Tuesday, August 25, 2009

My Kitchen...

It all starts here every morning,
My daily life in my sweet and cozy kitchen.
Put on the tea pot
And while it gets steaming hot, I pick out the mug that best suits my mood this morning.
Tall and thin, fat and solid, or maybe flowers.
 My favorites, one with my grandkids pictures on it, or one with scripture.
 And all the one's given as gifts from friends and also a few bought for oneself
that just seemed like it would hold a pleasant cup of tea.

My kitchen is painted in a lovely yellow color
 With hand made curtains of light green suede with a pretty lace valance.
  A kitchen table placed in the corner with two large windows to see all the countryside.
Think of how many prayers have been prayed at this table?
 Heads bowed, hands folded.
  Our kitchens truly are a prayer closet of sorts. 
Maybe even a sanctuary where as we go about cooking and preparing foods,
 Thanking our heavenly Father for His provisions. 
Or praying for our loved ones needs or concerns they may have.
We must keep this place, the heart of our homes, clean of frustration, anger and bitterness.
  We are called to be the keepers of our homes. 
Prepare your heart first thing everyday that through that time with Jesus.
  He will give you the desire to keep the home fires burning.
  Your loved ones need food and nourishment and encouragement.
  Without these things we shall all grow weak and frail.
This is not a chore put rather a gift and assignment that the Lord has given us as His daughters and wives and mothers.
Pray for strength and direction, be creative, make a sweet and comfortable kitchen,
 that all may come in. 
Do not forget to entertain strangers,
 For by doing so, some have unwittingly entertained angels. Hebrews13:2

Living From Glory To Glory


  1. Wow Roxy, this is so sweet, i love hearing about your mornings and I how you describe your kitchen and all the happenings that goes on in it! Thank you for the instruction also, I love your encouragement!

  2. WOW Roxy! I love what you have to say! Especially the part about keeping the home clean of frustration, anger, and bitterness!!

    I came over from Marie's blog.;-)

  3. I knew I needed your blog today! I am so blessed by your words. Thank you Roxy for the encouragement :) I love you.............

  4. We need another one!!
    I keep checking and each time I'm disappointed to see that you haven't updated :(

    " We want more, we want more, we want more"


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!

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