Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Mercy Is The Seat I Desire To Sit Upon...

A Tea Party, Living from glory to glory blog...

Afternoon Tea

Sometimes we need to remind ourselves of how important it is
To have a few friends of whom we love and to gather them together.

But, we are living in a different time.
So as I have seen even myself have the desire to stay closer to home;
I am still going to take a little portion of each day and dedicate it to a
time to rest and relax and to think home-living thoughts!
To look at a magazine that inspires me to make my home lovely and cozy!
To look about as to what I might change around.

Or to sit with a pen and paper in hand and write down some ideas! 
Recipe's, craft ideas, letters to a friend.

Everyday I try to do a little something to make my house special!

Keeping one's heart soft and tender!

As women we have so many areas to manage;
When you were a young Mother and homemaker you had
Different responsibilities and desires!

And as we are still homemakers we are still called to manage our homes!
House Wife and A Home Maker...

Living means making your life and home
a memorable experience!

Live your life and forget your age;
Young or Old you bring wisdom and hope and joy!

Mercy is the seat I desire to sit upon;
For myself and for others!

Journal my days so all will not be forgotten!

A few hours given to your heart of hearts will provide wealth!
A treasury stored up with little things!
The cool breeze blowing the curtains
The sun shining upon the kitchen table.
The words of encouragement you received or gave...

We could travel the world over looking for beauty;
But, better to look within one's own Home!

Sending each of you a hearty hello!
We are weary at times, but encourage yourself in the Lord!

Always, living From Glory To Glory


  1. Beautiful words. I. too, am finding myself wanted to be home more. Unfortunately, with our children living all over the world, travel is necessary to see them. I love taking care of my husband and my home. I am blessed.

  2. Hello dear one, Wonderful post and you always encourage each of us in the Lord. Praying you have a blessed week.

  3. Hi Roxy, This is a beautiful post my friend and a wonderful reminder and inspiration for us all. Thank you for sharing your heart. Oh and that pie and treats look delicious!! God Bless. xo

  4. Beautiful words Roxy! I do love being home surrounded by friends and family. Even when we travel. As much as I love seeing the beauty around the world, it's not long before I miss my home and garden.

  5. A very inspiring post, dear Roxy. Mmmm...that table with all of those goodies looks wonderful...what time is tea?? :D

  6. What a beautifully inspiring post. I am a homemaker and so thrilled to be. I know God has called me to do so and, therefore, I celebrate it. :)

  7. Such a beautiful post Roxy... :) thank you.

  8. Oh yes Roxy, I am such a homebody! I'm so happy for the days I can just stay home, and not have to be anywhere! There is such joy in doing things around the home, and making sure our loved ones are well cared for. What a blessing to be able to do that! I know that this is a different stage of life for you, with just your husband now to care for. There are so many different stages of our lives, and we can choose to find peace and joy in each of them, regardless of the difficulties that are also present. I always am inspired when I visit with you, hugs!

  9. Roxy,
    I have always been somewhat of a homebody, even more so these days! I do confess your photo of pie, croissants, squares etc makes me want to be a homebody in your home at the moment.....lol, it looks amazing! :)

  10. What a beautiful post, Roxy! The older I get, the more I love being home...working in the gardens, baking and cooking, and just phoofing the house. Family seems to be my "circle" of friends more and more. Your table of treats looks wonderful!! I wish we lived close.
    Love to you my friend.

  11. As I regain energy and strength, I hope to better take care of my home. Right now, in spite of disappointments, I need to better my home by smiling more in spite of the tears that threaten to fall.

    Be blessed, thank you for inspiring me once again.

    Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage

  12. Your posts are always so refreshing and timely Roxy :) I loved the photo of the table looking so beautiful with its abundant spread of delicious food. It spoke love, care and attention to your home and family. Your words were inspiring and reminded me to slow down my 'busy' ness and focus back again on what's important (I've been over working lately and not blogging much).. Thankyou wise woman of God ~ Linda

  13. Such a sweet tea time you've had! I love all the ideas you have of how to spend time making our homes a special place. Keeping one's heart soft and tender...very wise! Thank you for your encouragement in homemaking....your words are just perfect.

  14. What a blessings it is to read your letter this afternoon. 💛💛


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