Totally Out Of Sync
I find it rather strange when a plant referred to as a Christmas cactus
blooms in July. Maybe it thinks it is actually a rose...
Roses bloom in June and July!
I had to take a picture of it and share it with you ladies.
Here we are working in our flowerbeds outside and to find this blossom.
Really surprised me, because it never did bloom this last December.
I realize over the many years it has bloomed maybe as late as February.
What are some things we can do to help us when we as
Women feel out of sync?
As I told you this last month was
As I told you this last month was
A rough one for me. But I have seen a pattern over the years,
And it looks like we have a growth in the Lord,
then we get challenged and we feel like it is
a bit of a setback.
Well, I now lean to this thought concerning this cycle.
I believe we are being tested to shore up our growth.
God, wants us to grow by and through the Holy Spirit.
NOT, by our own sheer will power!
A flower is still a flower, no matter if they bloom late or early!
Grace and honor to allow the working of the Word in each of
Our Lives...
As I have aged I notice a stronger drive to create and take pleasure.
Why is everyone and everything in such a hurry?
I pray each of you will allow yourself the space and time;
To bloom and to be beautiful and complete
In Him...