
Many things happen to us that may feel like an inconvent interruption.

But, if we would change our perception and look to see what,
God is doing!

This lovely hand crafted pitcher can be filled with just about anything.
But, I can make a choice to fill it with fresh, clean water, or cold delicious milk.
Or I can use it as a container to place some beautiful fresh flowers.

When I am on my quest to do a chore or an activity;
I become so focused at times I have missed many opportunity's.

I pray very often that I might be in the right place at the right time;
Just as I pray please keep me away from anything that is not from You!

I want to be a vessel that is used, but not abused!

Being wise is spoken of as being as wise as a snake and gentle as a dove.

I want to hear, and see when these interruptions happen to me!
I do not want to miss a divine appointment!

But mostly my days are filled with little things;
The choice to do what is useful and sweet for making our HOME lovely.

But, when we at least stop for a moment!
Lift up a prayer and give what we can!

Silver and Gold I have not;
But what I have I give to thee...

 An interruption may be a divine appointment the Lord has schedueled for the day!

Have you looked at interruptions as a chance to pray and to serve?

Hugs, Roxy

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Receiving Mercy...

Receiving Mercy, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Giving Mercy
Receiving Mercy

How we can be plagued with guilt and grief...

Giving mercy is so biblical; But receiving Mercy is different!

Sometimes we look back and we can see the mistakes we have made;
Raising our children, are early days of marriage!
One of the things that can keep us awake at night is guilt or grief!

We must learn to forgive ourselves after we come to our
Heavenly Father and asked for His forgiveness;
Give it up to Him...

Why take back the guilt or sorrow?

I like to do a little symbolic body action at times;
I give my leg and arms a little shake and shake that thing off!
Sounds silly, but sometimes I feel like that thing just is clinging.

Learning to control one's own mind is a powerful thing!
Too many times we begin to have what the Word calls
"A Vain Imagination"

Take a hold of your mind; only allow what is good to take root!
Clean thinking is what will give you the wits to discern!
The only way you can tell the truth from a lie is to study the truth!

If you believed every commercial and ad that came across your path;
You would be filled with nonsense!

You do not have to live under guilt or grief!
Shake it off, and do not invite it back!

Mercy Will Always Give You More...

Thank You All For Visiting!!

Love, Living From Glory To Glory

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