Sunday, December 8, 2019

Do You Have A Happy Home...

Happy Home, Living From Glory To glory Blog...


Sometimes we can become so overwhelmed with life...

That is why it is so important to make a place where we can rest and keep;
Ourselves and our loved ones safe and happy!

Have you ever experienced this;
When out driving in the evenings after it has gotten dark, and as you drive past,
Many homes, I can almost feel which homes are Happy Homes...

They have a special look or a warmth that just permeates the darkness!

Everything takes work, but some types of work just bring a
Greater JOY...

I know some people do not celebrate Christmas, but I do!
There are some things we can do with our family's  that just keeps
Their hearts at HOME

We always try to gather here in Grandmas Home to eat,
And enjoy a Sunday dinner!

We always try to have the Christmas Eve dinner here also!

I love all the twinkle lights all year round;
I always keep a strand that is at the bottom of our mantel.

I believe there is magic in a woman's heart that desires to do
All the little and big things that make their homes special!

And cozy and warm and comfortable and filled with a gentle, quiet in your heart!

I believe winter is the time of year we can rest and recover!
It gets dark out so early and we can enjoy the quiet of the evenings.

In the years long ago, it was good to get a good night's rest!

I can't control the world, but I can at least monitor my home!

When we learn to enjoy the little things and desire;
To live in a way that allows time to enjoy your food!
Enjoy the moments to read the Word.
Calling a friend or mailing a letter to encourage!
Move slower and enjoy the aroma of the love of HOME...

I love having the Hope and Joy and Peace that comes from being content!
Beware of watching all the commercials that tell us how bad we need it!

I must say I so enjoy those Hallmark commercials;
Someone always starts tearing up.

May I encourage you all to stop and enjoy the little things in life!
Learn to stay away from things and people that want to push your buttons;
As we must stay in peace, I use to say this'
Do you want to keep the peace or do you want to be right?

Please remember the reason for the season!

Blessings Dear Friends

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

A Woman's Place Is In...

White Teapot & A Rose Teacup... Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

~A Woman's Place Is In~

Being in the right place at the right time...

Being in a quiet place with sweet fellowship with her Savior
"Jesus Christ"

Being a woman that desires to invest in her family.

Being loyal and showing respect to her husband.

Being happy and taking care of yourself.

Being fruitful in her spiritual growth
(Become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ)
Ephesians 4:13

Being aware of the needs that the Lord shows you.

Being able to turn small talk toward something deeper.
(God Talk)

Being able to protect those that she loves.

Being willing to learn and to be flexible.

Being kind is a character trait we need to aspire to!

Being able to STOP and assess a situation!

Being able to value what the Lord values.

Being able to rest and enjoy Gods Blessings...

The woman is an incredible gift to our families and homes;
We have so much to give and share...
We nurture and help others to grow and appreciate Life...

Learning And Loving each and every day...
Love. Roxy

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Why We Must Take The Right Path In the Right Boots...

Spiritual Boots, The Right Path, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

I love a good pair of boots!

As the old saying goes until you have walked in their shoes;
Or may I rephrase in their boots.
We never really know the road some must travel on.

But when we see so much walking in the wrong direction;
Or walking upon a slippery slope, we only can hope they
Can perceive the Danger Zone just ahead!

Or maybe so many are just zoned out and not tuned in!

But I write this Blog to encourage those that have hearts that love Home...
We all know that in order to live the life that brings contentment;
Is going to take some work and endurance...

Everything does not have to be a chore, but more of this feels good!
Look at what you have done to keep things running smoothly!

One thing you can count on is an uphill battle.
But when we are prepared for the long haul in life.
You will be able to keep on trucking...

When you think about all the different kinds of material and styles for our feet!
I always can see the spiritual side of most everything.

Ballerina slippers are made for a specific job;
Pretty and light with a tough toe...
So they can twirl and go about as a ballerina.

Now, Combat boots are for rough terrain!
Stones, mud, cold, heat, but they are resilient.

Take a pair of slippers, comfy and cozy,
But no real support!

High heels look fashionable, but you could break your neck!

Sneakers can be used for sports, walking and everyday wear!

But boots, are required spiritually to get the next thing done!

Where you set your spiritual feet upon what path;
Will matter and can change the course of your life
Eternal and the now!

I always loved the saying;
~You Can't Keep A Good Woman Down~

Blessings, Roxy

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

How To Set Boundaries, And Why We Need Them...

How To Make Boundaries. Living From Glory To glory Blog...


Why are so many people powerless to set boundaries?

Most the time is because we do not want to hurt another person's feelings;
Knowing your own personal boundaries will keep you healthy!
Knowing what is my stuff gives me freedom!

There are things and people that will try to diminish you!

Learning to be able to tell others what "YOUR  BOUNDARIES ARE"
This is key...

Have you ever heard someone say, well they never told me that!

People cannot read your mind!
You also can not assume!

We must learn are own comfort and safe zones.
Being able to say I am not comfortable with this;

Knowing your boundaries helps you,
And in the long run, it helps others!

We are not responsible for other adults boundaries.
But if you do not take care of your own perimeters
You will open the gate to wolves!

No one can do certain things for us!

People will try to lay all their burdens upon you!
We are all called to carry our own burdens!

So many are just plain irresponsible, and then we are back in a corner,
Only if you will say enough and NO to certain things!

Look, it's your home and your life;
Believe that you have a right and an obligation to keep certain things out!

The reason a good fence has a gate you can open is so you can let the
And keep the

If you don't, you might as well put a revolving door on the front of your home.

God limits what He will allow in His Yard!
He guards His house and will not allow evil to live there.

I learned many years ago to set boundaries!
We do not have to be a door mat for everything that comes along.

Our Words will have to be our defense for setting boundaries!
That behavior is not acceptable
Smoking (cigarettes, pot)
Foul language
Uncomfortable Touch
We can say these things with a voice of ownership!
Mean what you say

Passivity will never set boundaries, but will keep you stuck and  you will become resentful!

I had a problem years ago with someone who always brought their dog
Huge dog and he always would pee on my floors!
I finally told them nicely that it was not going to work for me any more.
Guess what, they never came back;
They were mad at me forever!
Yes, it was sad, but that was the beginning of finding my voice and knowing
My limits and my boundaries...

Being honest or truthful will hurt someone!
But the truth will set you free.

Preserving our own soul from wolves that desire to kill us!
Being aggressive for the right to keep our homes safe and our hearts healthy!

Stress and saying yes to everything makes one weak and vulnerable!

Take heart, we are more than overcomers!

I am thankful that in this season of my life I have very few people who
Try to manipulate or diminish me.

I have really felt the stress of over the years during the holiday season;
But I think we can very nicely say and speak what is on our minds.
And what is acceptable in our lives and homes

Our boundaries can show grace and discipline and bring
Peace to our hearts and Glory to God!

So Please Learn about how to set boundaries,
Teach others how to set them!
There is no reason to be manipulated by others!
We also can see this done through peer pressure;

We can accomplish setting boundaries, while still being kind and gracious!

As Always...
Living From Glory To glory

Hugs, Roxy

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

How Homemakers Can Bring Glory To God...

Mississippi Mud Cake...Living From glory To Glory Blog...

Did you know that if you enjoy being a homemaker it brings;
Glory to God?

When we are in our homes using the fruits of the Spirit;
In our attitudes and in our service towards others.
We bring glory to God...

He has established the Home,
It is where we grow and find comfort and love.
We also learn endurance and discipline!
It is where we can learn correction and direction!

Take each day as an opportunity to use the gifts;
We can make each day an offering to the Lord Jesus.

Any act of service done in Love!
Taking care of our Husband's needs!
The children's need for attention and training!

Making a meal and enjoying it is a powerful testimony!
Breaking bread and fellowshipping with those we love! 

Cooking in a Cast Iron Dutch Oven, Living From glory To Glory Blog...

Galatians 5:22-23 (NKJV)

22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering,
 Kindness, goodness, faithfulness,
 23 gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law

We need to ask the Lord to show us how to love others!
We need to know our Joy comes from the Lord;
And learning to be content...
Peace is what our families need, not someone always worrying.
But rather experiencing the peace that comes from trusting the Lord!
(In Everything)

We all know a little bit or a lot about long-suffering;
(This world has much of this going on!)

Kindness is a powerful weapon to keep the enemy away'
It's so easy to be kind, do you want to help your family overcome?
Then teach them kindness;

Goodness is something you can count on!
We love the statement He is a good man or a good woman!

Faithfulness; will you be able to be counted on?
Or are you fickle and not faithful in what tasks that need to be met daily!

Gentleness, will bring better results in everything
Or do you think being mean will bring a better result?
(It is like pouring gasoline on a fire)

Being self-controlled is a great gift to all those in your life!!!!

These are all accomplished by God's grace!
But we must exercise these very things in our own homes.
Then we can walk in them while in this world!

Through these we can and will bring Glory To God...

Living From Glory To Glory

Friday, October 18, 2019

The Benefits Of Cooking in Cast Iron Pans And Skillets...

Cast Iron Frying Skillet, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Cast Iron Pans, and Skillets

Personally, I think cooking fried potatoes and hamburgers in cast iron
Is possible the best way ever!
Crunchy outside and moist and tender inside!

When we were little when someone seemed low in iron,
We would get a meal cooked completely in a cast iron skillet!
Yes, Using cast iron cooking pans and skillets will add
Significant amounts of iron into your food and to your body!

They are better then nonstick pans that have that coating on them!
They will last for your lifetime if taken care of!
You can use them on the stovetop and in the oven!
Super easy to clean,
" I do not use soap, but a sponge and hot water"
I always put a coating of oil on mine after each use!

They also just look so wonderful sitting up on your stove!
They say to me Home Cooking...
And a bit of Country Style!

Cast Iron Skillet, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

The food just tastes better to me!
And remember, every time you use it to cook your foods
You are getting a dose of iron!
Once you cook something in it if you need to keep it warm;
Just pop it in the oven on low to keep the foods warm till supper time!

How To Season Your Pans and Skillets

You can season your cast iron cooking ware by washing them off.
Then rub them with a solid or melted vegetable oil.
Rub it on the inside and exterior.
Bake in the oven for one hour on 350 degrees.
I would place a piece of aluminum foil under the lower rack,
To catch any drippings!

 You can also season your pan by heat it up on the stove top until it's smoking hot,
 Then rub a little oil into it and let it cool.
I just use a little bit of paper towel to rub the oil onto the skillet
 Repeat this process a few times and you're good to go.
It is a good habit to clean it after each use...

You can use cast iron for frying, roasting, sauteing, and grilling.
There are so many shapes, skillets, Dutch oven style, a griddle for pancakes.

Cast iron cookware is very affordable and will last a lifetime!

If you see any rust forming, just scrub it off and reseason the pan!

Start your own heirloom set of cast iron cooking ware.

You can purchase one piece at a time or a whole set!
You can even find some of these pans at garage sales or while thrift shopping.
Keep your eyes peeled for them!

If you have never used cast iron for your cooking I hope you will
Give it a try and see if it's not really an asset to your cooking.

As always learning and growing and sharing!
Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

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