Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Keep Watch For He Is Coming Quickly...

Coming In The Clouds. Living From glory To Glory Blog...

"Some things cannot be done in a day"
"Some glorious morn-but when? Ah, who shall say?
The steep mountain shall become a plain,
And the parched land be satisfied with rain.
The gate of brass all broken; iron bars,
Transfigured, form a ladder to the stars.
Rough places plain, and crooked ways all straight,
For he who with a patient heart can wait.
These things shall be on God's appointed day:
It may be tomorrow-yet it may."
I can see with my natural eyes, but my spiritual eyes see the way more clearly
. The days and months don't stop.
 His time is not ours, but he told us we would be able to recognize the times.
 He told us to occupy till he comes
 Keep watch, for we are seeing the greatest and glorious days yet to come.
 I cry out Come, Lord Jesus, Come!

And, behold, I am coming Quickly
Revelation 22:12


1 comment:

  1. That was so very nice Roxy!

    My mom said you called the other day to say goodbye. But through our blogs we wont have to! :) I am so very glad we were able to make some more memories together while I was down! Love you!


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!

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