Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Beauty in Our Homes

Autumn Flowers
Beauty comes from the Lord
He makes ALL things beautiful
Scripture tells us He makes all things new!
I have been praying for creative wisdom,
there are so many amazing and
beautiful things, just waiting
to be created.
We as woman have been given a nesting instinct.
We want to surround ourselves with beauty.
It can be simple and cozy,
or crisp and sleek.
But it must...
Have warmth, and be welcoming!!
Let authentic kindness be its main focus.
Let charity grace its rooms
Let beauty fill its halls.
Beauty and charm ,
comes  from a heart filled with HIM!
Blessings, Roxy

Monday, October 15, 2012

Room for More

 The Rolling Prairie

This is our backyard!
Have you ever driven through a place where
you did not see a person for miles?

It is really hard to believe we abort babies!
There is more then enough room.
What happened to Momma's?
Where have all the children gone?
We need our babies and our children!
Life and Liberty for ALL
Blessings, Roxy

Friday, October 12, 2012

Fiesta Fall And Anaheim Chili's...

Fresh picked Anaheim Chili's

Breakfast For My Man
Autumn time means: Green Chili's!!
We go to one of the many farms in our area and we purchase
around 2 to 4 bushels.
They roast them in a huge rolling roaster bin,
and the fragrance is so unique, it makes your mouth water.
We bring them home with a 10lb. Bag of fresh pinto beans.
Now we put them up by placing them in freezer bags,
Maybe 7 per bag.
  Then put about 5 bags together in another gallon size bag.
We put them in a box and place them in our big freezer. 
I like to put these in casseroles, and in my salsa.
I also make chili rellonos.
My hubby likes them in his omelets.
Now the pinto beans are the most delicious tasting beans ever,
You just rinse and soak them overnight,
Then you put in your crock pot and cover with water 2-3in.
Add a TB. Butter (no salt)

Cook most the day till tender,
 Then now add salt, cumin spice and garlic salt.
After you have had some with your dinner,
 Place extra beans in bags or tubs and freeze.
Learning to buy while in season or on sale and putting back will
save you time and money.

In the house of the wise are stores of choice food
and oil, but a foolish man devours all he has.

Blessings, Roxy

Thursday, October 11, 2012

A Mothers Heart

My daughter Ashley and Daughter in law Amy
My oldest grandchild Naomi

My precious grand daughters:
Naomi and Hannah

                       Today is a very special day!
                       It is my daughter's Birthday!
         I  just wanted to take some time and celebrate the amazing gifts God has given me,
My girls and my grand daughters.
I speak a blessing over each one of them that they will
be all God has placed in their hearts, and they will
be wise women, and will continue to build their houses.
Her children arise and call her blessed:Proverbs 31:28
I was thinking what words of wisdom could I speak into their lives?
Did I live my life as an example that they would want to follow?
If I had a single flower
for every time I think about you,
I could walk forever in my garden.
In raising my children, it seemed like the days lasted forever,
It was the years that went fast.
Blessings, Mother

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

We Are The Apple Of His Eye... His Provisions

Living From Glory To Glory Blog
Thank you for apple peelers

Living From Glory To Glory Blog
This fall, we really made the applesauce, it was a lot of work but the rewards
Are worth it all...

My daughter in law and I made 20 pints of applesauce, and 20 pints of apple butter.
 We were blessed with 4 bushels of apples.
 We had so many that we were able to give some away to our dear friends Pam and Steve.
 We really love the apple butter, it tastes so good on toast!
I believe making your own jams and jellies are so rewarding.
I want to really make canning and putting back a big part of our food pantry
~ Also it looks so nice to see it on your shelves~

I know it is tempting to want to put it where everyone can see it,
But it is much wiser to put in a pantry where it is cool and dark.
For the quality and longevity will last much longer,
 if you will be careful as to how you store it.
We also put some up with spices and flour for apple pies,
and put them in the freezer.
We have plum juice made up and in the freezer, and very soon we will
be making our whole families favorite Plum Jelly!
Be encouraged
Be wise
Be frugal
Be prepared!!
Our barns shall be filled with every kind of provision.
Blessings, Roxy

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Boots In The Lord's Army

The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord.
and he delights in his way.
Psalms 37:23
I love this scripture, it fills me with great peace,
and comfort.
Our Father has an amazing journey,
planned for each one of us.
We must keep our hearts focused and diligent.
Be careful to stay on His path.
For He is faithful
Our part is to keep our lives free from the distractions,
so we will be able to run our race.
As the Holy Spirit directs our steps.
Keep your boots strapped on dear ones,
possible rocky trails ahead.
Watch for large rocks,and pot holes.
Keep your eyes opened for bandits.
Just never ever give up!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Granchildren Our Inheritance

Our precious one!
Here is a sweet picture of our 7th grandchild.
His name is David 
He is 4 months old now.
I have yet to hold him in my arms,
For he lives far away from his Grandma and Papa.
He looks so much like his Momma when she was but a baby.
I know that there are many Grandma's who know the heartache
of having their precious grandchildren so far away.
But we as parents all know it it part of our job,
to raise our children to have roots.
Bur also to have wings to go wherever the Lord
leads them.
Blessings, Roxy

Monday, October 1, 2012

Unique Days

Live this Day Abundantly
All of our days kinda line up just like this row,
of pumpkins.
They all look alike, but they are all very different.
Look more closely!
May you see all there is to see.
From the rising of the sun, to it's setting in the west.
May the light of Gods word, be illuminated
for you.
Make sure you have enough oil in your lamps,
for today's journey.
May you go about doing,all there is to do.
And in this doing may it all be for
God's glory.
So as the sun sets in the west you will hear,
Well done good and faithful servant.
The wise virgin took oil in their vessels with their lamps.
Matthew 25:4
Blessings, Roxy

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Aprons And More

Why I love My Aprons
Have you ever just made a wee bite to eat, and
looked down to discover food splattered all
over your nice clean clothes.
I can remember the first time this happened when it just crushed me.
It was Thanksgiving Day,
and I was mixing the gravy and it splattered all over
my brand new top.
Now, my hubby sweetly said why didn't you put  an
apron on??
LIKE ,I don't have ONE!!
Days after a ruined shirt never to be worn again.
I did find an old apron made by my hubbies sister in home economics class
many moons ago.  So I used it as my pattern...
Now, I have many lovely different fabrics, a few different patters,
but the principle is still the principle.
Why I love my aprons.
More on aprons to come.
Blessings, Roxy

Thursday, September 27, 2012

The Invisible Man...

A Little Boy In A Tree, Living From Glory To Glory Blog
Seeing dimly?
Sometimes we only see what we want to see.
Other times we only see the shadow of what is there.
I have been praying for my eyes to be opened,
I want to see what God is doing!
One of the things I have noticed all around me is the way people just feel invisible,
they look sad.  And look stressed out, worried, agitated.
Like this world has not been kind to them.
So I have asked myself if I would take the time and smile or nod my head,
to those I pass in my journey this day.
People are feeling lonely and lost!
Let us who know the truth, be the light that can expose the shadow.
The shadow is the fear and loneliness, it seeks ti kill steal and destroy.
So shine on, Be the light!
Try this experiment:
The next time you're out and you see the downcast or hurt,
smile and say hello or just smile...
Do not give people the impression that they are invisible, by not seeing them!
Blessings, Roxy

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

The Republic

Pray For America


A free America this is the republic for which we stand
One Nation under God

I am so thankful for being an American.
God has shed His grace on thee.

We will stand and not fall

We must stand united


If  My people who are called by My name will humble themselves,
and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways,
then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin
and heal their land. 2Chronicles7:14 NKJV
Blessings, Roxy

Fears Of Blogging...

I was just frozen with fear!
It came upon me with one little click of a button.
Trying to change my background turned into a
Maiden in distress.
I warned my  Hubby if I start to scream, I have just erased my Blog!
I still don't know if your suppose to remove your old background, before adding the new one.
Can anyone answer this for me?
I fully understand the dangers in Blogging.
I need support.
I must conquer my fears!
Feeling dizzy and weak!
Need nourishment!!!
Now, let me ask you other bloggers out there, before you had 7 zillion followers
Have YOU ever experienced this??
My sweet hubby applied his reading glasses and  tried to help me
Find the answers in my newly purchased Google Blogger For Dummies book.
I really do not know what I did, but my Blog is still alive
Blogging has definitely been a learning curve for me!
I have enjoyed having a place to love and encourage others.
May we not be fearful, But rather grow in new skills
And Beyond...

Blessings, Roxy
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