Saturday, April 4, 2020

Being Teachable And To Learn to Love, Take What You Are Given And Do Not Be Stiff Necked...

Jesus, The Lion And The Lamb, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Not Alone

Stephen, full of the Holy Spirit.
Looked up to heaven and saw the glory of God,
And Jesus  is standing at the right hand of God.
Acts 5:55

Dear Ones, God loves a heart fully dedicated to Him,
Even when dedication results in deep wounds.
God loves a faithful heart!
I look at Stephen and I think he was a super hero of faith!
Being a martyr for truth;
Not backing down!
How can my life be a daily offering?
I will need extravagant grace and brutal honesty in my life.
Interactions with the spiritual opposition will happen to every saved person!
Remember the Word tells us they hated Him first.

What and who are we willing to die for?
This shakes me to the core...
The world is shaking their fists at God.

All I have been called to be is a keeper of this Home!
He has asked older women to teach the younger women
But when others want to cleave to their own ways,
And are really angry at God and the world!
We loose a teachable heart.
We become stiff necked!
Hardened in our ways and words!
Sometimes the truth hurts...
But the word tells us this also,
"The truth will make you free"
We are going to be held accountable to what and how we lived!

I remember thinking as a very young woman;
I am never going to let someone tell me what to do........
Or how to dress!!
What to read or not read...
Where I can go!
I will NOT submit...
I grew mean and bitter I trusted no one really.

"But it happened in a blink for me,"
 I was presented with a truth and love,
I could no longer push away!
"He loved Me"
I submitted to the greatest Authority!
My heart melted and I truly became
His Child

And this is where the Scripture of the title of my Blog becomes
Life and my walk through this world...

Always, Living from Glory To Glory

Hugs, Roxy

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

How To Make Home Your Haven...

Home Life, Living from Glory To Glory Blog...


The Days Are just Flying By...
The month's are also,
As we all know this year is looking much different than anything,
We have ever seen in my lifetime.

But, once again we must rise to the challenges life bring are way.
Make this a positive experience as much as you can!
This country has seen so many things that attempting to knock us down,
Or to destroy us!
But we keep plodding on, and pray and to place one foot in front of the other!

You all know you can only deal with what comes next!
One day at a time for everyone!

Just do something...
Keep your heart calm and keep your hands busy!

Started my Spring cleaning!

Working on some hand sewing, making some more felt birds;
I will be hanging these on my indoor woodland tree!
I think it will make a nice spring\summer look for my tree.

"Here are a few of my felt birds I am sewing"
Felt Birds, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

I have been making the very use of my time with being at Home!

Just maybe we will have an awakening of the love of home...

We have become such transient people, no one enjoys their homes!

But, if you are a person who enjoys the comforts
 That only home can provide.
It is a blessing.
I never wanted to wander far from my home or loved ones!

We must learn how to make our Homes A Haven...
As we are all in need of a safe harbor.

Maybe this will become a turn in the event,
 That we will realize that good, hard work is a gift!
Maybe we will not be so ungrateful for the abundance we have access to.

Start working in your yard, make your area pretty!
We can all do something productive!

Remind yourself and those we love;
We will overcome!

Blessings, Roxy

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Make Your List For Spring Cleaning Inside And Out...

Spring Flowers, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

These little purple crocus flowers, they have done just what they were created to do!

~They gave me hope, and put a smile on my face~

After many months of no color or flowers in my little flower bed.

They have Burst forth from their little bulb to say.

Spring is coming!!

Even when the calendar says spring, it still takes a while for the soil to warm.

It is easy to lose hope if we don't keep our eyes on what is really important.
For the word tells us to everything there is a season.

Now is the time to rekindle all the promises of the plans He has for us.
These little guys did not fail in their job even if they lasted only a few days!

I want to encourage all of my sisters, don't become weary at the tail end of this
"Winter season"

 Complete the rest and start stretching each day to awake to
The Spring work that we be required of us.

Begin with your spring cleaning,
Look, we have these Homes and bits of land, take advantage

Start with maybe your kitchen.
Clean your silverware drawer,

Give a Good Spring Cleaning to Your teacups and mugs,
Fill your sink with bleach water and put all your coffee mugs
And your tea cups in the water for a good soak.

They can get really discolored and stained.
With all the warm cups of tea and coffee that were required in the cold months.

Make Your Lists...
I love spring and I encourage each of you to make a list of fun things to do.
Of course, there is the list of all the flower beds that need cleaning.

And all the garden area to be tilled and the grass raked out.

I like to try and get at least one thing done each day of my spring cleaning!!
It helps me to get my house in order.

Because as soon as it gets warm out I will be outside!

Ice tea and iced coffee (here I come)!


Friday, March 27, 2020

Pattern For Making Face Masks...

Making Facemasks to protect yourself, Living From Glory To Glory Blog

~Here is a short video clip to watch~

Hello Everyone
I have been making face masks for 2 weeks now!
I have completely run out of elastic, so I have
Improvised, adapt and overcome!
(Did Clint Eastwood say this?)

You can't even order this online
(Out Of Stock)

I have shared a few links for making these;
Also an interesting topic of the better material or fabric to use!

Pattern for making Face Masks
Face Mask Patterns PDF
PDF Pattern

Also wanted to share another Face Mask Video
DIY Face Mask With Filter Pocket

I made myself two of this style"
You have a little pocket so you can add a coffee filter or paper towel;
For added protection...

Click Below;
Best Materials For Making DIY Facemasks

I personally believe this is real and not a conspiracy theory.

Once again, lets fight over everything
And let's agree everyone is wrong;
(Accept Yourself)

So please stop your anti- everything for just once!
Political nonsense...

Don't be in fear, just stay home and stop spreading this virus;
You may show NO symptoms, but be a carrier!

Do what you think is right!!
Don't be a naysayer!

Stupid is as stupid does!!
(Forest Gump)

Hugs, Roxy

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Hoopla A Wonderful And Free Service Through Your Library For Audio Books...

It is always wise to have a few good movie series in your home.
Keep in mind that having good books and movies available.

This may the year, many of us will be planting gardens;
Because it is a very therapeutic!
Even if it is just a small planter with tomatoes.

I hope you will look into the app called Hoopla,
I have listened to at least five books so far!

I pray you are staying healthy and happy and keeping busy
Yourself with a home project!

What are you doing with your extra time of not being out and about?

Spring is arriving on daily winds here...

Encourage yourself and encourage others!
This too shall pass!

Blessings, Roxy

Friday, March 20, 2020

Sweet Solitude in Times Of Unrest...

We are not alone! living from glory to glory blog....

Sweet Solitude

Finding peace and learning to be content in times of unrest.

Why running around and leaving your home for every little thing
you might think you need!
Well, think again;

Having a home, we can rest and shelter in place is such a blessing!

Many people think that continuing to go out and about that
It's still okay and safe to be a part of being out in public spaces.

But, I am so suppose to be responsible...

So may I encourage you to stay home!
(If you can)

So, why not take advantage of this time to enjoy your home.

I always enjoyed the quote that said
~The kitchen is the heart of the home~
But I feel that the Home is where the heart stays happy.
And healthy with safe borders.

Take this time to start planning your garden!
Start your Spring cleaning!
Make some delicious homemade soup.
Clean out some of those junk drawers.

May I suggest changing your bed sheets every week,
Open the windows, even a crack to allow some fresh air to circulate!

Be not discouraged as we are called to take personal responsibility!

It's not that I believe everything I see or hear on the news;
But rather the truth of what a virus is able to transfer to others;
A virus does not care who it latches onto.

But we may need to keep our own thoughts and ideas to ourselves!
Learn to filter what is pertinent to yourself and your family.

Also, keep the things you talk about
 To your children or grandchildren private.
Only share what they need to know about washing their hands.

Take extra time to pray and be frugal in your home goods.
Realize we are still the working class,
 And we must stay healthy and calm.

Take this time of being asked to stay home and try to enjoy
The Solitude...
Of being with your family!

Keep busy and don't listen to the news all day long!
Try to listen to a news source that is not leftist generated.
I am sure there is more to this story or not that they are telling us!
Use the wisdom we learned from the chicken pox or polio.
Look some people are going to die!
But, the Lord has my days numbered, but I am not stupid!!

Remember when we would practice a fire drill?
Were were to all stay calm and walk out the door!

Well, in this case walk calmly into your home and stay there!!

Hugs, Roxy

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

How to Use Disinfected Sprays And The Benefits Of Wearing Rubber Gloves And A Short Video Clip...

Wearing Rubber Gloves, Living from glory to glory blog...

I think we are all feeling some of the stress of this virus;
Even if you live in a place with no known cases,
It is invisible and is spread very easily.

So I wanted to share something that you may already know about.

But if you are not aware of this it could benefit you and yours!

I always spray down my counter tops in my kitchen,
And my bathroom often.
Also, if someone is sick in the home, I will do it daily!

So if you use a disinfectant spray, you must take into account,
{Dwell Time}
This is the amount of time you leave the product on the surface,
BEFORE you wipe it off...

Seven to Ten minutes;
Some may require a longer time!

Use a paper towel and throw it away
(If you can find paper towels)
If not, use a clean rag,
 Then wash with bleach in your washing machine!

In these times of personal distancing
6 feet apart
And only 10 people in gatherings

It is wise to use wisdom in your hand towels and bath towels.

Please drink water every 15 minutes to keep throat moist
Stay home!!
(If you can)

Please stay well and obey the laws and rules put in place,
By our city and government officials...
They have your best interest at stake!

Blessings to you all
Stay healthy and keep praying for yourself and others!

Ways To Prepare for the COVID 19 Virus

Thanks Julie @
Julies Creative Lifestyle Blog

Living from glory to glory...

Monday, March 9, 2020

The Importance Of Celebrating Those You Love, And A Video Clip... Birthdays And Special Moments

Sending Birthday Cards, Living from glory to glory Blog...

Learning to celebrate others,
Showing honor and making others feel special!

I was just thinking about how lovely it is when I receive an inquiry
About how I am doing or feeling on any given day!
But when we stop to think about sharing special days;
Of those we know and care about!
Especially those we love in our families!

It's about giving honor and showing that the other person matters!

We are pretty self absorbed these days and just so busy.

Give honor where honor is due!

It is not too late to purchase a pack of note cards or birthday or get well ones!
And try to send ONE card a month...

Or just a quick note on a single page!

Or you can send a card through email!

Well, I just wanted to say thank you for those that have
Been coming to this Blog for so many years!
Blogging has just been a wonderful source for me to;
Encourage others...

I have written over 900 hundred blog posts to date!

I keep asking myself, should I keep blogging?
Well, until then
Blog on and Plod on...

xoxo Roxy

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