Monday, October 19, 2009

Resting And Listening To His Still Small Voice...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

There are so many wonderful things we can find to do each day, many are necessary, but some things are just distractions from what is really important.

Yet, I could feel the tired weariness of my body. It feels so good to just stop and say enough. I will stop and wait upon the Lord and He will renew my strength. My job is to wait.
Waiting can be tough if you have never trained yourself to "wait"

Business seems to be the tactic of the enemy in this generation. I have asked many different people (how are you doing?) And these are their responses, I am just ssssssssssssssssssssssssssoooooooooooooooo Busy.
Come on, let's get a new line. Or better yet we could just simplify our lives and schedules.

We must ask ourselves, are we doing what we want to be doing? And are these things bringing glory to God in our lives and marriages? We must learn to discern what is necessary and what is just business. We will one day give an account of our days and time He has given us.

I just want to encourage all my sisters! Stop and listen to the still small voice, rest in His rest.
Take stock of your to do list. What can you eliminate or cut back on. Make better choices and your family and your relationships will prosper. He is our strength, but He even went away and rested alone.

Blessings, From Living From Glory To Glory

1 comment:

  1. This is so good. Its funny because this has been on my heart for the last couple of weeks. I have been going and going and my milk supply has decreased because of it. And I have also heard the Lord say to me, " Martha Martha" So your post has been so nutritious for me.


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