Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Golden Locks Going Natural Gray Hair...

Beautiful Gray Hair, Living from Glory To Glory Blog...

Lovely And Natural Beautiful Hair
Should we wear our hair long as we get older?
Shall we color our hair?
Again and again...
Is this gray hair?
Is it silver,
And Her crown of Glory?
Do men prefer their wives to have long hair?
Have you ever asked him?
Is long hair more feminine?
Would you feel more lady like if your hair was not as
Short as a man's?
If you wear your hair very short,
Do you find yourself acting Sassy and Perky?
Does hair play a role in how you act and respond?
Is our hair a non-issue?
Have you ever worn a head covering,
either just during worship.
Or all the time?
Why do so many women cut their hair (cropped)
so short as they get older?
Is there any link to the length of our hair??

This woman appears to be much younger in age.
Yet, her hair makes her look soft.

These lovely locks make her look so feminine!
Do we just not want to be bothered with a hair style,
that allow us to look like a lady?
Long beautiful hair, remember the song??
The revolution started;
Boys wearing long hair!
Girl's wearing pants all the time!
Hot Pants!
Can we at least look like we are ladies?
Do we even care anymore?

Monday, August 12, 2013

Seize The Day...

Summer Walk, Living from Glory to Glory Blog...

Needing a reprieve from the everyday?
We all so desire a little peace and quiet.
Sometimes we just have to make a little get away for ourselves.
Having a good book to read is great to refresh your mind.

It might just be a walk by yourself in the early morning,
Or taking an evening walk with your hubby.

Or maybe a little ride on your bike!

I always have thought if I lived by the beach I would
Take a stroll upon it every day.
Foot Prints In The Sand, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...
But I am sure that many women who live very close to the ocean,
 Can barely find time for it themselves.
And it is right at their feet.

 It is not where you live, but rather how you make use of where you live.

We must learn to command our days!
We can learn to train ourselves to orchestrate our days.
We are called to manage our homes.

Learning to manage our time so we can have a little moment of peace daily.
 To be running around half frantic is so unbecoming.

I have found myself saying,
Okay, now let's just all take a deep breath.
Just Breath Every One!

I think many are about to get really busy.
We will be canning and putting back our harvest.
Teachers are going back to school.
Many homeshoolers are putting together their
School agendas, for the year.

But alas, summer is not over yet.
Seize the day!


Take pleasure today!
Do not let the enemy of your soul.
Steal your God appointed time and day!


Friday, August 9, 2013

Lonely Feelings Find Everyone...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Separation from anything or anybody, can cause an unrest within ourselves.
Self can become the only beating heart!

All will experience this feeling;

We call it LONELY
There are clubs for it.

Books have been written about it

Many songs have been sung about it

Yet, lonely has not escaped anyone!

We will always find ourselves in a lonely place:
Either in our hearts or minds...

Because we are separated by color by education
By statue Que
By Male or Female

But those are not the real reason’s!
But it is because we live in a sinful world.

Only our connection with Christ and Him crucified will
Give us the wholeness we desire.
We will always feel the lonely feeling
For until we come into His fullness
It will invade;
Our busy
Our noise
Our space
Our hearts

For we cannot silence this lonely!
~It must be filled~

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

For Every Season Is A Blessing...

The Movie Grease, Living From Glory To Glory To Glory...

I remember watching this scene of this particular movie.
It was many years ago.
It had just come out in the movie theaters.
I went by myself and I was nine months pregnant.
It was hotter then blue blazes out! :)
It was the only place I could find refuge from the heat.
I was about to give birth to my first child.
I was a wee bit scared!
I was challenged with all the thoughts of becoming a mommy.
And a bit afraid of giving birth also.
So I remember this movie well,
But it is this scene that I loved best!
Sometimes when we are with all the people we are used to
being around we can act a certain way.
But, it is when we are away from all expectations and duties,
is when matters of the heart can be brought forth.
We as woman desire love and commitment.
Because that is the way God made us!
May we take the time to reminisce of our hearts to love.
Our marriage.
The giving birth to our children.
Summer memories.
The milestones you have passed.
What the future still holds.
August is a special month for me, it holds sweet memories!
But, I can say every month has special meanings,
For to every season is the blessings, He has planned for you there.

 May your love never grow cold!
Love is the one thing that will give life!

Blessings Always,

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

The Heavens Will Open One Day...

God's Amazing Creation, Living From Glory To Glory Blog
A Dream
In my dream my hubby says to me Roxy you gotta
Come and see this!
So I go outside with him and we are standing out by our pool.
I look up and the sky just opens up and there is an
Amazing glorious Fire.
These flames are so majestic!
I am in awe...
I fall down and I worship God!
Praise pours forth from my lips!
When I awake from this dream I know it was a God dream!
I called my friend Pam that morning, and told her about my dream.
 And she said to me, we will see the Fire Of God!
Later that same day, but now it was evening time.
She was returning back home towards the mountains.
They looked out into the Eastern plains and this is what she saw!
There was an opening into the sky and a huge mass of fire looking
colors were in the sky (right over our land).
I am a dreamer!

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Slip Sliding Away In The Summer Time...

Slip And Slide, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

As a child I remember this time of the Summer being called
The dog days of Summer!
The summer days just went as slow as molasses;
It was so hot the dog would not even move.
We played on our slip and slip
 and we filled
our water tubs to sit in to keep cool.
We made our homemade Popsicles out of Kool-aid!
We went to the lake!
We went to the pool sometimes.
Summer lasted for a whole year it seemed like!
It was so hot outside my Momma had coined the phrase,
"It is Hotter then Blue Blaze's out here!"
Now, that just kinda stuck in my head,
As a grown woman today when it's really hot,
I can hear myself saying!!
"It's Hotter then Blue Blaze's out here today!!"
Every night we would play outside till dark, playing
all are favorite games.
Kick the can!
But now it seems like summer just slips and slides away!

May we make the time and enjoy the rest of these
Summer days!
Let us not  allow any of our days slip away!
Dance in His showers of refreshment,
Sing and play while the sun warms your skin.
For summer has a way of slipping away.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

The Charm Of Curtains...

Brass Candle Holders, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...
The Curtains Come Down
These curtains were some of my very favorites,
They made my living room so bright and cheery.

I loved the flowers with the distinctive vines and branch pattern.
But it was the bright yellow color I loved the most.

Rose Fabric, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

I have always tried to put some yellow in every room as I think
It helps a room to pop (catch your eye).

But after I got my new furniture,
the flowers and yellow did not flow well together.

So I found a neutral earth color fabric of stripes.
By my own confessed love of flowers and vintage material
 this  was a really different choice for me.
But I have found this choice of stripes to go remarkably well in my living room.

But something was still missing;
I needed lace or something to say soft and charming
I found these perfect valances at JC Penny's
They were in the clearance return bin and I got them each
for under $4.00 dollars.

Lazy- Boy Brand Couch, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

They even have little clear glass beads hanging on the hem of them.

I also have hung a very light sage green color sheer panel under each
  curtain. It has allowed it to soften and darken the room.
Easy on the eyes, but not too dark.

Living Room Mantel, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

My daughter Amy found that very unique triangle shaped
lace doily on my mantel.
 I just loved it!

Making our homes distinctive and yet warm and inviting.
That is why it is called a living room.
Get it ?
We are to spend time in it really living;
Playing games
Working on a puzzle
Visiting with friends

Is your living room liveable?

 From My Home To Yours,

Monday, July 29, 2013

Rose Petals...

Vintage Glass Jar, Rose Petals, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

 Vintage Glass Jar

This glass jar is very old and has a sterling silver top on it.
Very pretty and is a precious treasure to me!
It belonged to my Mother.

It is on my mantel over our fireplace,
It has always been placed at a higher level,
So my grandchildren could not touch it.

Children love jars with lids,
And this jar was not a toy! 

It has been filled with rose petals, many times over the years.

Did you know that the rose stands for Christ and His Church?

Many things can become special to us, we do love are
Sweet treasures that have been handed down to us.
When my Mother was down sizing her home,
I asked her for this specific glass jar.
She looked at me and she said, you might as well take it now,
No sense in packing it away.
So this jar is filled with memories for me!

So here she is, pretty and filled with love;
Because Christ is love,
And the rose petals symbolize Him.

I have sometimes wondered if there is anything I have
That my own children or my grandchildren might want
 Some day that would be a special memory for them?

Remember, you are a sweet smelling aroma of Christ,
As your hard pressed in your life.
Yet, you can choose to praise Him in it all.

Praise is a choice!

Hello, I just wanted to share an updated post that I have done;
And it is done on this beautiful vintage glass jar.
That is filled once again with Rose Petals!
And how to dry Rose Petals;
And to make your own Potpourri!
You can find it HERE

Blessings Always,

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