Friday, March 26, 2010

Signature Scent...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Sweet Smelling Fragrance!

You can't see it, or hear it, but you sure can smell it.
 Scent is a powerful force!

Think of all the memories attached to scents of our childhood and holidays.

Fragrance is a powerful tool used in the old testament, a certain scent was used as a part of worship. Now, today God uses us Christians as a sweet smelling aroma to those all around us.

Now, this is just a thought, but what is the effects that lingers after you walk out of a room or a building? May you live in such close communion with Christ, that you become a sweet smelling aroma in the lives of those individuals that you have touched each day and wherever you go!

 ( Christ through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in everyplace)

2 Corinthians 2:14

Love In Christ Roxy


  1. Beautiful Roxy!!! Amen!

    Have a blessed weekend in Jesus!

  2. Roxy,
    What a beautiful post, This is my desire to be a sweet smelling aroma to those I meet.
    Your blog is a sweet aroma to us, thank you for sharing.

  3. Roxy, I know exactly what you are saying, your blog has such a powerful aroma and fragrance! Its so inviting and the aroma coming from it is love. Thank you for the encouragement.

    Much much love!

  4. OH ROXY, I LOVE that picture. It is so BEAUTIFUL!!! I also love your encouraging words. SO inspiring, you always give the right analogy that blesses me through out the day.
    SO encouraging dear Roxy!
    Thank you.
    LOVE Marie

  5. I love it my friend. Just beautiful analogy. I really long to be a sweet smelling aroma as I come and as I go.

  6. I was visiting again, and I wanted to say "I love you!" :)


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!

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