Tuesday, September 17, 2019

How To Have A Better Home And Garden...

Be Transformed, Living From glory To glory blog...

Laziness ...

If you don’t think laziness is a problem in America,
Consider the fact that we have a chair, the “Laz-e-boy,”
 Tailored for and marketed to the American home.
And it sells! 

Laziness, much like selfishness, is bent toward the self,
But it gets its marching orders from the comfort committee.
We desire the comfort and refuse to do anything difficult because it could be uncomfortable.

Laziness is chiefly about preserving and promoting the perception of personal comfort.
And laziness becomes a lie to yourself and others!

What has been something you have had a few nudges to accomplish?,
But still have not moved in that direction.

We should know when there is a problem in our marriages and our homes,

And we should also know that it requires a change, perhaps even a painful change.
So what happens? 
Laziness say's,
 “Oh, I’ll get to this another time.”
Or laziness says convincingly, “It’s not that bad. 

Waiting for later can result in a broken marriage!
Your home turning into a broken down shack!

Laziness is a terrible crisis in our culture!
Years ago, there were so many that kept their homes clean!
Planted flowers and trees in their yards!
Painted and reused their furniture!
Made curtains from flour sacks for the windows.
They would even sweep their front porches.
We have so much more to use as resources,
But, So many homes are looking more unloved and not cared for!
If you do not think this is true, take a drive through your town.

Time and energy is a gift from the Lord!

Get busy and deep clean your homes!
Even if you start with one room at a time...

Get busy and give some attention to your marriage!
Marriage is always in need of attention
Making time for one another,
Laughing together,
Good food and making time to sup together!

Laziness can be so easily taken care of by just doing something every day!

Get busy and clean up your homes and yards!

Do not be like the slugger, or sloth!

Work and use your time wisely...

Your marriage and homes are worth all the effort you can put into them daily!

Working is what is required of each of us;
Carry your own load!

Trust me, I can get tired easily as I have aged, and as we have all experienced health issues,
Also, having young children at home, financial troubles.
But we must push through and get a handle on these things!

Learn to manage your time...
Look good. Smell good, work hard, pray hard
That is how we become more valuable than rubies.

As Always, Living From glory To Glory
Love, Roxy


  1. So true, Roxy...letting things go out of laziness shows...in ourselves, and our homes. The more we put things off, the more it shows in our lives. It's true in our spiritual lives, as well. Your words are convicting. Time to get off this computer, and get to work!! Much love to you, dear friend.

  2. I was thinking the same thing as I drove through a part of town recently I hadn't been in for awhile. The homes looked very run down with no flowers and the grass was mainly overgrown weeks. So sad.
    My husband keeps our yard impeccable, although as we age, who knows what will happen.
    I practically live in my laziboy chair because of back issues. I get up, do one thing and have to sit for an hour or so, but I make use of my sitting time to knit for charity. So far 93 pair are done of my 120 yearly mitten project to the low income elementary school. This is my 5th year making them. After that, I keep my hands busy with lots of other charity knitting for the Veterans Home, babies at the hospital and local Crisis Nursery.
    I may not be able physically to do what I once did with ease, but God has blessed me with a love and talent for making yarny things to bless others with.
    Have a lovely day Roxy.

  3. 100 stars and thumbs up for this one! At first my spell thing took over and wrote straws instead of stars so I'll give you some straws too. These days thats a compliment.

  4. Another great post, Roxy! I admit to laziness at times but I do know work is necessary and can even be full of joy if I have the right attitude. TY for the encouragement!!!

  5. Very good word of encouragement to do what is right!

  6. Excellent admonition Roxy. I've not finished with all the things stored in our garage when we moved yet. I'm feeling better now, and I got started yesterday. I filled a garbage can with things that shouldn't have been moved and cardboard boxes. Yes, maybe I should have recycled, but I just needed it done.
    Be blessed,
    Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage

  7. Excellent post and such very wise words, blessings. Sue

  8. Wonderful wonderful much needed exhortation Roxy.
    I call laziness a time stealer .. and the worst time stealer is a tv or electronic device.. they're more damaging than time stealers they're anti social.
    Simple life has much to say for it.
    I haven't watched tv in months. I have radio on occasionally for talk back or news, it seems to give better overview as tv but can work while you listen.... Otherwise listen to sermons hymns etc.
    Garbage in is garbage out.
    Hope you might pop over to my Christian blog too
    Thanks for being a blessing, and may God bless you too.
    Hugs, Shaz in Oz.x

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  9. As I grow older, I find myself leaning towards being "lazy".
    So, now I have a pedometer attached to my waist. At the end of each day, I check to see how active I was.
    YES! Get busy!

  10. Thanks for your great loving encouragement! When we put in the effort there is great rewards! Makes me think about the dusting that I have to do...that I always leave to last.

  11. Hi Roxy, What an inspiration your blog is to me. It is really refreshing to read posts that encourage old fashioned values. If we could get young ladies (and men) to absorb the values you teach what a kinder, gentler world we would have. On another note, i think i have found someone who has and wears aprons as much or more than me. I am very much an apron devotee, but they must be of vintage full length style. These new Unisex aprons are not for me. lol Think Victorian housemaids aprons, but in a floral/ feminine print and you will be pretty close with the style I like. Bye for now , Blessings, Grace.


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