Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Choose Joy...


Today can be the first day of a new way of responding!
We all have heard it many times,
Choose Joy...

Well have you?

We can be smack dab in a midst of a trial;
And we can still choose joy,
Now, I will grant you this, it is a bit more of a challenge, 
To choose joy when things are not going smooth.
But this is where we can exercise our choices.

I know that it all my years of knowing Christ as my Savior,
I can say this with all my heart;
Even in the midst of a trial I can pray and He has given me His peace.
Maybe nothing changed:
But I did, deep down inside...
Peace, then joy...
Trial still there? "Yes"
But I will choose joy, every time because He asked me to!

When peace, like a river, attendeth my way
So when sorrows like sea billows blow, Whatever my lot,
Thou hast taught me to say,
It is well, it is well
 With my soul.
It is well with my soul.

Monday, March 31, 2014

Proper Etiquette and Good Manners...

Source; Artist Gregory Frank Harris

We really have lost so many social graces in our day.
I remember reading the newspaper and reading the column on proper etiquette.

Having and using proper manners, is something to strive for,
If you want to be a lady and look feminine...

A lady must apply and use good manners,
Everywhere and all the time;
Manners help you to look and act like a Lady...

Using please and thank you when talking to others will,
carry you far in a world that has lost its manners.

I also love to hear a younger child replying with a
Yes Ma'am or No Ma'am

Make a habit of using good manners when you go out into your everyday life.
Greeting a person kindly even if you're having a bad day!

Good posture and not slouching,
When sitting, cross your knees or cross your ankles.
Do not leave your legs wide open.
Sneezing into your hands instead of a tissue,
Speaking loudly or using foul language!
Do not interrupt when others are speaking!
When you do not hear what another has spoken
Say excuse me, what did you say again?

And generally acting in a way that can serve as a model for others.
Good manners are always fashionable.

Here are some other things to consider as you refine your manners:
If you're eating dinner in a group setting, make sure you say
"Please pass the chicken," instead of reaching over someone else.
Place a napkin in your lap, and wipe your mouth often
when dining out or in your home.

You should learn and use good table manners.
This means not eating with your elbows on the table.
Chewing with your mouth closed.

Or slurping your food or drink!

Find a nice way to give a correction and  training...
 Instead of saying, "Will you shut up already?" say,
 "Would you mind lowering your voice?"
Try to avoid burping in public.
 Once you reach a certain age, burping in public is not funny anymore,
 If it happens by accident, just say "Excuse me," or "Pardon me,"
 This is simply not ladylike behavior.

Avoid rolling your eyes or generally being rude when
 Someone is saying something you don't really want to hear.

Now, just for the record, I am a funny girl, and I enjoy a good laugh!
And I have rolled my eyes on a few occasions...
Learning and growing Dear Ones...

Friday, March 28, 2014

Beware Of Dangers In Your Body Lotions...

 Living From Glory To Glory Blog

I want to make myself perfectly clear on this post!
This is something I feel very strongly about;
I believe if you are going to use a body lotion only use one that is natural!!
See I said it!!

Why you ask???

Because your skin will quickly absorb this product and it goes directly into
Your blood stream. And I believe it is possibly the worst thing women can do.
For many health reasons...

Many years ago I was very convicted about this one morning,
As I was praying...
Yup, just popped into my head!
(I call these downloads from the Lord)

I was convinced He was speaking to me!!
I listened...

I wanted to share this as I am not a complete health freak,
 But I can tell you this.
 It was a very wise health move!
There are way too many ingredients that are put in lotions that you can not
Even pronounce, let alone recognize what they are even.

So, I suggest to you wonderful Ladies out there to stop adding poison
To your skin!
Our skin is actually our largest organ.
I think most lotions do damage to your liver and bloodstream!
I have used many different kinds and brands.
 And there are so many good ones out there to choose from.
 And they can get a bit pricey,
 But I believe for health reasons it's a must!

Plus, you will feel good about not putting something harmful all over your body!
But rather a product that will keep your skin safe and smooth!
And you can always use coconut oil on your body after a shower,
But it can tend to be a bit greasy or what I might say
(slickery) My own word ;o)

Please consider this Dear Ones...

Click HERE  for a list of ingredients you do not want to put on your body!

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

My Pink Room...

 I have been so enjoying my new pink room!

It has been such a blessing in so many ways, such as;
 To have a room that I can keep my sewing machine up all the time!
 It makes it so much easier to keep a project going.

And to keep my ironing board up all the time also,
as you all know by now how much I enjoy ironing!

My family bought me this beautiful old desk for Mother's Day
A few years ago from an antique store that I now use
 for my sewing table. It is perfect as
It has many large and deep drawers in it.
Which is wonderful for storing my material that I just love!
Having a space to inspire yourself and to be able to create is wonderful!

I have been filling it with so many treasures,
See my cute little antique bunny?

See my little rose covered table,
This is just a folding table,
Which I covered with an old vintage rose sheet,
 I found at our Goodwill Store.
I now have my jewelry, making things on this table.

I love these miniature glass slippers!
And Angel watches over me...

I only have a small twin bed in this room,
 Because I wanted the extra space for creating.
 And more room for my Treasures...

Threads of every color!

Found this large picture at Hobby Lobby!

I made a cute little chair cushion for this chair,
I use it for my sewing machine table.

It turned out really cute!
It has a big bow on the back to keep the cushion on!

See my sweet little strawberry pin cushion?

A few more little pink flower pictures!

This one has always been a very favorite of mine!

Well, thanks for the visit; I have enjoyed sharing my creative space with you!
Looking forward to painting this room, and putting in new carpet, one day.
But, I have been taking one room at a time and giving it a makeover.
Have a wonderful and creative season...


Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Calling All Grand Mothers...

Good Golly
Where do the years go?

I had a lovely vacation to Florida and being with my children down there!
My days are in His hand...

Making time to impart love and truth in the next generation!
We have become too self absorbed into our self culture.
My Pastor's wife can be heard saying;
Family is everything!

Calling all Grandmothers to arise...
Let us work while it is yet day!

Speak life!
Create  lovely cards and notes to send to them!
Write down funny things they might say!
They will love to read them one day.
Find a day that works for a weekly chat with the grandchildren!

For the married couple;
Pray for their marriages!
Send them a gift card so they can go out on a date.
Be not easily offended;
Support and encourage them!

Here are my sweet Grandchildren in Florida.
We have another one on the way!!
So, I will be going back in August or Sept, when SHE is born :o)

Here is my Little
"Boots and Pants"
"Boots and Pants"

Here are my other sweet young men !
Got Goose???

These Boys are country through and through!

I am privileged to live right next door to these
" Little Men"

If your children are yet small you still one day will be a Grand Mother;
A calling worthy of God's Love and Grace!
Pray and inquire of the Lord (How to PRAY for each of them)
Ask the Lord, how to impact their lives for His Glory!

Being a good Parent or Grand Parent just doesn't happen...
It is by intentional living and speaking!

Calling All Grand Mothers...
Be a Grand Mother YOUR Grand Children will remember!
Love, Grammy

Sunday, March 23, 2014

My Kitchen Maid...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog

 Hello Ladies meet the new girl on the block..
She is my new maid!!
She is my KitchenAid...

The days we live in just amaze me!

  Now I can do two things at once,
While I am mixing up my batters for the cakes and cookies.
 I can get the other ingredients ready and not have to watch the bowl and hold the mixer!
I can let this sweet little thing do all the hard work for me!
(And if you make carrot cake like I do, it is a heavy batter)

I was so surprised when my sweet Hubby came home with this new wonderful mixer!
I have never had one before, so I guess you just figure,
Heck, I have stirred it myself for years, do I really need one?
Maybe not need it, but it is wonderful now that I have one!

I also have gotten all my flours  put into large glass jars.
It has inspired me to bake and to use all the wonderful, healthy things I have!

I have always felt that to do a job it is easier to have the right tools.
Or equipment

So I just wanted to share my new maid with you!
She is lovely and well built..
May she serve me well and may I be inspired to make some wonderful,
And healthy breads and cookies for my sweet Hubby!

I think there is just something about having all these glass jars out and on the counter,
It is pleasing and encourages me, and inspires me!

Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Thank you Lord for my new maid :o)

Saturday, March 22, 2014

How To Have Beautiful Skin and My Secret...

~Beautiful Skin~
When we are born our skin is soft and smooth,
It is moist and fresh.
Who doesn't  just love the softness of a baby's skin?
But, as we age our skin grows older,
And we loose some of the moisture.
It can become dry and dull looking!
I have been forever grateful to an older woman
 Who many years ago that took the time,
 To teach me about good skin care.
I remember her telling me that;
 If I would take care of my skin now I would see the benefits,
Once I became older.
Here is what I was taught;
Wash your face every morning with a mild cleanser.
Use a toner if you like,
Then use a moisturizer on it!
This is where I always splurge,
Buying a product that works!!
Now, here is where many women might not follow through;
Use a makeup remover for your eyes...
I have always used Ponds cleanser for this,
(As it does not irritate my eyes)
You must wash your face every night with a cleanser!
Then apply a good moisturizer to your face
(And to your your neck also)!!
While you are sleeping is when your skin will recover
From the day's stress.

Okay, this is what I do daily and I am grateful;
For being a wise woman and taking care of my skin
 While in my youth!
Because now I am older :)

Here are some of my favorite products:
Elizabeth Arden
Estee Lauder
Jafra (Royal Jelly Moisture)

Here is my secret weapon for my skin now days:
Coconut oil with a drop of geranium oil
I get my oils from Young Living!
Coconut oil I use everyday on my face,
It will feel greasy when applied, but it will soak in a little.
Try it at first in the evening.

Over the years I have asked for these as gifts;
 For my Birthday and Anniversary,

I have tried many products and I have realized
You must find one that fits your skin,
And after you use it, can you say that there is
a difference?

If not; It is not working!
Your face should not feel dried out,
and not greasy.
 But rather soft and moist.

I do not use soap on my face unless it's an emergency!

My good friend at Deep Roots did a great post on coconut oil also,
Check out her link below!


Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Transparency and Tempered Glass...


Being transparent...
We are in the times of every line being  blurred.
As a Christian Lady I want to be able to speak life and truth,
Yet hold to a standard of biblical womanhood!
You may as well  know for yourself how hard this might be!
God has called us to speak truth in love...

I want to be able to distinguish between being offended and when my heart is grieved.
This is not always easy!
One way for me to respond to a hurt or sorrow is to not respond immediately.
Words are powerful and we need to use them wisely!
We all have faults and areas where we struggle !
I have tried to practice and hold my words for at least a day
When I am dealing with matters of the heart.
The amount of time of waiting is not as important as practicing the holding!

I say this to address wounds and matters of the heart
Because we live in such a way that we are just reacting to our hurts and wounds
And not to the truth that must be revealed...

We are called to be the light which gives me a picture of a flame behind glass.
And this glass must be tempered glass so it will not break easily.
Yet we should  not be people of a plastic nature which can and will melt
When up close to the flame.
The truth that God reveals to me usually exposes a wound or a lie!
We must apply grace to ourselves and to others.
Do not be quick to lambaste someone!

A true Lady in Christ does all things well and she waits and trusts the one
Who is in control and making all things new!

Love will cover a multitude of sins!

And let us not be weary in well doing:
 for in due season we shall reap, (reward and fruits) if we faint not!
 Gal 6:9

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