Friday, February 19, 2010

My New And Improved Living Room...

Living from Glory to Glory Blog Voila
After almost two weeks of painting and new wood floors, voila our new living room!
It was really worth all the work.
 Our son did all the wood floors and most everything else.
 My Hubby and I helped with the painting and painting and painting.
All good things take time and energy.
Which reminds me, I finally feel rested and can fully enjoy it!
I love new and improved most the time,
 Yet other times I want to say hey, what's wrong with the way things use to be?
Sometimes the things that our most familiar to us, help us to feel safe and a sense of home.
But I can truly say that the feeling I get when I see the results is (change can be good).
The Lord spoke a word to me in the beginning of this new year and it was "extravagant".
He truly wants to bless and prosper His children. He wants to give you the desires of your heart.
 I had been praying for almost a year about doing a wood floor and updating the colors.
He is a good God and He wants to give you good gifts.
"Home is where Your heart is"
After all, the word tells us to Be Home Makers or keepers of the home.
So making them cozy and comfy and beautiful is biblical.

Living From Glory To Glory


  1. I love the color you chose! It looks reaaly warm and inviting with those wood floors. Barry did a great job! Wish I was there to have a nice talk by the fire!

  2. What a lovely room, I want to come over also! I just love the wood floors. Excellent choice choosing wood. I think it keeps a house looking fit and updated. And tell Barry he did such an Excellent job!!

  3. Oh Roxy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  4. Looks so wondeful. You guys did a great job!!! Loving it.


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