Monday, September 16, 2024

Get Your House In Order...


God's Beautiful Evening Sunset, Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Every Man is made for his own time and Work...

J. R. Miller

Every day we are given an equal time to do something!

Some days are more productive than others.

But each day we can set our hand to something profound!

Staying Home...

When we stay home, you are able to have a more organized life.

You will save money!

You will eat better!

Get your house in order...




The things we say and believe matter more than ever now!

When you lay your head down upon your pillow;

Pray, Give thanks for the day you have been given!

Stop riding the fence line for the scenery, but look

for the broken down fence post and the rusted out barbwire.

We must have strong and safe borders in our lives!

Beware of the gaps and open windows and doors.

This glorious earth is constantly teaching us spiritual truths! 

Remember you are responsible for managing your own life!

Allow the Lord to lead you in putting your house in order!

As Always Living From Glory To Glory

Hugs, Roxy

P. S.  Faith is just acting on Gods Word...


Saturday, August 3, 2024

Storm Rider


Riders On The Storm. Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

 It's been a wild ride these last few years.

But the last few months have been a typhoon condition.

I really can't see myself being tossed around to and fro!

I was told I take the scriptures to literal!

Was that a compliment?

Probably not...

I have decided to just write and see where it goes for now!

Tolerance cannot be the alibi for the systematic destruction 

of christian society!


The Hope for the future

Are you going to follow Jesus??

Or ask Jesus to follow and bless your plans?

We must remember the Blessed Hope!

So don't lose heart!

We must be very discerning!!

We must be Brave...

We have a Savior and its not the government!

Storm Rider...

"You must overcome

Endure till the end"

What is a Storm Rider???

What is the Storm???

A storm of unsettling emotions, that is dumped upon 

you by someone else.

It can take just one person to make you feel

sick in your soul (Mind, Will, and Emotions)

Prepare your home and heart for a storm.

The Storm is spiritual and physical!

Do all you possibly can...

A Storm Rider Will Ride Out The Storms

Black Clouds 



Lies, Deceptions, Following the Culture

This Storm will come upon those who say

God does not exist!

We will all see this Storm;

But I believe God's protection will be upon many

That believe in God and trust Jesus.

(The shelter of the most high)


Living From Glory To glory

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

The Wise Woman Builds Her House...

What makes you Happy?, Living from Glory To glory Blog...


What kind of flower makes you happy or makes you think of Home?

There is something about this red flower that makes me think of country living.

Not everyone lives in the country, but I think we all long for our own space!
Whether it is a patio in an apartment or forty acres of land.
We long for a place to plant a flower or a tree or a small herb garden.

Everything we eat, fruits and vegetables all come from a living thing.
 Things that have life give off a sense of well being!
Green grass, rolling hills, meadows of flowers;
Or a single flowering plant can make us feel happy!

I have found that just being outside in nature can change
Your outlook on your day!

It has become so easy to be overwhelmed with all that
Needs to be done in a day.

But when we look back upon each day when the sun begins to set;
I promise you this, you have done something to make your
home life better!
It can be just a small moment of gratitude and thankfulness
Of all God has given you!!

Trust me, you do not want to be the kind of woman
Described in the opposite of the Wise Woman in Proverbs!
Because this Woman is called foolish!

The statement that says she pulls it down with her hands!

But God wants you to build your house!!

Every day you are building your House!
Or pulling it down...

But in most cases we are maintaining them.
Taking care of what we already have.

This culture tries its very best to groom us to want more.

And we all know stuff and things will not fill your empty tank!
We must fill our tanks with the simple, pure things in this life!

There is a battle for the mind!
The reason for this strategy is that the mind is where the enemy
does his work to make the child of God sad or confused or ineffective.

You can pull your home down with your actions or your words.

Start this very moment to do one thing to make your home a haven!
Build your home up daily.

The Wise Woman builds her house...
But the foolish pulls it down with her hands.
Proverbs 14:1

Hugs, Roxy
Living From Glory To Glory

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Are You Being Brainwashed...


Are you being brainwashed?

Brainwashing does not just happen over night.

It happens slowly and methodically.

Ask yourself this question...

Is there anything you once were just appalled or disgusted with?

Or you knew it grieved your spirit man, or the heart of the Father?

And are you now not as shocked or upset over this thing?

Then you have probably been seduced or brainwashed!

We will be accustomed to a culture that breeds excepting,

Anything and everything that they believe is a reality to them.

Years ago this thinking was called delusional.

When we see a wrong behavior in our loved ones,

We can rethink what the real truth may be??!!##

We can then see a change in what we believe...

Remember this, we are all being told we must be tolerant.

The brainwashing influence of modern culture has caused people,

To be confused and discontent...

We have been taught to have an attention span of a flea.

Are minds just become a flighty thing.

Not focused or discerning of truth!

Being discontent and dissatisfied is what opens us up to our

fleshly desire, which will breed an open mind to being

Controlled or conditioned on what you must think!

This is called BRAINWASHING...

This is why we must be very aware of what we are thinking!

We must be careful to hate what God hates

We must speak truth in LOVE

When you are faced with the truth or being told a lie

Can you discern between the lie and truth?

Can you make a difference???

I believe just one truth can make a difference...


Do any of you miss my Blog Post?


Saturday, April 20, 2024

Sowing And Reaping...


Sowing And Reaping, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Planting Seeds

We don't just plant seeds in the Spring or Fall

We are planting seeds everyday!

In other words, we are sowing And reaping everyday.

If we want to see growth in our lives;

Or in the lives of others, we must remember

everything comes from the seeds that you are planting.

There are as many seeds as there is living things!

If we want flowers we will plant flower seeds.

If we want vegetables to eat, we plant those seeds.

But if we want to honor God, we must plant the gifts,

 He has made available to us!

People are looking for a harvest in their lives;

And they have never realized you first must plant the seed!

But even before we can do that, we must break up the

Dry fallow ground, so it can receive the seed.

God allows us to be turned over in a way, till the soil.

We are all Sowing and Reaping daily...

This is why we must be aware of the choices

And the decisions we are making! 

It's never too late to plant seeds that will reap a harvest;

That aligns with all the things that will bring God glory.

What type of seeds are you planting?

Are you sowing love, joy, peace, patience, kindness,

goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control

In your relationships with others?

And be mindful of the pesky weeds (SIN) that will try to overtake

your heart and mind!

Plead the blood of Jesus over all your household!

Blessings, Roxy

Living From Glory To Glory...

He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly

and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully.

2 Corinthians 9:6

Are you watching for the weeds?

How to get the whole root out:

Water the ground well and then pull out the weed with the root intact...

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Transforming Words...


Transforming Words, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

~Pretty As A Picture~

Why is it so important to be creative?

Because we are using the parts of our living bodies that

God gave us; Our Hearts, Our Minds.

Our Hands, Our Words...

Transforming Words

We are hearing and seeing so many things that can

Destroy a healthy, sound mind!

We must gird up ourselves with Transforming Words,

And thoughts!!!

Negative is all, abounding!

I try to pray this prayer for myself daily;

Lord, Set a guard over my mouth and may the

Law of kindness be upon my lips!

Just think about this for a minute;

If everything that came out of our mouths came to pass,

We would find ourselves in a very strange place.

There is a story about a woman who had a fever,

She went to the doctors and they could find no reason for

Her high fever!?!

But whenever this lady got angry she would say the same thing

"That just makes my blood boil"

Who knows, is this true?

The point is this...

If we were more diligent over our words, we just

Might be able to avoid some awful things.

I believe if we would record our words in a day,

We would be shocked at all the negative things and even 

Damaging accusations about ourselves and our situations!

I've heard people say=


Now that should be a wake up call!!

Our Words and thoughts paint a picture!

A woman with a gentle, quiet spirit must be mindful

 Of what comes out of their mouths.

I have to remind myself of this scripture!

Out of the abundance of his heart his mouth speaks

Luke 6:45

Watching our words and thoughts is a full-time job;

But with the help of the Holy Spirit, we can

Change our vocabulary.

Sending a big hello and Hug to all of you !!

Blessings, Roxy

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

How To Be The Wise Woman That Builds Her Home...


Proverbs 14:1 Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

~The Wise Woman Builds Her House~

I have always loved this scripture and have desired to be this

kind of woman in my heart. And to learn as how to actually

build my home with wisdom!

Proverbs 14:1

Wisdom does not come without discipline and following Christ.

But you can be this woman if you put your heart into it!

God has asked us to be this woman...

So he will help us in this endeavor, because it will bring

His glory and His presence in  your life and home.

To build anything that will last in this world, must be

Built with Love and Filled with Love

Building your home is something you do every day!

Line upon line

Precept upon precept

It takes setting your hand to the spindle and working it into

something useful and kind and cozy.

A wise woman creates a household that is characterized;

 By Love and a nurturing atmosphere.

Think of those simple things that bring love and life to your home.

Love is an action word...

So many things we do in any given day can turn into

nothing long lasting. It is called wood, hay and stubble.

We want to build a firm foundation made to last,

And to be able to endure the trials and testing that will come.

Choose your words wisely and your actions!

As once they are spoken or acted out;

We cannot change them!

We must learn to be that wise woman...

Pray for your family

Pray for your loved ones

Keep a clean home

Be kind

Serve meals and a refreshing cup of tea or coffee

Listen and respond with compassion and encouragement!

Fill your home with treasures that bring light and love!

Do not become cold and frustrated and giving up

Of Hope and Love to those whom God has given you!

The world and especially this country has tried hard

To destroy the family.

A woman can turn the tide, just by being a Wise Woman

in her home and standing on what is true and profitable.

Do not allow the world and it's way to lead you astray of

what will bring God Glory!!

Hugs, Roxy

Wednesday, February 7, 2024

To The Republic, One Nation Under God...

                                         Old Glory, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America,
 and to the republic for which it stands,
 one nation under God,
 indivisible, with liberty
 and justice for all."

I wonder how many people can say this by heart?
We said the Pledge of  Allegiance every morning in school;
With our hand over our heart!

The Pledge of Allegiance is a Promise to be Loyal to the United States!

Liberty and Justice in America cost so very much!
And these people are coming in and wanting what
We all have worked so hard for!
Many of us have lost loved ones that fought for our liberty.

We are not a Democracy in this country!

We are a Constitutional Republic!

While often categorized as a democracy,
 The United States is more accurately defined as a constitutional federal republic.
 What does this mean?
 refers to the fact that government in the United States is based on a Constitution
 Which is the supreme law of the United States.

It was founded on God's Truth,
Freedom cost so many hardships and Blood, Sweat and Tears!

Are these illegal immigrants going to show loyalty to this country?
We have been invaded by who knows!
We better Pray for a miracle Folks

Just how in the World can we sustain 22 Million people;
That can't speak English and are mostly from Communist regimes?
Just Saying

We must get back to what matters!
God and family and life and Liberty
To Obey God
To obey the Constitution
To Take care of our Families

And To Close Our Borders!!!!!

It's so out of control

Praying Psalm 91 Daily

Believing God for His direction and His protection...

Monday, January 22, 2024

Beware Of Making Promises...


Beware of making Promises, Living Ftom Glory To Glory Blog...

Keeping Your Promises

It is so important to keep your promises.

But keeping them may be harder than you ever imagined.

That is why we must be very careful when and who we

make a promise to.

We have all felt the effects of someone not keeping their promises.

We have seen it all in the divorce of so may couples.

We have all said "I Promise" to someone about something.

A promise is really just being faithful;

In doing what you said you would do.

A promise is giving your word!

What is our word worth?

I realize there are always situations that arise,

That makes it impossible to fulfill a promise.

But we must try to be a person that follows through!

As it has become a serious problem a lack of fidelity

To promises and engagements...

That we have made to others.

We will all be let down at some time.

And I mourn over those that I made promises to

 And did not keep in my lifetime.

But, we can take heart!

We have a God that never will break His promises!

May I encourage you to look in the Word and see,

And believe all His glorious promises!!

His Word will never let us down;

We can trust him always!

But as his Bride may we do our very best to keep

The promise's we make!

We have all heard the saying,

"He is a man of his word"

We are all sick and tired of all the lies and deception...

We do not want to align with the tactics of the father of lies.

There is no truth in him!

So, we may be better to not promise anything,

May our Yes be Yes


Our No be No

~Our Father in Heaven wants us to be Faithful~

Blessings, Roxy

Thanks so much to those who have left 

comments and love all these years!

Monday, January 15, 2024

How To Find Tranquility...


Peaceful Landscape, Living From Glory To Glory Blog

~There Will Be Seasons You Must Just Rest~

When we pull back from all distractions, we can focus!

I have had so many overwhelming feelings.

The world is changing so fast and it seems like for the worst.

Every road just seems bumpy...

So, I had to just stop before I just raged in disappointment

and wrote things that would not edify!

I have very strong feelings and opinions!

But my heart beats more steady when I do all the things

that fill me with joy!

When we expose ourselves to the dark stuff we fade.

I felt like a plant that had no water or sunshine!

So, I really have focused on doing things

 that fill me and provides me with purpose!

"I am a wife so I bless my husband

I am an artist, so I paint

I am a writer, so I write

I am a grandmother

I am a great grandmother

I am a friend

 so I will invest in them"

I do believe we are in for a bumpy ride;

So I will hang on as if I was on a roller coaster,

And enjoy the ride.

And I will cover my eyes when I can't look!

Taking every thought captive!

You must put up boarders;

Around your heart and mind!

~Because out of the heart the mouth speaks~

Fill your days and moments with life...

Find the tranquility

Find moments in your days to be thankful!

My days will have joy and purpose,

Because whether I eat or drink, I will do it as unto the Lord.

God's timing is perfect, we must just wait upon Him

May You all enjoy the purpose and plan God has for you;

In this season of your lives...

Always, Living From Glory To Glory

Hugs, Roxy

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