Fault Finding
"It starts with a little irritation"
And if you don't act quickly and change the direction of
that irritation it will turn into a full blown battle.
We are told to take every thought captive.
Our thoughts are either under the control of the
Goodness and Mercy of the Lord.
Or the god of this world.
Now, I know we all can say something stupid,
This happens when we open our mouths
and speak before we think!
Heck, we all even repeat ourselves.
Or the irritation starts when a person is telling us
the same old story again and again.
What I am wanting to be aware of these annoyances that
they can turn us quickly into a fault-finding mode.
Alas, then a snarky tone arises in your voice,
then the looks start;
Maybe the eyeballs start rolling
(Inconspicuously of course)
Inside your head your thinking
What, I don't have time for this or not again!
But these situations are actually being used to refine you!
And to teach us Mercy and Grace...
And not being a faultfinding person.
I do not want to be an impatient person
Or an ungodly fact checker;
And may I ask who is going to monitor the monitor?
Ask yourself am I showing no Grace for shortcomings?
Maybe you're in the habit of thinking that my way is always right?
Or the way I do it is the right way!
Can satan hack into our thoughts like a cyberpirate?
I do think he tries to plant things in our thoughts;
That is why we must put barbed wire around
our thinking and our thoughts!!
Don't be a fault finder or an all knowing fact checker...
Jesus said come to me!
So quickly take the time to ask Jesus's to help you
Overcome this unloving behavior.
Lord set a guard over my mouth and the law of kindness
upon my lips.
And a covering over my thoughts.
As Always, Living From Glory To Glory
Hugs, Roxy