Wednesday, July 31, 2013

The Charm Of Curtains...

Brass Candle Holders, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...
The Curtains Come Down
These curtains were some of my very favorites,
They made my living room so bright and cheery.

I loved the flowers with the distinctive vines and branch pattern.
But it was the bright yellow color I loved the most.

Rose Fabric, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

I have always tried to put some yellow in every room as I think
It helps a room to pop (catch your eye).

But after I got my new furniture,
the flowers and yellow did not flow well together.

So I found a neutral earth color fabric of stripes.
By my own confessed love of flowers and vintage material
 this  was a really different choice for me.
But I have found this choice of stripes to go remarkably well in my living room.

But something was still missing;
I needed lace or something to say soft and charming
I found these perfect valances at JC Penny's
They were in the clearance return bin and I got them each
for under $4.00 dollars.

Lazy- Boy Brand Couch, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

They even have little clear glass beads hanging on the hem of them.

I also have hung a very light sage green color sheer panel under each
  curtain. It has allowed it to soften and darken the room.
Easy on the eyes, but not too dark.

Living Room Mantel, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

My daughter Amy found that very unique triangle shaped
lace doily on my mantel.
 I just loved it!

Making our homes distinctive and yet warm and inviting.
That is why it is called a living room.
Get it ?
We are to spend time in it really living;
Playing games
Working on a puzzle
Visiting with friends

Is your living room liveable?

 From My Home To Yours,

Monday, July 29, 2013

Rose Petals...

Vintage Glass Jar, Rose Petals, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

 Vintage Glass Jar

This glass jar is very old and has a sterling silver top on it.
Very pretty and is a precious treasure to me!
It belonged to my Mother.

It is on my mantel over our fireplace,
It has always been placed at a higher level,
So my grandchildren could not touch it.

Children love jars with lids,
And this jar was not a toy! 

It has been filled with rose petals, many times over the years.

Did you know that the rose stands for Christ and His Church?

Many things can become special to us, we do love are
Sweet treasures that have been handed down to us.
When my Mother was down sizing her home,
I asked her for this specific glass jar.
She looked at me and she said, you might as well take it now,
No sense in packing it away.
So this jar is filled with memories for me!

So here she is, pretty and filled with love;
Because Christ is love,
And the rose petals symbolize Him.

I have sometimes wondered if there is anything I have
That my own children or my grandchildren might want
 Some day that would be a special memory for them?

Remember, you are a sweet smelling aroma of Christ,
As your hard pressed in your life.
Yet, you can choose to praise Him in it all.

Praise is a choice!

Hello, I just wanted to share an updated post that I have done;
And it is done on this beautiful vintage glass jar.
That is filled once again with Rose Petals!
And how to dry Rose Petals;
And to make your own Potpourri!
You can find it HERE

Blessings Always,

Friday, July 26, 2013

Apron Blessings...

Sewing Aprons And Tea Time, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...
Sewing Aprons And Tea Time
Two Of My Favorite Things!

Cutting Out An Apron, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Sewing To Bless Others

I really love to sew aprons! It is one of the sweet pleasure I just
Cannot resist making them.

I so enjoy looking at the fabric stores, and finding good deals on fabrics.
There are just so many to choose from.
I have a large stack of different materials,
just waiting to become an apron for someone!

I like to cut a few different ones out in one day,
Then I pick a day and sew a few of them up.

It is fun to give them away for bridal gifts to new young brides.
There is just something about having an apron for yourself to use in
the kitchen to work and serve others and cook and bake in.

 And  they make wonderful Christmas gifts also. 
They also make a good Wedding Shower gift!

There is just such a pleasure for me in putting on a clean
and fresh apron each day.

I do believe that an apron carries a sense of the love of home.
I do love being a homemaker!

I will be sewing some more aprons soon!
I would love to give them to a few sweet homemakers!

Are they any of you ladies that have never had their own apron?
Or am I just a little old fashion?



Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Good Housekeeping Spiritually...

Living from Glory to Glory Blog

Spiritual House Cleaning
It is so wonderful to see and hear that so many women from all over this world,
 That have taken being keepers of their homes to heart!

We wash and mop and wax to bring forth the best in our homes. 
I believe in keeping our homes tidy and well maintained,
It allows for a foundation that
brings forth peace and order.
But what I want to talk about today is the spiritual cleanliness
of your home!
There are things we have allowed knowingly and some because they did not know any better.
Many did not realize things can have an unclean spirit attached to them.
These things open doors to many evil effects.
They can give a person or child an unhealthy desire for the occult.
Or even think witchcraft is okay.
And that
Sorcery is cute and funny and holds great mystery...
We live in this world that has two forces that try to reign.
Things to get rid of from your home.
Destroy them by smashing or burning them!
Do NOT give them away or sell them!
Any movie that would not please Father God.
Any CD or any DVD or VHS that would grieve the Holy Spirit.
Any statue of another False God
Dragons (games,evil looking toys)
Pictures that portray darkness.
Books; Harry Potter, etc.
Any books that glorify darkness.
Ouija Boards
Tarot cards
Mystical or ungodly objects
(Skulls, dragons, evil significance to them)
Just ask the Lord to show you what is in your home that does not please HIM!
Believe me He will.
Ask the Lord to forgive you for the evil things you have
Subjected yourself and loved one too.

We will one day be held accountable for what we have allowed
ourselves and our children to play with,
And have called it entertainment.
I tell you, many are grieving the Lord!
So, I ask you ladies to clean your home spiritually,
make a stance and obey God!
He will bless you if you will say no to these things.
Train and teach others as to what is of God and what is of the devil.
Do not be caught sitting down on the job!

Livng From Glory To Glory

Monday, July 22, 2013

Dreams From Him...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

I am a dreamer, 
I believe that in this quiet time of rest my mind and emotions,
our not racing to the beat of the world's pace.

I take these dreams and I inquire of the Lord;
I ask Him for anything I might need to learn from them.
Sometimes I need to repent or ask the Lord to take the memory away.
Our dreams come from three different sources.
The first is our imagination or flesh.
The second is the enemy.
The third is the Holy Spirit.
The night season is a special time for us to rest and too
allow our bodies to gain strength.
Sleep is an amazing gift from the Lord.
We shall lie down and not be afraid of the terrors at night.
But rather we shall rest and be revived.
We shall dream dreams!
And we shall pray and lift these up to the Lord,
As only He can use what we dream to bring it to pass,
I believe some of our dreams are given to us as a warning.
That we may intercede,
 That the destruction or evil will not come to pass.

Living From Glory To Glory Blog...
We are always to be about our Father's business!
Day and night
Night and day
Let our incense arise...
Living From Glory To Glory

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

How Will You Use Your Beauty

Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Women are the source of influence in a family.
We have been given a huge responsibility to our Husbands;
And children
The World
How will you be remembered?
Covered or Uncovered?
So, I believe it is a word of caution we need to be reminded of!
You are using your God given influence to either
Promote Him or Yourself.
Revealing a heart of love and compassion to others,
Revealing your legs and bust...
How will you use your beauty?
(And just a note you our Beautiful)
Your body is a special treasure.
Do not display it as a cheap and worthless item.
But rather adorn yourself in modest apparel.
Cover what is for your hubby's eyes only.
Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Life According To Pie...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Needing a slice of Pie!
Feeling the deep down inside feeling of  needing a slice of pie today?

Oh Baby, I can hear it calling my name!

Pie making is fast becoming a lost art.
I don't want to hear that...
Apple pie
Cherry pie
Key Lime that's another post...
Ok, what I was saying is this!
Pie is...
Just what it is Pie....

We need pie, because one day it could become extinct.
Now, I got your attention!

Get out your rolling pins, ladies and let's roll!

Living From Glory To Glory Blog
Learning to cook and bake will never go out of style...

A wise woman will make the time to cook and bake to bless and nourish
Her hubby and family.

I think I will be looking for a good  Banana Cream pie recipe,
Because I had a slice of one last night, at a friends Birthday party
and it really was a slice of heaven.
When was the last time you baked a pie?


Saturday, July 13, 2013

Souls And Fruit...

Tending Our Gardens, Living from glory to glory blog...

Summer Days
Giving and Growing
These are two things we are always wrestling with as we work!
Giving of our strength and our time.

We put are hands to the task and pull and push,
we bend and we conquer the mess at our feet.
Thorn and thistle
Fires and drought
Never give up since we have orders to subdue the land.
We are to take dominion!
Dear sisters do not grow weary while it is still day!
Arise for we will be a part of the Harvest!
Souls and Fruit

Our greenhouse is flourishing!

Small Green House, Living from Glory to glory blog...

Tending it daily, and weeding it!
But here is the KEY

Thank-you Lord for watering my thirsty soul!
Living From Glory To Glory

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Meeting Them In Heaven...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog...
Let The Son Warm Your Heart
Heal All Your Hurts
Sorrow and Pain
Take a deep breath and look into His marvelous creation.
He is the giver of All life...
All life is precious to Him
One day I believe when we women get to heaven, we will have
Sweet little ones to meet for the first time.
 For they were given to us for a very short time.
The life
To love...
May The God of all comfort;
Comfort all those who have lost a life
from the womb.
I look forward to meeting my precious wee ones taken so soon.
I look forward to meeting the brothers and sisters my own
Mother never got to hold.
Well, I can tell you now!
There is my Momma holding all those
wee precious ones for us till we get there!
Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Be My Guest

Today is a very special day in a very unique and a much honored position.
I am so happy to announce that I get to be a guest host writer
for a very sweet and special lady!
Her name is Vicky 
She is a teacher
 She has a very big heart.
She loves to create and do crafts.
I believe she has a bit of southern hospitality!
I feel like we can have and grow amazing friendships in our
 blogging communities.
Sometimes we are given a chance to promote another sister
And to help out when not able to blog for any given reason.
Or maybe to give some else a chance to shine!
Hey, let us not leave any blogger behind!
Now, If you want to meet a very gracious lady;
Stop over and say hi!
I am her guest writer today and what an honor it is for me!
I hope there are many more of us who will
ask someone to be a guest on their Blogs.


Monday, July 8, 2013

Sensory Overload

Some days I really need more options!
After a very long holiday weekend, I am always  left
feeling, out of sorts.
Why is that?
It was a great time,
 Great fellowship and food!
Our Grandson turned five years old.
Church was amazing.
So, we were so tired we decided to do nothing,
for the rest of the day...
This is what I looked like after watching two whole

Now, they were really good and sweet movies.
We watched them on the Inspirational channel.
After watching THAT much television, I am left feeling
Agitated and grumpy.
It must be a sensory overload condition.
It is like you use a part of your brain, but yet you're disconnected.
So, today is a new day!
"Live one day at a time,
and make it a masterpiece."

I find when I can write or read or converse,
I feel more connected.
Maybe this is why we have a world full of disconnected people.
Televisions, Video games, Texting, Email
Even when I post a blog I feel like it is a satisfaction of
creating and giving to others.
Ok, So my hubby say's if I would of know all this T.V. watching
would of made you so grumpy, I would of turned it off!
Yeah, right! Like I could not,  not!!
See the end...
So I really was a crabby old lady last night!
So I repent, and just resolve to only watch ONE movie!
So, my brain does not get a sensory overload
And blow a fuse!
Just for the record, I hardly ever watch T.V.
I think for me that is just wisdom.


Saturday, July 6, 2013

Featuring The Country Blossom

The Country Blossom Blog
Today I am featuring one of my dear blogging friends;
This sweet country style blog has a heart for home.
She loves to share pictures of the very things that makes her blog
Special, and from her heart.
Katy is her name;
She loves her Saviour, He is her everything.
She has shared her journey with so many!
We all have a story to tell!
I want to honor her as she has blessed others.
Growing gardens
And tending to her treasures
 (Her Family)
Home training her children.
And so much more!
Country in many ways,
Canning her harvest for the days to come,
Her heart is home!

May all you set your hand to prosper dear Katy.

And She watches over the affairs of her
household, and does not eat the bread of idleness.
Proverbs 31:27
Stop in and say hello, you will be glad you did!
Country Blossom Blog

Leave Katy a comment and tell her something you enjoyed about her blog!

Friday, July 5, 2013

Blogs I Love

Writing comes from the heart,
 And the heart beats life.
I have had a desire to do a post where I feature a new blog
 in each segment of a time frame.
 I will choose a new one from those blogs I love to read.
It is such a joy to read and to respond to those blogs
 that have nourished me.
   Some of them have made me laugh and a few times
 even shed a tear.
Some have inspired me to create,
 And called me to overcome in my hard times.
I have been challenged and convicted.
I desire to live and grow and to share my heart.
My heart is to speak life and to share the goodness;
So I humbly  respond to the Lord;
For He says promotion comes not
from the east or the west,
But from the Lord.
Now featuring the blogs I love.
Tomorrow is only a day away!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

A Little Advice

I am going to give you a little advice.
If you will just be kind it can change everything!
Women have been given the power of influence.
This is the bullet that hits its mark.
Kindness will change the atmosphere in any situation.

Showing kindness is one thing that anyone can understand!
Lord, Help us to be Your kindness in this day to all we encounter!
For this is real power that we can see instant fruit.
I believe we must learn to defuse situations that can arise.
Learning to be a peacemaker.
We can speak in a tone that can stop a firing squad of words.
May we be wise and yet show kindness in these days.
For so many people are feeling the stress of very
 hard and trying times.
We should be putting out fires with our words;
Not starting them!


Let us serve others and bring about His justice, by showing kindness.


Monday, July 1, 2013

Will Freedom Continue To Reign

Majestic and Powerful
 Pray that FREEDOM will continue to reign!
I just love America!!
I am so blessed...
Count Your Blessings,
Name them one by one
I have learned this one thing;
When I give thanks and not take for granted God's blessings.
This is what I have experienced.
Joy and a deep peace. We all know stuff can never make us
happy or content in our hearts.
Contentment comes when we give.
Giving, is what so many of you women do each and everyday.
This is what will fill your hearts with real fulfillment.
So many things anymore do not last, we buy many things
made in other countries, that has no real worth or value.
When we have become comfortable with so so.
That is what we become!
A life lesson I learned when I was first married was this;
Take care of whatever God has given you!!
Keep it maintained and use it properly.
God is a God of increase.
But if we do not thank Him and show honor for His provision,
We are disrespecting His hand.
We have all seen the decaying of America!
Keep watch dear ones...
Keep your Heart and your Home
Honor what He has given you...
My favorite saying;

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