Monday, March 15, 2010

Dwellings And Our Boundaries...

May Your Home Always
Reflect His Heart!

He has determined our pre-appointed times
 And your boundaries of your dwellings. Acts 17:26

I take great comfort in this word, as they're our times I think
Where is the sunshine and the ocean view?
 He has put each of us in the place He has prepared for us.
 Sometimes it may just be for a short time or a lifetime.

 The most important factor in wherever you are is to make each place a pleasant home!
 Be content and take pleasure in all that He has provided.
 We do not want to miss the opportunities in each phase of our lives.
Even this pretty covering  of shade brings quiet and a hush in a busy world.
 May God Bless Your Home!


  1. Amen! Looking at your cozy snow covered home brings me much comfort. You don't know how inviting your welcoming home is Roxy. It would be heavenly to be there with you enjoying one of your delicious meals with a cup of tea and wonderful conversation :) Love and miss you!

  2. Hey Rox, I love the post and the word. Keep it coming. It is so encouraging. Thanks again for the prayers last night. There has definitely been a break through. We are about to see the wonderous works of the Holy Spirit increase. Keep cultivating that field. Its sure looking good.

    Love ya

  3. Miss you guys and home. Thanks for the photo of home all covered in snow.


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